Revision | Summary of Changes | Date |
4.0 |
LISF 557WW 7.6.0 release |
Nov 12, 2024 |
2.6 |
LISF 557WW 7.5.19 release |
Nov 1, 2024 |
2.5 |
LISF 557WW 7.5.18 release |
Aug 27, 2024 |
3.0 |
LISF Public 7.5.0 release |
Jan 10, 2024 |
2.4 |
LISF Public 7.4.3 release |
Oct 03, 2023 |
2.3 |
LISF 557WW 7.5.9 release |
Jul 05, 2023 |
2.2 |
LISF 557WW 7.5.8 release |
Jun 30, 2023 |
2.1 |
LISF 557WW 7.5.0 release |
Nov 30, 2022 |
2.0 |
LISF Public 7.4.0 release |
Jun 22, 2022 |
1.18 |
LISF Public 7.3.5 release |
Jun 10, 2022 |
1.17 |
LISF 557WW 7.4.8 release |
Jan 20, 2022 |
1.16 |
LISF Public 7.3.2 release |
Dec 06, 2021 |
1.15 |
LISF 557WW 7.4.6 release |
Nov 17, 2021 |
1.14 |
LISF 557WW 7.4.5 release |
Sep 28, 2021 |
1.13 |
LISF Public 7.3.1 release |
Mar 31, 2021 |
1.12 |
LISF 557WW 7.4.0 release |
Mar 4, 2021 |
1.11 |
LDT 557WW 7.3.3 release |
Jan 25, 2021 |
1.10 |
LISF Public 7.3.0 release |
Dec 21, 2020 |
1.9 |
LDT 557WW 7.3.0 release |
Aug 24, 2020 |
1.8 |
LDT 557WW 7.3 release candidate 4 |
Aug 28, 2019 |
1.7 |
LDT 7.2 AFWA Release patch 1 |
Feb 9, 2018 |
1.6 |
LDT 7.2 AFWA Release |
Feb 2, 2018 |
1.5 |
LDT 7.2 AFWA Beta Release |
Nov 24, 2017 |
1.4 |
LDT 7.2 Public Release |
May 6, 2017 |
1.3 |
LDT 7.1 Public Release patch 3 |
November 7, 2016 |
1.2 |
LDT 7.1 Public Release patch 1 |
October 22, 2015 |
1.1 |
LDT 7.1 Public Release |
April 27, 2015 |
1.0 |
LDT 7.1 Initial Release |
April 9, 2015 |
1. Introduction
This is the Users Guide for the Land surface Data Toolkit (LDT). This document describes how to download and install the LDT software. It also describes LDT’s run-time configuration options (the ldt.config file).
This document consists of 7 sections, described as follows:
Introduction: the section you are currently reading.
Background: general information about LDT.
Preliminary Information: general information, steps, instructions, and definitions used throughout the rest of this document.
Obtaining the Source Code: the steps needed to download the source code.
Building the Executable: the steps needed to build the LDT executable.
Running the Executable: the steps needed to prepare and submit a run.
LDT Config File: describes the various run-time configurations.
1.1. What’s New
1.1.1. Version 7.5
Includes new runmode
Operation Enhanced (9-km) SMAP soil moisture (SMAP_E_OPL)
Supports additional data assimilation observations
CDFS green vegetation fraction (CDFS_GVF)
GEOS-FP effective soil temperature (GEOS_FP_TEFFobs)
Precipitation output from a LIS run (LISlsmPrecipobs)
Soil temperature output from a LIS run (LISlsmTEFFobs)
Operational 9-km enhanced SMAP soil moisture retrieval (SMAP_E_OPLsm)
VIIRS green vegetation fraction (VIIRS_GVF)
Supports additional parameters
SnowModel parameters
1.1.2. Version 7.4
Includes new runmode
observation simulator runmode
Supports additional data assimilation observations
SMOS near-real-time neural-network L2 soil moisture (SMOS NRT NN L2 SM)
Thermal hydraulic disaggregation of soil moisture (THySM)
Supports additional parameters
Crocus parameters
Supports additional meteorological forcing sources
metforcing extracted from WRF output over Alaska domain (WRFAKdom)
metforcing extracted from WRF output (WRFoutv2)
Support for these metforcing sources was removed:
1.1.3. Version 7.3
Includes new runmodes
USAF snow and ice analysis (USAFSI) runmode
optimization and uncertainty estimation procecssing runmode
LIS Hydro preprocessing runmode
climatological restart processing runmode
Supports additional data assimilation observations
GLASS LAI observations
GRACE QL tws observations
Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) vegetation optical depth observations
NASA SMAP vegetation optical depth observations
Supports additional parameters
CLM45 parameters
glacier parameters
JULES 5.0 parameters
MERIT1K aspect, slope, and elevation parameters
HYMAP flow type, baseflow dwi ratio, and runoff dwi ratio parameters
Barlage native max snow albebdo parameter
MODIS native PFT landcover data
UKMO IGBP PFT landcover data
UM ancillary landcover data
NLDAS climatological precipitation data
UKMO IGBP native PFT landmask data
UKMO CAP landmask data
ISRIC texture and soil fraction parameter data
Supports GCOMW AMSR2 TB data in artificial neural network processing running mode
Supports ERA5 metforcing data in Metforcing processing running mode
1.1.4. Version 7.2
Includes artificial neural network processing runmode
Supports NESDIS SMOPS datasets versions 1.3, 2.0, and 3.0
Supports JULES parameters
Supports ISRIC soil texture data
1.1.5. Version 7.1
Includes MetTimeDScale runmode
Includes Metforcproc runmode
Supports crop parameters
Supports CLM2 parameters
Supports Flake parameters
Supports Mosaic parameters
Supports Noah parameters
Supports SiB2 parameters
Supports VIC parameters
Supports TRMM 3B42 V7 real time precipitation
Supports Aquarius L2 soil moisture observations
Supports GCOMW AMSR2 L3 soil moisture observations
Supports SMOS L2 soil moisture observations
Supports simulated GRACE products
1.1.6. Version 7.0
This is the initial version developed for processing data inputs to LIS version 7.0 or higher.
2. Background
A key step in preparing for land surface model (LSM) and hydrologic model simulations is ensuring that all parameters and data inputs belong to the same grid, projection, units, etc. The Land surface Data Toolkit (LDT) is an integrated framework designed specifically for processing data inputs for such land surface and hydrological models. The system not only acts as a pre-processor to the NASA Land Information System (LIS), which is an integrated framework designed for multi-model LSM simulations and data assimilation (DA) integrations, but as a land surface-based observation and DA input processor. LDT is also capable of deriving restart inputs and ensuring data quality control for inputs to LSMs and DA routines.
2.1. LDT
LDT provides an environment for processing LSM data and parameters, restart files and data assimilation based inputs (e.g., for bias correction methods). LDT offers and will offer a variety of user options and inputs to processing datasets for use within LIS and even stand-alone models. LDT is being designed with not only LIS in mind but for other independent models and data processing systems as well. This intended design is facilitated by the use of common data formats, like NetCDF, which provide detailed data header information.
LDT shares similar object oriented framework designs as LIS, with a number of points of flexibility known as “plugins”. Specific implementations are added to the framework through the plugin-interfaces. LDT uses the plugin-based architecture to support the processing of different types of observational data sets, ranging from in-situ, satellite and remotely sensed and reanalysis products.
2.2. Summary of key features
The key capabilities of LDT can be summarized as follows:
Processing and grouping parameters needed for different LSMs and hydrologic models
Producing observation-based data assimilation inputs (e.g., CDF matching)
Generate custom-made restart files for LSMs
Read in a variety of model inputs, for example:
Land cover maps — UMD AVHRR, MODIS-IGBP, USGS, etc.
Soil parameters — soil fractions, texture, color, etc.
Topographic — elevation, slope, aspect, etc.
Dynamic parameters — greenness fraction, LAI/SAI, albedo, etc.
Expanding LSM parameter tiling options to include topographic, soils, and other parameter information, beyond just land cover type tiling
Options for reading in or deriving a land/water mask during processing
3. Preliminary Information
This section provides some preliminary information to make reading this guide easier.
Commands are written with a fixed-width font. E.g.:
% cd /path/to/LDT
% ls
“… compiler flags, then run gmake
The % symbol represents the command-line prompt. You do not type that when entering any of the commands.
File names are written in italics. E.g.:
4. Obtaining the Source Code
This section describes how to obtain the source code needed to build the LDT executable.
Beginning with Land Information System Framework (LISF) public release 7.3, the LDT source code is available as open source under the Apache License, version 2.0. (Please see Apache’s web-site for a copy of the license.) LDT is one of the three main components of LISF (LDT, LIS, and LVT).
From LDT public release 7.1rp1 through 7.2, the LDT source code is available as open source under the NASA Open Source Agreement (NOSA). Please see LISF’s web-site for a copy of the NOSA.
Due to the history of LDT’s development, versions of the LDT source code prior to 7.1rp1 may not be freely distributed. Older source code is available only to U.S. government agencies or entities with a U.S. government grant/contract. LISF’s web-site explains how qualified persons may request a copy of older source code.
All users are encouraged to go to LISF’s web-site to fill in the Registration Form and join the mailing list. |
4.1. Important Note Regarding File Systems
LDT is developed on Linux/Unix platforms. Its build process expects a case sensitive file system. Please make sure that you unpack and/or git clone
the LISF source code into a directory within a case sensitive file system. In particular, if you are using LDT within a Linux-based virtual machine hosted on a Windows or Macintosh system, do not compile/run LDT from within a shared folder. Move the LISF source code into a directory within the virtual machine.
4.2. Public Release Source Code
The LISF public release 7.5 source code is available both on LISF’s web-site under the “Source” menu and on GitHub under the NASA-LIS organization at under the “Releases” link.
After downloading the LISF tar-file:
Step 1
Create a directory to unpack the tar-file into. Let’s call it TOPLEVELDIR.
Step 2
Place the tar-file in this directory.
% mv LISF_public_release_7.5.0.tar.gz TOPLEVELDIR
Step 3
Go into this directory.
Step 4
Unzip and untar the tar-file.
% gzip -dc LISF_public_release_7.5.0.tar.gz | tar xf -
4.3. master branch
The LDT source code is maintained in a git repository hosted on GitHub. If you wish to work with the latest development code (in the master branch), then you must use the git
client to obtain the LISF source code. If you need any help regarding git
or GitHub, please go to
Step 1
Create a directory to clone the code into. Let’s call it TOPLEVELDIR.
Step 2
Go into this directory.
Step 3
Clone the master branch.
% git clone
4.4. Source files
Unpacking or cloning the LISF source code (according to the instructions in Section Obtaining the Source Code) will create a directory named LISF. The LDT specific source code is in LISF/ldt.
The directory containing the LDT source code, LISF/ldt, will be referred to as $WORKING throughout the rest of this document. |
4.5. Documentation
Processed documentation for each release may be found on LISF’s web-site under the “Docs” menu. Starting with LISF public release 7.4, processed documentation may also be found on GitHub under the NASA-LIS organization at under the “Releases” link.
Processed documentation for the master branch is available on GitHub under the NASA-LIS organization’s GitHub pages at
5. Building the Executable
This section describes how to build the source code and create LDT’s executable: named LDT.
Please see Section Important Note Regarding File Systems for information regarding using a case sensitive file system for compiling/running LDT.
5.1. LISF Dependencies
Please first read the companion document LISF Installation Guide. This document describes the required and optional libraries used by LISF. It also describes the supported development environments.
5.2. Build Instructions
Step 1
Perform the steps described in Section Obtaining the Source Code to obtain the source code.
Step 2
Go to the $WORKING directory. This directory contains two scripts for building the LDT executable: configure and compile.
Step 3
Set the LDT_ARCH environment variable based on the system you are using. The following commands are written using Bash shell syntax.
% export LDT_ARCH=linux_ifc
% export LDT_ARCH=linux_gfortran
% export LDT_ARCH=cray_ifc
% export LDT_ARCH=cray_cray
% export LDT_ARCH=ibm_gfortran
It is suggested that you set this environment variable in a modulefile [1] to load or in an environment script to source before compiling and/or running LDT.
Step 4
Run the configure script first by typing:
% ./configure
This script will prompt the user with a series of questions regarding support to compile into LDT, requiring the user to specify the locations of the required and optional libraries via several LDT specific environment variables. The following environment variables are used by LDT.
Variable | Description | Usage |
Fortran 90 compiler |
required |
C compiler |
required |
path to ESMF module files |
required |
path to ESMF library files |
required |
path to openJPEG library |
required |
path to ecCodes library |
required |
path to NetCDF library |
required |
path to HDF4 library |
optional (required to use HDFEOS2) |
path to HDF5 library |
optional |
path to HDFEOS2 library |
optional |
path to GDAL library |
optional |
path to FortranGIS library |
optional (required to use GDAL) |
path to GeoTIFF library |
optional |
path to JPEG library |
optional (use system libjpeg by default) |
path to TIFF library |
optional (use system libtiff by default) |
path to JBIG library |
optional (use system libjbig by default) |
path to LZMA library |
optional (use system liblzma by default) |
path to RPC library |
optional (use system RPC library by default) |
Note that the CC
variable must be set to a C compiler, not a C++ compiler. A C++ compiler may mangle internal names in a manner that is not consistent with the Fortran compiler. This will cause errors during linking.
It is suggested that you set these environment variables in a modulefile [1] to load or in an environment script to source before compiling and/or running LDT.
You may encounter errors either when trying to compile LDT or when trying to run LDT because the compiler or operating system cannot find these libraries. To fix this, you must add these libraries to your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable. For example, say that you are using ESMF, ecCodes, NetCDF, and HDF5. Then you must execute the following command (written using Bash shell syntax):
It is suggested that you set this environment variable in a modulefile [1] to load or in an environment script to source before compiling and/or running LDT.
An example execution of the configure script is shown below:
% ./configure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Setting up configuration for LDT Parallelism (0-serial, 1-dmpar, default=0): Optimization level (-3=strict checks with warnings, -2=strict checks, -1=debug, 0,1,2,3, default=2): Assume little/big_endian data format (1-little, 2-big, default=2): Use GRIBAPI/ECCODES? (0-neither, 1-gribapi, 2-eccodes, default=2): NETCDF version (3 or 4, default=4)?: NETCDF use shuffle filter? (1-yes, 0-no, default = 1): NETCDF use deflate filter? (1-yes, 0-no, default = 1): NETCDF use deflate level? (1 to 9-yes, 0-no, default = 9): Use HDF4? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1): Use HDF5? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1): Use HDFEOS? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1): Enable GeoTIFF support? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1): Enable LIBGEOTIFF support? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1): Include date/time stamp history? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1): ----------------------------------------------------- configure.ldt file generated successfully ----------------------------------------------------- Settings are written to configure.ldt in the make directory. If you wish to change settings, please edit that file. To compile, run the compile script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
At each prompt, select the desired value. If you desire the default value, then you may simply press the Enter key.
Most of the configure options are be self-explanatory. Here are a few specific notes:
Parallelism (0-serial, 1-dmpar, default=1):
, dmpar refers to enabling MPI
Assume little/big_endian data format (1-little, 2-big, default=2):
, select the default value of 2. By default, LDT reads and writes binary data in the big endian format. Only select the value of 1, if you have reformatted all required binary data into the little endian format. -
Use GRIBAPI/ECCODES? (0-neither, 1-gribapi, 2-eccodes, default=2):
, select the default value of 2. Technically, GRIB support is not required by LDT; however, most of the commonly used met forcing data are in GRIB, making GRIB support a practical requirement. ecCodes is ECMWF’s replacement to their GRIB-API library. GRIB-API is supported only for historical reasons; thus, please use ecCodes.ImportantGRIB-API support is now deprecated. Future releases will support only ecCodes. -
Enable GeoTIFF support? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1):
, GeoTIFF means the GeoTIFF support provided by the GDAL library. -
Enable LIBGEOTIFF support? (1-yes, 0-no, default=1):
, LIBGEOTIFF means GeoTIFF support provided by the GeoTIFF library.
Note that due to an issue involving multiple definitions within the NetCDF 3 and HDF 4 libraries, you cannot compile LDT with support for both NetCDF 3 and HDF 4 together.
Note that if you compiled NetCDF 4 without compression, then when specifying NETCDF version (3 or 4, default=4):
, select 3. Then you must manually append -lnetcdff
to the LDFLAGS
variable in the make/configure.ldt file.
Step 5
Compile the LDT source code by running the compile script.
% ./compile
This script will compile the libraries provided with LDT and then the LDT source code. The executable LDT will be placed in the $WORKING directory upon successful completion of the compile script.
Step 6
Finally, copy the LDT executable into your running directory, $RUNNING. (See Section Running the Executable.)
6. Running the Executable
This section describes how to run the LDT executable.
First you should create a directory to run LDT in. It is suggested that you run LDT in a directory that is separate from your source code. This running directory shall be referred to as $RUNNING. Next, copy the LDT executable into your running directory.
The single-process version of LDT
is executed by the following command issued in the $RUNNING directory.
% ./LDT <configfile>
where <configfile>
represents the file containing the run time configuration options for LDT. Currently LDT only supports a serial mode.
Some systems require that you submit your job into a batch queue. Please consult with your system adminstrator for instructions on how to do this.
Note that before running LDT, you must set your environment to have an unlimited stack size. For the Bash shell, run
% ulimit -s unlimited
To customize your run, you must modify the ldt.config configuration file. See Section LDT Config File for more information.
7. LDT Config File
This section describes the options in the ldt.config file.
Not all options described here are available in the public version of LDT.
7.1. Overall driver options
LDT running mode:
specifies the running mode used in LDT. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“LSM parameter processing” |
LSM Parameter Processing Option |
“DA preprocessing” |
Data Assimilation Preprocessing Option |
“Ensemble restart processing” |
Deriving an ensemble restart file Option |
“Climatological restart processing” |
LSM Restart File Preprocessing Option |
“Restart transformation processing” |
LSM restart file transformation Option |
“NUWRF preprocessing for real” |
NUWRF Preprocessing Option |
“ANN processing” |
Artificial Neural Networks Processing Option |
“Metforce processing” |
Meteorological Forcing Processing Option (similar to LIS) |
“Metforce temporal downscaling” |
Meteorological Forcing Temporal Downscaling |
“Statistical downscaling of met forcing” |
Statistical options to downscale or generate forcing climatologies |
“OPTUE parameter processing” |
Process the OPT/UE output to generate optimized parameters |
“USAFSI analysis” |
USAF Snow and Ice analysis |
“LISHydro preprocessing for WRFHydro” |
Preprocessing Option for WRFHydro |
“OPL E SMAP soil moisture retrieval” |
Operational 9-km enhanced SMAP soil moisture retrieval |
LDT running mode: "LSM parameter processing"
Processed LSM parameter filename:
specifies the output filename (with netcdf extension) of the LSM parameters processed in LDT to go into LIS. See a sample (Appendix Description of output files from LDT) file for a complete specification description.
Processed LSM parameter filename: ./
LIS number of nests:
specifies the number of nests used for the run. Values 1 or higher are acceptable. The maximum number of nests is limited by the amount of available memory on the system. The specifications for different nests are done using white spaces as the delimiter. Please see below for further explanations. Note that all nested domains should run on the same projection and same land surface model.
LIS number of nests: 1
Number of surface model types:
specifies the number of surface model types selected for the LIS simulation. Acceptable values are 1 or higher.
Number of surface model types: 1
Surface model types:
specifies the names of the surface model types. Options include (but to be expanded later):
Value | Description |
Land surface model type |
Lake |
Lake model type |
Openwater |
Openwater surface type |
Surface model types: "LSM"
Land surface model:
specifies the land surface model to be run. Need to select the model you want to run in LIS, so the appropriate model parameters are included in the output netcdf file for LIS. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
none |
Template LSM |
Noah.2.7.1 |
Noah 2.7.1 |
Noah.3.2 |
Noah 3.2 |
Noah.3.3 |
Noah 3.3 |
Noah.3.6 |
Noah 3.6 |
Noah.3.9 |
Noah 3.9 |
Noah-MP.3.6 |
Noah-MP 3.6 |
Noah-MP.4.0.1 |
Noah-MP 4.0.1 |
CLM.2 |
CLM version 2.0 |
CLM.4.5 |
CLM version 4.5 |
VIC.4.1.1 |
VIC 4.1.1 |
VIC.4.1.2 |
VIC 4.1.2 |
Mosaic |
Mosaic |
CLSMF2.5 |
Catchment, Fortuna 2.5 |
SnowModel |
SnowModel |
SAC.3.5.6 |
Sacramento |
SNOW17 |
Snow17 |
RDHM.3.5.6 |
Sacramento+snow17 |
GeoWRSI.2 |
GeoWRSI, v2.0 |
SiB2 |
SiB v2 |
AquaCrop.7.2 |
AquaCrop 7.2 |
JULES.5.0 |
JULES.5.0 |
Land surface model: Noah.3.3
Lake model:
specifies the lake model type used in a LIS run. Currently, only the FLake lake model is incorporated in LIS, and both LDT and LIS are set up for additional support of lake model installation and development. For now, the option “none” is recommended.
Lake model: none
Routing model:
specifies the river routing model used in a LIS run. Both HYMAP and HYMAP2 routing scheme parameters are supported in LDT.
Routing model: HYMAP
Water fraction cutoff value:
specifies what gridcell fraction is to be represented by water (e.g., 0.6 would be 60% covered by water pixels). This value acts as a threshold in determining which gridcell will be included as a water or land point (used also in deriving the land/water mask).
Water fraction cutoff value: 0.5
Number of met forcing sources:
specifies the number of met forcing datasets to be used. Acceptable values are 0 or higher.
Number of met forcing sources: 1
Met forcing sources:
specifies the meteorological forcing data sources used for a LIS run.
For more information about LIS’s meteorological forcing data reader options, please see the “Land Information System (LIS) Users’ Guide” for more information. Acceptable values for the sources are:
Value | Description |
“NONE” |
none |
AGRMET (AFWA-0.25 deg) |
“AGRMET radiation (polar stereographic)” |
AGRMET radiation fields |
“CMAP” |
CMAP precipitation fields |
CMORPH precipitation fields |
ECMWF near-realtime analysis |
“GDAS” |
GDAS near-realtime analysis |
“GEOS5 forecast” |
GEOS v5 forecast fields |
“GFS” |
NCEP-GFS forecast fields |
Coarse-scale GLDAS-1 forcing |
“GSWP1” |
GSWP1 forcing |
“GSWP2” |
GSWP2 forcing |
“MERRA2” |
NASA’s GMAO MERRA2 reanalysis |
“NAM242” |
NCEP-NAM 242 resolution (Alaska) |
“NARR” |
North American Regional Reanalysis |
“NLDAS2” |
NLDAS2 analysis fields |
Global Princeton long-term forcing records |
“WRFoutv2” |
NCAR-WRF 4km forcing |
“WRF AK” |
NCAR-WRF 4km Alaska domain forcing |
“RFE2(daily)” |
CPC Daily Rainfall estimator fields |
“RFE2(gdas)” |
CPC RFE2 rainfall adjusted with GDAS/CMAP precipitation |
UCSB CHIRPS v2.0 precipitation dataset |
CPC Stage II radar-based rainfall |
CPC Stage IV radar-based rainfall |
“TRMM 3B42RTV7” |
TRMM-based 3B42 real-time rainfall |
“TRMM 3B42V6” |
TRMM-based 3B42 V6 rainfall |
“TRMM 3B42V7” |
TRMM-based 3B42 V7 rainfall |
“ERA5” |
ERA5 reanalysis |
Met forcing sources: "NLDAS2"
Blending method for forcings:
specifies the blending method to combine forcings if more than one forcing dataset is used. User-entry activated only when the “Metforce processing” run mode is selected. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
overlay |
Datasets are overlaid on top of each other in the order they are specified. For example, the forcing dataset in the second column is overlaid on top of the forcing dataset in the first column. In other words, the forcing data specified in the second column will be used in place of forcing data that is specified in the first column, for locations within the spatial extent of the second column’s forcing data. As an example, a user could specify a forcing dataset with a global extent in the first column and a forcing dataset with a regional extent in the second column. All locations within the regional extent of the second column’s forcing data will use that data as forcing, while locations outside of this regional extent will use data from the global extent of the first column’s forcing data. This continues for the number of met forcing sources specified, with the right-most column having the higher priority to be used as forcing, given its spatial extent. |
ensemble |
Each forcing dataset is assigned to a separate ensemble member (option not available yet in LDT). |
Blending method for forcings: overlay
Met spatial transform methods:
specifies the type of spatial transform or interpolation scheme to apply to the forcing dataset(s) selected. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“average” |
Upscale via averaging |
“neighbor” |
Nearest neighbor scheme |
“bilinear” |
Bilinear interpolation scheme |
“budget-bilinear” |
Conservative interpolation scheme (“conserves” quantities) |
Bilinear interpolation uses 4 neighboring points to compute the interpolation weights. The conservative approach uses 25 neighboring points. This option is designed to conserve water, like for precipitation. Also, nearest neighbor can be used, which may better preserve large pixels (e.g., 1x1 deg), if needed. “Average” can also be selected if upscaling from finer-scale meteorological fields (e.g., going from 4 km to 0.25 deg).
Met spatial transform methods: bilinear
Topographic correction method (met forcing):
specifies whether to use elevation correction on select forcing fields. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
Do not apply topographic correction for forcing |
“lapse-rate” |
Use lapse rate correction for forcing |
Current meteorological forcing datasets supported for applying this lapse-rate adjustment to the temperature, humidity, pressure and downward longwave fields, include: NLDAS2, NAM242, GDAS, PRINCETON, ECMWF, MERRA2, and the new WRFoutv2 and WRF AK forcing datasets. Future forcing dataset options will include: GLDAS, GFS, and possible others.
ECMWF and GDAS forcing types include several terrain height maps and not just one overall, either due to change in versions or gridcell size, respective.
Topographic correction method (met forcing): "lapse-rate"
Temporal interpolation method (met forcing):
specifies the type of temporal interpolation scheme to apply to the met forcing data. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
linear |
linear scheme |
trilinear |
uber next scheme |
The linear temporal interpolation method computes the temporal weights based on two points. Ubernext computes weights based on three points. Currently the ubernext option is implemented only for the GSWP forcing.
Temporal interpolation method (met forcing): linear
Enable new zterp correction (met forcing):
specifies whether to enable the new zterp correction. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.false. |
do not enable |
.true. |
enable |
Defaults to .false.
This is a scalar option, not per nest.
This new zterp correction addresses an issue that occurs at sunrise/sunset for some forcing data-sets when running at small time-steps (like 15mn). In these cases, swdown has a large unrealistic spike. This correction removes the spike. It also can affect swdown around sunrise/sunset by up 200 W/m2. Users are advised to run their own tests and review swdown to determine which setting is best for them.
For comparision against older LIS runs, set this option to .false.
Enable new zterp correction (met forcing): .false.
Temporal downscaling method:
specifies the temporal downscaling method to disaggregate a coarser forcing dataset into finer timesteps (e.g., go from daily to hourly).
User-entry activated only when the “Metforce temporal downscaling” run mode is selected. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“Simple weighting” |
Use finer timescale forcing dataset to estimate weights and downscale coarser forcing dataset. The finer timescale forcing dataset should defined first in the ldt.config file. |
Temporal downscaling method: "Simple weighting"
Processed metforcing output interval:
specifies the output interval for the processed meteorological forcing files. Entries are character-based names, like 6hr or 1da.
Processed metforcing output interval: "6hr"
Metforcing processing interval:
specifies the processing temporal interval for which meteorological forcing files are commonly and temporally aggregated (or downscaled) to when temporally downscaling a dataset.
Metforcing processing interval: "1da"
Statistical downscaling mode:
specifies the type of statistical downscaling method to be applied.
User-entry activated only when the “Statistical downscaling of met forcing” run mode is selected. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“downscale” |
The downscale option is for bringing a coarser climate model or reanalysis dataset to a finer scale using statistical techniques (beyond interpolation). |
Statistical downscaling mode: "downscale"
Statistical downscaling method:
specifies the method for downscaling or for climatology forcing generation. Current acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“Climatology” |
This option supports the generation of meteorological climatology files, for different forcing data. |
“Bayesian merging” |
specifies what? |
Statistical downscaling method: "Climatology"
Forcing climatology temporal frequency of data:
specifies the output time interval to which the forcing climatology will be calculated on and written to.
Forcing climatology temporal frequency of data: "6hr"
Bayesian merging seasonal stratification type:
specifies what?
Bayesian merging seasonal stratification type:
Forcing variables list file:
specifies the file containing the list of forcing variables to be used. (Please refer to Section “Specification of Input Forcing Variables” in the LIS Users' Guide for a complete specification description of this file.)
Forcing variables list file: ./input/forcing_variables.txt
LDT diagnostic file:
specifies the name of run time LDT diagnostic file.
LDT diagnostic file: ldtlog
Mask-parameter fill diagnostic file:
specifies the name of the output diagnostic file for wherever mask-parameter points have forced agreement for a given landmask and parameter.
Mask-parameter fill diagnostic file: LDTOUTPUT_temp/MPFilltest.log
LDT output directory:
specifies the directory name for outputs from LDT. Acceptable values are any 40 character string. The default value is set to OUTPUT.
LDT output directory: OUTPUT
Undefined value:
specifies the undefined value. The default is set to -9999.
Undefined value: -9999.0
Add buffer to parameter grid domain:
adds a set buffer around a parameter file target domain.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“0” |
No buffer added |
“1” |
Buffer included |
The default value is 0.
Add buffer to parameter grid domain: 0
Buffer count in x-direction:
adds a set number of pixels that buffer
around a parameter file target domain in the x-direction.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Results in no buffer added |
1 (or greater) |
Buffer points included |
The default value is 5, and it is activated only if Add buffer to parameter grid domain:
is enabled.
Buffer count in y-direction:
adds a set number of pixels that buffer
around a parameter file target domain in the y-direction.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Results in no buffer added |
1 (or greater) |
Buffer points included |
The default value is 5, and it is activated only if Add buffer to parameter grid domain:
is enabled.
Buffer count in x-direction: 10 Buffer count in y-direction: 10
Number of ensembles per tile:
specifies the number of ensembles of tiles to be used. The value should be greater than or equal to 1.
Number of ensembles per tile: 1
The following options are used for subgrid tiling based on vegetation or other parameter types (e.g., soil type, elevation, etc.), and are required for generating an ensemble restart file or downscaling to a single-member restart file from an ensemble one. See the section on ensemble restart files for more information.
Maximum number of surface type tiles per grid:
defines the maximum surface type tiles per grid (this can be as many as the total number of vegetation types). Note: Allowable values are greater than or equal to 1. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Maximum number of surface type tiles per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (surface type tiles):
defines the smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile. The percentage value is expressed as a fraction. Allowable values are greater than or equal to 0. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Minimum cutoff percentage (surface type tiles): 0.05
Maximum number of soil texture tiles per grid:
defines the maximum soil texture tiles per grid (this can be as many as the total number of soil texture types). Allowable values are greater than or equal to 1. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Maximum number of soil texture tiles per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil texture tiles):
defines the smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile. The percentage value is expressed as a fraction. Allowable values are greater than or equal to 0. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil texture tiles): 0.05
Maximum number of soil fraction tiles per grid:
defines the maximum soil fraction tiles per grid (this can be as many as the total number of soil fraction types). Allowable values are greater than or equal to 1. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Maximum number of soil fraction tiles per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil fraction tiles):
defines the smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile. The percentage value is expressed as a fraction. Allowable values are greater than or equal to 0. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Minimum cutoff percentage (soil fraction tiles): 0.05
Maximum number of elevation bands per grid:
defines the maximum elevation bands per grid (this can be as many as the total number of elevation band types). Allowable values are greater than or equal to 1. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Maximum number of elevation bands per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (elevation bands):
defines the smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile. The percentage value is expressed as a fraction. Allowable values are greater than or equal to 0. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Minimum cutoff percentage (elevation bands): 0.05
Maximum number of slope bands per grid:
defines the maximum slope bands per grid (this can be as many as the total number of slope band types). Allowable values are greater than or equal to 1. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Maximum number of slope bands per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (slope bands):
defines the smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile. The percentage value is expressed as a fraction. Allowable values are greater than or equal to 0. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Minimum cutoff percentage (slope bands): 0.05
Maximum number of aspect bands per grid:
defines the maximum aspect bands per grid (this can be as many as the total number of aspect band types). Allowable values are greater than or equal to 1. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Maximum number of aspect bands per grid: 1
Minimum cutoff percentage (aspect bands):
defines the smallest percentage of a cell for which to create a tile. The percentage value is expressed as a fraction. Allowable values are greater than or equal to 0. Note that the entry here should exactly match the entry used in the lis.config file.
Minimum cutoff percentage (aspect bands): 0.05
This section specifies the 2-d layout of the processors in a parallel processing environment.
This is a new feature within LDT.
The user can specify the number of processors along the east-west dimension and north-south dimension using Number of processors along x:
and Number of processors along y:
, respectively. Note that the layout of processors should match the total number of processors used. For example, if 8 processors are used, the layout can be specified as 1x8, 2x4, 4x2, or 8x1.
Number of processors along x: 2 Number of processors along y: 2
Output methodology:
specifies whether to write output as a 1-D array containing only land points or as a 2-D array containing both land and water points. 1-d tile space includes the subgrid tiles and ensembles. 1-d grid space includes a vectorized, land-only grid-averaged set of values. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“none” |
Do not write output |
“1d tilespace” |
Write output in a 1-D tile domain |
“2d gridspace” |
Write output in a 2-D grid domain |
“1d gridspace” |
Write output in a 1-D grid domain |
The default value is “2d gridspace”.
Output methodology: "2d gridspace"
Output data format:
specifies the format of the model output data. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“binary” |
Write output in binary format |
“grib1” |
Write output in GRIB-1 format |
“netcdf” |
Write output in netCDF format |
The default value is “netcdf”.
Output data format: netcdf
Output naming style:
specifies the style of the model output names and their organization. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“2 level hierarchy” |
2 levels of hierarchy |
“3 level hierarchy” |
3 levels of hierarchy |
“4 level hierarchy” |
4 levels of hierarchy |
“WMO convention” |
WMO convention for weather codes |
The default value is “3 level hierarchy”.
Output naming style: "3 level hierarchy"
7.2. Domain specification
This section of the config file specifies the LIS running domain (domain over which the simulation is carried out). The specification of the LIS Run domain section depends on the type of LIS domain and projection used. Section Overall driver options lists the projections that LIS supports.
Map projection of the LIS domain:
specifies the output LIS domain grid
to be used with LIS. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
latlon |
Lat/Lon projection with SW to NE data ordering |
lambert |
Lambert conformal projection with SW to NE data ordering |
gaussian |
Gaussian domain |
polar |
Polar stereographic projection with SW to NE data ordering |
hrap |
HRAP domain (based on polar stereographic projection) |
mercator |
Mercator projection with SW to NE data ordering |
UTM domain |
Map projection of the LIS domain: latlon
7.2.1. Cylindrical lat/lon
This section describes how to specify a cylindrical latitude/longitude projection. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Run domain lower left lat: 25.625 Run domain lower left lon: -124.125 Run domain upper right lat: 52.875 Run domain upper right lon: -67.875 Run domain resolution (dx): 0.25 Run domain resolution (dy): 0.25
7.2.2. Lambert conformal
This section describes how to specify a Lambert conformal projection. See Appendix Lambert Conformal Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Run domain lower left lat: 32.875 Run domain lower left lon: -104.875 Run domain true lat1: 36.875 Run domain true lat2: 36.875 Run domain standard lon: -98.875 Run domain resolution: 25.0 Run domain x-dimension size: 40 Run domain y-dimension size: 30
7.2.3. Gaussian
This section describes how to specify a Gaussian projection. See Appendix Gaussian Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Run domain first grid point lat: -89.27665 Run domain first grid point lon: 0.0 Run domain last grid point lat: 89.27665 Run domain last grid point lon: -0.9375 Run domain resolution dlon: 0.9375 Run domain number of lat circles: 95
7.2.4. Polar stereographic
This section describes how to specify a polar stereographic projection. See Appendix Polar Stereographic Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Run domain lower left lat: 32.875 Run domain lower left lon: -104.875 Run domain true lat: 36.875 Run domain standard lon: -98.875 Run domain orientation: 0.0 Run domain resolution: 25.0 Run domain x-dimension size: 40 Run domain y-dimension size: 30
7.2.5. HRAP
This section describes how to specify a HRAP projection. See Appendix HRAP Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Run domain lower left hrap y: 48 Run domain lower left hrap x: 17 Run domain hrap resolution: 1 Run domain x-dimension size: 1043 Run domain y-dimension size: 774
7.2.6. Mercator
This section describes how to specify a Mercator projection. See Appendix Mercator Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Run domain lower left lat: 32.875 Run domain lower left lon: -104.875 Run domain true lat1: 36.875 Run domain standard lon: -98.875 Run domain resolution: 25.0 Run domain x-dimension size: 40 Run domain y-dimension size: 30
7.2.7. UTM
This section describes how to specify a UTM projection. See Appendix UTM Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Run domain UTM zone: 12 Run domain northing of SW corner: 3507393.0 Run domain easting of SW corner: 586018.0 Run domain x-dimension size: 660 Run domain y-dimension size: 333 Run domain resolution: 40
7.3. Parameters
Landcover data source:
specifies the land cover dataset source to be read in. Current landcover source options include:
Value | Description |
Univ. of Maryland 1992-93 AVHRR landcover map. Please see: |
Similar to “AVHRR” option above but on a GFS grid. |
MODIS_Native |
Terra-MODIS sensor-based IGBP land classification map, modified by NCEP. For more info, please see: |
Similar dataset as “MODIS_Native” above but processed by LISF-team. |
MCD12Q1 |
Terra and Aqua combined MODIS landcover map, available at yearly intervals. Allows dynamic annual landcover maps in “Landcover file” option. |
USGS_Native |
The 24-category USGS native landcover map. See: |
Similar dataset as “USGS_Native” but processed by LISF-team. |
AMMA/ALMIP Phase-2 landcover input option. For more info: |
CLSMF2.5 |
CLSM Fortuna 2.5 landcover dataset. |
VIC412 |
Variable Infiltration Capacity model, v4.1.2, UMD land cover. |
Impervious Surface Area (ISA) landcover dataset. |
CLM45 |
CLM-4.5 landcover dataset. |
SnowModel-based NALCMS landcover dataset. |
SnowModel-based NALCMS landcover dataset with IGBPNCEP-mapped classes. |
Ability to set a constant landcover type for a set classification. |
Landcover data source: "MODIS_Native"
Landcover classification:
specifies the land cover classification type.
Land cover or use classification types have been developed over the years by various organizations (e.g., USGS, IGBP) and research groups (e.g., satellite missions associated with groups, like UMD, BU, etc.). For more information on some of these different land classifications and their characteristics, please refer to: and
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
14 Landcover types |
16 Landcover types |
24 Landcover types |
20 Landcover types |
7 Landcover types |
13 Landcover types |
CLM45 |
36 Landcover types |
Bondville |
Only for the Bondville metforcing benchmark testcase |
2 Landcover types (water, plus one constant type over all land) |
Landcover classification: "UMD"
Landcover file:
specifies the location of the vegetation classification file.
Landcover file: ./MODIS/MCD12Q1.006/2001/MCD12Q1.006_2001001.nc4
Landcover map projection:
specifies the projection of the landcover map data.
Landcover spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the landcover map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to select closest value |
tile |
Read in tiled data or upscale by estimating gridcell fractions |
Note: “tile” is a special case for landcover, which allows for reading in landcover data already in tiled form, or creating tiles from finer resolution landcover data.
Landcover file: ../input/1KM/landcover_UMD.1gd4r Landcover spatial transform: tile
Landcover fill option:
specifies the landcover classification data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
Landcover fill value:
indicates which landcover value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing landcover point, a value of 5 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Landcover fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill the missing value.
Landcover fill option: neighbor # none, neighbor Landcover fill radius: 3. # Number of pixels to search for neighbor Landcover fill value: 5. # Static value to fill where missing
This section also outlines the domain specifications of the landcover (and for now landmask) data. If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying landcover data. Note: The Landcover grid domain inputs below are really only required for the “_LIS” data source options and that do not include “_Native” in the data source entries. All native parameters do not require the below inputs for LDT. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Landcover map projection: latlon Landcover lower left lat: -59.995 Landcover lower left lon: -179.995 Landcover upper right lat: 89.995 Landcover upper right lon: 179.995 Landcover resolution (dx): 0.01 Landcover resolution (dy): 0.01
Create or readin landmask:
offers the user the option to create or read in land/water mask file information. Options include the ability to impose the mask on landcover and also the other parameter fields.
Create or readin landmask: "readin"
Landmask data source:
specifies the land mask dataset source to be read in. If the user is interested in only using the selected landcover data source, then the user can select the same option for the landmask data source.
Other current landmask source options include:
Value | Description |
MOD44W |
The MODIS 44W land-water mask was developed and provided by: |
The HYMAP basin area mask option. |
Landmask data source: "MODIS_Native"
Landmask file:
specifies the location of land/water mask file. Note: If reading in the MOD44W land-water mask, make sure to enter “MOD44W” Landmask data source entry.
Landmask file: ../input/1KM/landmask_UMD.1gd4r
Landmask spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the landmask map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor when downscaling (or upscaling, if needed) |
Landmask spatial transform: none
Landmask map projection:
specifies the projection of the landmask map data.
Landmask map projection: latlon
This section also outlines the domain specifications of the land water/mask data. The landmask map projection and extents are only needed if you specify “readin” for mask type and if the landmask data source is “MOD44W” or “_LIS”.
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be “latlon”, the following extents and resolution configuration should be used for specifying landmask data. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Future landmask data sets will have the projection, grid extents and resolution on the data reader side and not needed to be specified in the ldt.config file, depending on the data source.
Landmask map projection: latlon Landmask lower left lat: -59.995 Landmask lower left lon: -179.995 Landmask upper right lat: 89.995 Landmask upper right lon: 179.995 Landmask resolution (dx): 0.01 Landmask resolution (dy): 0.01
Lakecover data source:
specifies the data source for lake depth and/or fraction for lake models, like FLake.
Lakecover data source: GLDBv1
Lake depth map:
specifies the location of the lake depth file (in meters), which is also used to derive the lake gridcell fraction for lake models, like FLake.
Lake depth map: ./flake_inputs/GlobalLakeDepth.dat
Lake depth QC map:
is a file that specifies the location of the QC flag for the origin of the lake depth values, which is an optional field specified. This file can be used by lake models, like FLake, if needed.
Lake depth QC map: ./flake_inputs/GlobalLakeStatus.dat
Lake params spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the lake depth maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
tile |
Upscale by selecting lake tiles for each gridcell (not fully implemented) |
Lake params spatial transform: average
Lake wind fetch value:
is the user-specified input value for lake-based wind-fetch (in meters) in association with lake models like FLake. This value is constant (or global) for now until 2-D fields become available.
Lake wind fetch value: 10000.
Lake bottom sediments depth value:
is the user-specified input value for the thermally active layer depth of bottom sediments (m) in association with lake models like FLake. This value is constant (or global) for now until 2-D fields become available.
Lake bottom sediments depth value: 10.
Lake bottom sediments temperature value:
is the user-specified input value for the outer edge temperature (K) of the thermally active layer of the bottom sediments in association with lake models like FLake. This value is constant (or global) for now until 2-D fields become available.
Lake bottom sediments temperature value: 277.13
Inland waterbody data source:
specifies the inland water body (e.g., lake types) dataset source to be read in. Current option is only:
Value | Description |
Global Lake and Wetland Database inland water type map |
Inland waterbody data source: GLWD
Inland waterbody type map:
specifies the inland water body map file and path.
Inland waterbody type map: ./inlandwater_parms/GLWD/rastert_glwd_31.flt
Inland waterbody spatial transform:
specifies the inland waterbody spatial transform. Current options are:
Value | Description |
none |
No spatial transform selected |
tile |
Tile the inland waterbody types |
mode |
Locate the dominant inland waterbody types |
Inland waterbody spatial transform: tile
Regional mask data source:
specifies a regional land mask dataset source to be read in. Should either match grid domain or be smaller to the LIS run domain.
Value | Description |
file |
Binary file type mask. |
Binary file type mask produced in ESRI-GIS software. |
A BIL-format (binary) mask file associated with WRSI model. |
Regional mask data source: "none"
Regional mask file:
specifies the location of a regional mask file. This file can be either an index-based state, country, basin, catchment, etc. map used to mask further beyond the main water/land mask.
Regional mask file: ../input/1KM/regional_statemask.1gd4r
Regional mask map projection:
specifies the projection of the regional mask albedo map data.
Regional mask map projection: latlon
Clip landmask with regional mask:
A logical-based option that uses the regional mask to “clip” the original landmask that is read-in or created. .true.
turns on the “clipping” option.
Clip landmask with regional mask: .true.
Regional mask spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to a regional mask map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to select closest value |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
Regional mask spatial transform: mode
This section also outlines the domain specifications of the regional-based land mask data. If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying regional mask data.
See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Regional mask lower left lat: -59.995 Regional mask lower left lon: -179.995 Regional mask upper right lat: 89.995 Regional mask upper right lon: 179.995 Regional mask resolution (dx): 0.01 Regional mask resolution (dy): 0.01
Rootdepth data source:
specifies the source of the vegetation root depth dataset. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
No data |
ALMIP II root depth field |
Rootdepth data source: none
Root depth file:
specifies the path and name of the root depth file. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
No data |
ALMIP II root depth field |
Root depth file: none
7.4. Crop-Irrigation Parameters
Incorporate crop information:
specifies the logical flag with which to turn on the inclusion of crop information and also to allow the user to enter additional options that can ensure crop, landcover, and irrigation features are agreement.
Incorporate crop information: .false.
Crop type data source:
specifies the crop type map dataset source to be read in. Current landcover source options include:
Value | Description |
UMD+CROPMAP crop type map. For more info, please refer to Ozdogan et al. (2010; JHM). |
Monfreda08 |
FAOSTAT05 crop type maps. For more info, please refer to Monfreda et al. (2008). |
Ability to set a constant crop type for a set classification. |
Crop type data source: "none"
Crop classification:
specifies the crop classification system used to determine the range of crops indexed for a particular crop library source.
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
19 classes; named by Ozdogan et al.(2010), used Leff et al.(2004) |
19 classes; Used by Leff et al.(2004), considered obsolete |
175 classes; Used by Monfreda et al. (2008) |
Crop classification: "FAOSTAT01"
Crop library directory:
specifies the source of the crop library and inventory of crop classes, related to the Crop classification:
entry (see above).
Crop library directory: "../LS_PARAMETERS/crop_params/Crop.Library.Files/"
Assign crop value type:
specifies the type of crop presence, such as a “single” crop or “multiple” crops given within a gridcell. Currently, only the “single” option is supported.
Assign crop value type: "none"
Assign single crop value:
specifies whether to assign a single crop value from an actual crop library inventory, such as FAOSTAT01, which is also known as the CROPMAP classification used in Ozdogan et al. (2010). By turning on this option (.true.), you can they specify what type of crop you want to assign, like “maize” to the user-specified option, Default crop type:
. If “maize” was entered, then wherever the landcover map indicated a generic “cropland”, the crop type field would be given a dominant “maize” type.
Value | Description |
.false. |
Do not assign a single crop class to the crop type field. |
.true. |
Assign a single crop type, like “maize” to the crop type field. |
Assign single crop value: .true.
Default crop type:
specifies the default crop type that the user can enter and can be used in conjunction with assigning a single crop type value (see above).
Default crop type: "maize"
Crop type file:
specifies the location of a crop type file. This file contains different crop types that can be used in in conjunction with a selected land cover map (as above).
Crop type file: ./irrigation/conus_modis/UMD_N125C19.1gd4r
Crop map spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to a crop type map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
tile |
Read in tiled data or upscale by estimating gridcell fractions |
LIS will be expecting “mode” or dominant crop type per gridcell at this time. Future versions will include landcover-crop tile options. |
Crop map spatial transform: mode
Irrigation type data source:
specifies the irrigation method type dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
Irrigation map, by Salmon (2013). |
Irrigation type data source: "none"
Irrigation type map:
specifies the location of an irrigation type file. This file contains different irrigation categories (types) that can be used in conjunction with an irrigation fraction map.
A special land-use/irrigation-related map, known as the Global Rain-Fed, Irrigated, and Paddy Croplands (GRIPC) Dataset (Salmon, 2013), has also been implemented as an option to LDT. Currently, no models in LIS utilize this map but opportunities exist for the user community to utilize for their landcover and irrigation modeling needs.
Irrigation type map: ../LS_PARAMETERS/irrigation/irrigtype_map.bin
Irrigation type spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to irrigation-related maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to select closest value |
tile |
Read in tiled data or upscale by estimating gridcell fractions |
Irrigation type spatial transform: mode
Irrigation fraction data source:
specifies the irrigation method type dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
Irrigation area fraction map by Ozdogan and Gutman (2008) |
Irrigation area fraction map by Salmon (2013) |
UserDerived |
User derived irrigation fraction map |
Irrigation fraction data source: "none"
Irrigation fraction map:
specifies the location of an irrigation fraction map file. This file contains irrigation fraction (gridcell-based) that can be used in conjunction with an irrigation type map.
Irrigation fraction map: ../irrigation/irrig.percent.eighth.1gd4r
Irrigation fraction spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to irrigation-related maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Upscale or downscale using nearest neighbor values |
Irrigation fraction map projection: laton
Irrigation fraction map projection:
indicates the grid projection defines an input irrigation maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
latlon |
Lat/Lon projection with SW to NE data ordering |
Irrigation fraction map projection: latlon
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying irrigation data, if the data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Irrigation fraction lower left lat: -59.87500 Irrigation fraction lower left lon: -179.87500 Irrigation fraction upper right lat: 89.87500 Irrigation fraction upper right lon: 179.87500 Irrigation fraction resolution (dx): 0.2500 Irrigation fraction resolution (dy): 0.2500
Groundwater irrigation ratio map:
specifies the location of a groundwater irrigation fraction map file. This file contains the ratio (gridcell-based) that partitions the simulated irrigation water amount into groundwater source.
Groundwater irrigation ratio map: ./params/irrigGWratio2000.asc
Groundwater irrigation ratio spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to groundwater irrigation ratio maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Upscale or downscale using nearest neighbor values |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
Groundwater irrigation ratio spatial transform: bilinear
7.5. Soil Parameters
Soils maps
Sand fraction map:
specifies the sand fraction map file.
Clay fraction map:
specifies the clay fraction map file.
Silt fraction map:
specifies the silt map file.
Gravel fraction map:
specifies the gravel map file.
Porosity data source:
specifies the soil porosity dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
LISF-team produced soil porosity data source. |
CLSMF2.5 |
Similar to the above option but for CLSM F2.5 model. |
User can select a constant value. |
Porosity map:
specifies porosity map file.
Soildepth data source:
specifies the soildepth dataset source to be read in. Current source option is:
Value | Description |
ALMIPII soil depth data source. |
Soil depth map:
specifies the soil depth map file.
Saturated matric potential map:
specifies saturated matric potential map file.
Saturated hydraulic conductivity map:
specifies saturated hydraulic conductivity map file.
b parameter map:
specifies b parameter map file.
Quartz map:
specifies quartz data map file.
Sand fraction map: ../input/25KM/sand_FAO.1gd4r Clay fraction map: ../input/25KM/clay_FAO.1gd4r Silt fraction map: ../input/25KM/silt_FAO.1gd4r Gravel fraction map: ../input/25KM/gravel_Special.1gd4r Porosity data source: none Porosity map: Saturated matric potential map: Saturated hydraulic conductivity map: b parameter map: Quartz map:
Soil fraction data source:
specifies the source of the soil fraction dataset. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
No soil fraction data source |
FAO soil fraction percentage fields |
LISF-team derived STATSGO v1 soil fraction fields |
ALMIP II soil fraction percentage fields |
If user wants to set a constant soil fraction values |
Soil fraction data source: FAO
Soil fraction number of bands:
specifies the number of soil fraction bins to turn on soil fraction tiling capability.
Soil fraction number of bands: 1
Soils spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the soils maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
budget-bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using conservative, budget-bilinear |
tile |
Read in tiled data or upscale by estimating gridcell fractions |
Soils spatial transform: average
Soils map projection:
specifies the projection of the soils map data.
Soils fill option:
specifies the general soil data (e.g., fractions) fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
By selecting the soils fill option, neighbor, this activates the need to enter values for the Soils fill radius and fill value, as shown below. If a porosity map is read in and the soils fill option is set to neighbor, the user can then enter a fill value for porosity to ensure mask-parameter agreement.
Soils fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill the missing value.
Soils fill value:
indicates which soils value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing soils value, a value of 0.33 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Porosity fill value:
indicates which porosity value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing porosity value, a value of 0.30 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Soils fill option: neighbor Soils fill radius: 3 Soils fill value: 0.33 Porosity fill value: 0.30
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying soils data, if the data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Soils map projection: latlon Soils lower left lat: -59.87500 Soils lower left lon: -179.87500 Soils upper right lat: 89.87500 Soils upper right lon: 179.87500 Soils resolution (dx): 0.2500 Soils resolution (dy): 0.2500
Hydrologic soil group source:
specifies the hydrological soil group (HSG) data source. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
No HSG data source |
STATSGO v1 HSG data source |
Hydrologic soil group source: STATSGOv1
Hydrologic soil group map:
specifies the path and filename for the HSG input file.
Hydrologic soil group map: ./input/STATSGO_v1/hsgpct.bsq
Bulk density data source:
specifies the source of the soil bulk density data type. Currently no options supported at this time.
Bulk density data source: none
Water capacity data source:
specifies the source of the water holding capacity data type. Currently no options supported at this time.
Water capacity data source: none
Rock volume data source:
specifies the source of the amount of rock volume data type. Currently no options supported at this time.
Rock volume data source: none
Rock frag class data source:
specifies the source of the rock fragment classification type. Currently no options supported at this time.
Rock frag class data source: none
Permeability data source:
specifies the source of the permeability data type. Currently no options supported at this time.
Permeability data source: none
Soil texture data source:
specifies the soil texture dataset source to be read in. Current soil texture source options include:
Value | Description |
The blended STATSGOv1 and FAO soil texture map. See: |
Similar dataset as to the above one but processed by LISF-team. |
FAO or Reynolds et al. (1999) soil texture map. |
ISRIC soil texture data source. |
Similar to above but on a GFS run domain. |
The STATSGOv1-only soil texture map. |
User can set a constant soil texture class. |
Soil texture data source: "STATSGOFAO_Native"
Soil texture map:
specifies the soil texture file.
Soil texture spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the soil texture map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Upscale by using nearest valid value for each gridcell |
tile |
Read in tiled data or upscale by estimating gridcell fractions |
Soil texture map: ../input/25KM/soiltexture_STATSGO-FAO.1gd4r Soil texture spatial transform: none
Soil texture map projection:
specifies the projection of the soil texture map data.
Soil texture fill option:
specifies the soil texture data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
Soil texture fill value:
indicates which soil texture value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing soil texture value, a value of 6 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Soil texture fill value for Antarctica:
indicates which soil texture value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed south of 60S. If not specified, value of Soil texture fill value:
will be used.
Soil texture force exclusion of water points during fill:
indicates whether to force exclusion of water points when filling soil texture. Required when using STATSGOFAO, south of 60S (i.e., texture is set to all water), and multiple surface model types (e.g., LSM and Openwater) are used.
Value | Description |
.false. |
do not enable |
.true. |
enable |
Defaults to .false.
Soil texture fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Soil texture fill option: neighbor Soil texture fill radius: 3. Soil texture fill value: 6. Soil texture fill value for Antarctica: 16 Soil texture force exclusion of water points during fill: .true.
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying soil texture data, if the data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Soil texture map projection: latlon Soil texture lower left lat: -59.87500 Soil texture lower left lon: -179.87500 Soil texture upper right lat: 89.87500 Soil texture upper right lon: 179.87500 Soil texture resolution (dx): 0.2500 Soil texture resolution (dy): 0.2500
Soil color map projection:
specifies the projection of the soil color map data.
Soil color data source:
specifies the soil color data source. Current option is: FAO
Soil color map:
specifies the soil color map file. This soil map is mainly used by the Community Land Model (version 2).
Soil color spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the soil color map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
Soil color data source: none Soil color map: Soil color spatial transform: none
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying soil color data, data source option “FAO” or has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Soil color map projection: latlon Soil color lower left lat: -59.87500 Soil color lower left lon: -179.87500 Soil color upper right lat: 89.87500 Soil color upper right lon: 179.87500 Soil color resolution (dx): 0.2500 Soil color resolution (dy): 0.2500
7.6. Topography Parameters
Elevation data source:
specifies the elevation dataset source to be read in.
Slope data source:
specifies the slope dataset source to be read in.
Aspect data source:
specifies the aspect dataset source to be read in.
Curvature data source:
specifies the curvature dataset source to be read in.
Current options include:
Value | Description |
GTOPO30_Native |
The GTOPO30 elevation map native source. See: |
Similar dataset as to the above one but processed by LISF-team. |
Similar dataset as to the above but on GFS grid. |
SRTM_Native |
The SRTM elevation map native source. See: |
Similar dataset as to the above one but processed by LISF-team. |
User can set a constant elevation, slope or aspect class. |
The MERIT elevation map, but processed by LISF-team to have a resolution ‘0.008333’. See: |
SnowModel-based National Elevation Dataset (NED) topographic fields. |
Elevation data source: "SRTM_Native" Slope data source: "SRTM_Native" Aspect data source: "SRTM_Native" Curvature data source: "SRTM_Native"
Elevation number of bands:
specifies the number of elevation bands or bins to turn on elevation tiling capability.
Slope number of bands:
specifies the number of slope bands or bins to turn on slope tiling capability.
Aspect number of bands:
specifies the number of aspect bands or bins to turn on aspect tiling capability.
Curvature number of bands:
specifies the number of curvature bands or bins to turn on curvature tiling capability.
Elevation number of bands: 1 Slope number of bands: 1 Aspect number of bands: 1 Curvature number of bands: 1
Topography maps
Elevation map:
specifies the elevation of the LIS grid. If the elevation map type selected is SRTM_Native, then the elevation file entry is actually just the directory path, which contains the tiled SRTM elevation files. Note: The SRTM tiles only go to 60deg S, and south of that the associated SRTM reader can fill in with GTOPO30 Antarctica tile files.
Slope map:
specifies the slope of the LIS grid. If the slope map type selected is SRTM_Native, then the file entry is actually just the directory path, which contains the tiled SRTM elevation files.
Aspect map:
specifies the aspect of the LIS grid. If the aspect map type selected is SRTM_Native, then the file entry is actually just the directory path, which contains the tiled SRTM elevation files.
Curvature map:
specifies the curvature of the LIS grid.
Elevation map: ../input/25KM/elev_GTOPO30.1gd4r Slope map: ../input/25KM/slope_GTOPO30.1gd4r Aspect map: ../input/25KM/aspect_GTOPO30.1gd4r Curvature map: ../input/25KM/curv_GTOPO30.1gd4r
Elevation fill option:
specifies the elevation data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
Elevation fill value:
indicates which elevation value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing elevation value, a value of 100(m) could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Elevation fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Elevation fill option: neighbor Elevation fill radius: 2. Elevation fill value: 100.
Slope fill option:
specifies the slope data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
Slope fill value:
indicates which slope value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing slope value, an value of 0.1 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Slope fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Slope fill option: neighbor Slope fill radius: 2. Slope fill value: 0.1
Aspect fill option:
specifies the aspect data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
Aspect fill value:
indicates which aspect value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing aspect value, an value of 2.0 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Aspect fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Aspect fill option: neighbor Aspect fill radius: 2. Aspect fill value: 2.0
Topography map projection:
specifies the projection of the topography map data.
Topography spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the topographic map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
budget-bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using conservative, budget-bilinear |
tile |
Read in tiled data or upscale by estimating gridcell fractions |
Topography spatial transform: tile
This section should also specify the domain specifications of the topography data. If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying topography data, especially if the data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Topography map projection: latlon Topography lower left lat: -59.87500 Topography lower left lon: -179.87500 Topography upper right lat: 89.87500 Topography upper right lon: 179.87500 Topography resolution (dx): 0.2500 Topography resolution (dy): 0.2500
7.7. LSM-specific Parameters
Albedo maps
Albedo data source:
specifies the albedo climatology map dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
NCEP_Native |
Native monthly NCEP albedo files. |
Similar to the above option but LISF-team processed. |
User can select a constant value. |
Albedo map:
specifies the path of the climatology based albedo files. The climatology albedo data files have the following naming convention: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.1gd4r The tag should be either sum, win, spr, or aut depending on the season, or the tag should represent the month (such as jan, feb, mar, etc.). The file header can be anything (such as alb1KM). The albedo field is used by Noah LSM versions.
Albedo map projection:
specifies the projection of the albedo map data.
Albedo climatology interval:
specifies the frequency of the albedo climatology in months.
Value | Description |
monthly |
Monthly interval for albedo files |
quarterly |
Seasonal interval for albedo files |
Albedo spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the albedo maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
budget-bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using conservative, budget-bilinear |
Albedo data source: NCEP_LIS Albedo map: ../input/25KM/albedo_NCEP Albedo climatology interval: monthly Albedo spatial transform: none
If selecting the Catchment LSM (F2.5 version), the model requires the near infrared (NIR) and visible (VIS) albedo factor files, as shown below for example. This particular albedo parameter set is currently only available for the Catchment LSM Fortuna 2.5 (CLSMF2.5).
Albedo NIR factor file:
specifies the NIR albedo factor file.
Albedo VIS factor file:
specifies the VIS albedo factor file.
These albedo parameter subroutines can be found in the albedo directory.
Albedo NIR factor file: ./GLDAS_1.0-deg/modis_scale_factor.albnf.clim Albedo VIS factor file: ./GLDAS_1.0-deg/modis_scale_factor.albvf.clim
Albedo fill option:
specifies the albedo data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
average |
Use average to fill missing value |
Albedo fill value:
indicates which albedo value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing albedo value, a value of 0.12 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Albedo fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Albedo fill option: average Albedo fill radius: 2. Albedo fill value: 0.12
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying albedo data where the albedo data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Albedo map projection: latlon Albedo lower left lat: -59.87500 Albedo lower left lon: -179.87500 Albedo upper right lat: 89.87500 Albedo upper right lon: 179.87500 Albedo resolution (dx): 0.2500 Albedo resolution (dy): 0.2500
Max snow albedo data source:
specifies the maximum snow albedo dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
NCEP_Native |
Native NCEP maximum snow albedo source. |
Similar to the above option but LISF-team processed. |
Similar to the above option but on GFS grid. |
SACHTET.3.5.6 |
Max snow albedo specific to the SAC-HTET model. |
User can select a constant value. |
Max snow albedo map:
specifies the map file containing data with the static upper bound of the snow albedo. The albedo field is used by all Noah LSM and RDHM-SAC LSM versions.
Max snow albedo map projection:
specifies the projection of the max snow albedo map data.
Max snow albedo spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the maximum snow albedo map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
budget-bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using conservative, budget-bilinear |
Max snow albedo data source: NCEP_LIS Max snow albedo map: ../input/25KM/mxsnoalb_MODIS.1gd4r Max snow albedo spatial transform: none
Max snow albedo fill option:
specifies the max snow albedo data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
average |
Use average to fill missing value |
Max snow albedo fill value:
indicates which max snow albedo value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing snow albedo value, an value of 0.42 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Max snow albedo fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Max snow albedo fill option: average Max snow albedo fill radius: 3. Max snow albedo fill value: 0.42
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying max snow albedo data, where the max snow albedo albedo data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Max snow albedo map projection: latlon Max snow albedo lower left lat: -59.87500 Max snow albedo lower left lon: -179.87500 Max snow albedo upper right lat: 89.87500 Max snow albedo upper right lon: 179.87500 Max snow albedo resolution (dx): 0.2500 Max snow albedo resolution (dy): 0.2500
Greenness fraction maps
Greenness vegetation fraction is considered the horizontal greenness fraction represented for a model gridcell. This parameter is used in the LSMs: all Noah LSMs, RDHM-SAC, Catchment F2.5.
Greenness data source:
specifies the greenness fraction climatology dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
NCEP_Native |
Native NCEP monthly greenness climatology source. |
Similar to the above option but LISF-team processed. |
CLSMF2.5 |
Similar to the above option but for CLSM F2.5 model. |
SACHTET.3.5.6 |
Similar to the above option but for SAC-HTET model. |
User can select a constant value. |
Greenness map projection:
specifies the projection of the greenness map data.
Greenness fraction map:
specifies the source of the climatology based gfrac files. The climatology greenness data files have the following naming convention: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.1gd4r. The tag should represent the month (such as jan, feb, mar, etc.). The file header can be anything (such as green1KM).
Greenness climatology interval:
specifies the frequency of the greenness climatology in months. Only current option is: “monthly”.
Calculate min-max greenness fraction:
specifies a logical flag option to offer the user the ability to calculate minimum and maximum greenness fraction values from a given climatology (e.g., monthly). Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.false. |
Read in min and max greenness fraction value maps |
.true. |
Calculate greenness fraction from greenness climatology maps |
Greenness maximum map:
specifies the file of the climatological maximum greenness data from the monthly greenness files.
Greenness minimum map:
specifies the file of the climatological minimum greenness data from the monthly greenness files.
Greenness spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the greenness maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
budget-bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using conservative, budget-bilinear |
Greenness data source: NCEP_LIS Greenness fraction map: ../input/25KM/gvf_NCEP Greenness climatology interval: monthly Calculate min-max greenness fraction: .true. Greenness maximum map: ../input/25KM/gvf_NCEP.MAX.1gd4r Greenness minimum map: ../input/25KM/gvf_NCEP.MIN.1gd4r Greenness spatial transform: none
Greenness fill option:
specifies the greenness fraction data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
average |
Use average to fill missing value |
Greenness fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Greenness fill value:
indicates which greenness fraction value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing greenness value, a value of 0.2 could be assigned if exists to fill).
Greenness maximum fill value:
indicates which maximum greenness fraction value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
Greenness minimum fill value:
indicates which minimum greenness fraction value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
Greenness fill option: average Greenness fill radius: 3 Greenness fill value: 0.20 Greenness maximum fill value: 0.80 Greenness minimum fill value: 0.05
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying greenness data source, if the option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Greenness map projection: latlon Greenness lower left lat: -59.87500 Greenness lower left lon: -179.87500 Greenness upper right lat: 89.87500 Greenness upper right lon: 179.87500 Greenness resolution (dx): 0.2500 Greenness resolution (dy): 0.2500
LAI/SAI maps Leaf area index and stem area index maps are used to describe the vertical representation of leafy vegetation and the woody-branch areas within a given gridecell (respectively). LAI/SAI are used in the Community Land Model (CLM), Mosaic LSM, and Catchment LSM, version F2.5.
LAI/SAI map projection:
specifies the projection of the LAI/SAI map data.
LAI data source:
specifies the leaf area index (LAI) climatology dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
LISF-team produced monthly LAI climatology source. |
CLSMF2.5 |
Similar to the above option but for CLSM F2.5 model. |
User can select a constant value. |
SAI data source:
specifies the stem area index (SAI) climatology dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
LISF-team produced monthly SAI climatology source. |
User can select a constant value. |
LAI map:
specifies the source of the climatology based LAI files. The climatology data files have the following naming convention: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.1gd4r. The tag should be represent the month (such as jan, feb, mar, etc.). The file header can be anything (such as avhrr_lai_1KM).
SAI map:
specifies the source of the climatology based SAI files. The climatology data files have the following naming convention: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.1gd4r. The tag should be represent the month (such as jan, feb, mar, etc.). The file header can be anything (such as avhrr_sai_1KM).
LAI/SAI climatology interval:
specifies the frequency of the LAI or SAI climatology in months. Current option is: “monthly”.
Calculate min-max LAI:
specifies a logical flag option to offer the user the ability to calculate minimum and maximum LAI values from a given climatology (e.g., monthly). Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.false. |
Read in min and max LAI value maps |
.true. |
Calculate LAI from LAI climatology maps |
LAI maximum map:
specifies the file of the climatological maximum LAI data from the monthly LAI files.
LAI minimum map:
specifies the file of the climatological minimum LAI data from the monthly LAI files.
LAI/SAI spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the LAI and SAI maps. Only “none” option works for the “AVHRR” or “CLSMF2.5” LAI data source entries. Other spatial options for the include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
budget-bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using conservative, budget-bilinear |
LAI data source: CLSMF2.5 LAI map: ../input/25KM/avhrr_lai_nldas SAI map: ../input/25KM/avhrr_sai_nldas Calculate min-max LAI: .false. LAI maximum map: ../input/CLSMF2.5/clsmf2.5_maxlai.1gd4r LAI minimum map: ../input/CLSMF2.5/clsmf2.5_minlai.1gd4r LAI/SAI climatology interval: monthly LAI/SAI spatial transform: none
LAI/SAI fill option:
specifies the LAI/SAI data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
average |
Use average to fill missing value |
LAI/SAI fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
LAI fill value:
indicates which LAI value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing LAI value, a value of 1 could be assigned if exists to fill).
LAI maximum fill value:
indicates which maximum LAI value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
LAI minimum fill value:
indicates which minimum LAI value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
SAI fill value:
indicates which SAI value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
LAI/SAI fill option: average LAI/SAI fill radius: 3 LAI fill value: 1 SAI fill value: 0.5 LAI maximum fill value: 4 LAI minimum fill value: 1
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying LAI/SAI data, if the data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
LAI/SAI map projection: latlon LAI/SAI lower left lat: -59.87500 LAI/SAI lower left lon: -179.87500 LAI/SAI upper right lat: 89.87500 LAI/SAI upper right lon: 179.87500 LAI/SAI resolution (dx): 0.2500 LAI/SAI resolution (dy): 0.2500
Slope type data source:
specifies the slope type index dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
NCEP_Native |
Native NCEP slope type derived map source. |
Similar to the above option but LISF-team processed. |
Similar to the above option but on a GFS grid type. |
User can select a constant value. |
Slope type map:
specifies the slope type index as used in all Noah LSM versions.
Slope type map projection:
specifies the projection of the slope type map data.
Slope type spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the soils maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
mode |
Upscale by selecting dominant type for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Use nearest neightbor to select nearest gridcell neighbor |
Slope type data source: NCEP_LIS Slope type map: ../input/25KM/slopetype_NCEP.1gd4r Slope type spatial transform: none
Slope type fill option:
specifies the slope type data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
Slope type fill value:
indicates which slope type value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing slope type value, an index value of 1 could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Slope type fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Slope type fill option: neighbor Slope type fill radius: 2. Slope type fill value: 1.
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying slope type data, if the data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Slope type map projection: latlon Slope type lower left lat: -59.87500 Slope type lower left lon: -179.87500 Slope type upper right lat: 89.87500 Slope type upper right lon: 179.87500 Slope type resolution (dx): 0.2500 Slope type resolution (dy): 0.2500
Bottom temperature data source:
specifies the bottom temperature dataset source to be read in. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
Native (NCEP) ISLSCP1 temperature derived map. |
Similar to the above option but LISF-team processed. |
Similar to the above option but on a GFS grid type. |
User can select a constant value. |
Bottom temperature map:
specifies the bottom boundary temperature data. This parameter is currently required by the Noah LSM versions and the recently added RDHM-SAC/Snow-17 models.
Bottom temperature map projection:
specifies the projection of the bottom temperature map data.
Bottom temperature spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the bottom temperature map. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Nearest neighbor scheme |
bilinear |
bilinear scheme |
budget-bilinear |
conservative scheme |
Bottom temperature data source: NCEP_LIS Bottom temperature map: ../input/25KM/tbot_GDAS_6YR_CLIM.1gd4r Bottom temperature spatial transform: none
Bottom temperature fill option:
specifies the bottom boundary temperature data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
average |
Averaging values for each missing value |
neighbor |
Use nearest neighbor to fill missing value |
Bottom temperature fill value:
indicates which bottom soil temperature value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing bottom temperature field, a value of 287 K could be assigned if no nearest neighbor values exists to fill).
Bottom temperature fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
Bottom temperature fill option: neighbor Bottom temperature fill radius: 3. Bottom temperature fill value: 287.0
Bottom temperature topographic downscaling:
specifies the option with which to adjust bottom temperature field due to topographic impacts.
Value | Description |
none |
No topographic/elevation adjustment made to parameter data |
lapse-rate |
Adjust (or downscale) bottom temperature using lapse-rate correction. |
Bottom temperature topographic downscaling: none
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying bottom temperature parameter data, if the data source option has a “_LIS” in the name. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Bottom temperature map projection: latlon Bottom temperature lower left lat: -59.87500 Bottom temperature lower left lon: -179.87500 Bottom temperature upper right lat: 89.87500 Bottom temperature upper right lon: 179.87500 Bottom temperature resolution (dx): 0.2500 Bottom temperature resolution (dy): 0.2500
Noah-MP PBL Height Value:
specifies the option which to set the planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) value for the Noah-MP model.
Noah-MP PBL Height Value: 900. # in meters
Miguez-Macho and Fan (MMF) Groundwater Parameters
Currently, Noah-MP.4.0.1 is the only land surface model that supports the MMF groundwater scheme. |
Process Noah-MP-4.0.1 MMF groundwater parameters:
specifies whether to process Noah-MP-4.0.1 MMF groundwater parameters. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
.false. |
do not process (default) |
.true. |
process |
Process Noah-MP-4.0.1 MMF groundwater parameters: .true.
The Noah-MP-4.0.1 parameters are only needed when running option "5" for the following lis.config entry when running LIS:
MMF transmissivity dir:
specifies the location of the directory containing FDEPTH (transmissivity e-folding depth [m]) data on GEOGRID tiles.
MMF climatological recharge dir:
specifies the location of the directory containing RECHARGE (climatological recharge [mm]) data on GEOGRID tiles.
MMF riverbed elevation dir:
specifies the location of the directory containing RIVERBED (riverbed elevation [m]) data on GEOGRID tiles.
MMF equilibrium water table depth dir:
specifies the location of the directory containing EQWTD (equilibrium water table depth [m]) data on GEOGRID tiles.
MMF HGT_M dir:
specifies the location of the directory containing GMTED2010 (30-arc-second topography height [m from MSL]) data on GEOGRID tiles.
MMF transmissivity dir: ./LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/groundwater/f/ MMF climatological recharge dir: ./LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/groundwater/recharge/ MMF riverbed elevation dir: ./LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/groundwater/riverbed/ MMF equilibrium water table depth dir: ./LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/groundwater/wtd/ MMF HGT_M dir: ./LS_PARAMETERS/noahmp401_parms/groundwater/topo_gmted2010_30s/
Spatial interpolation and gap filling parameters for each MMF variable are also required. See the config entries below. The WRF User’s Guide (and WPS/WPS-4.0.1/geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp) describe WPS’s MMF parameter preprocessing procedures from the GEOGRID grid to the model grid. WPS performing the entire interpolation process from aggregating to gap filling on the native GEOGRID space makes it fundamentally different to LDT because LDT first aggregates input data from the native grid to the model grid and then fills gaps on the model grid space. The current LDT implementation of MMF parameter preprocessing does not attempt to replicate the WPS interpolation procedures, instead, it uses existing LDT interpolation utilities to follow the WPS’s interpolation concept. |
MMF map projection:
map projection parameter is always set to latlon for MMF parameters.
MMF spatial transform:
spatial transform parameter is always set to average for MMF parameters.
MMF map projection: latlon MMF spatial transform: average
FDEPTH fill option:
specifies the MMF parameter fill option (neighbor
is preferred).
FDEPTH fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value (0 is preferred).
FDEPTH fill value:
indicates the parameter value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
FDEPTH water value:
MMF scheme is active in lake/water grid cells. Thus, a suitable FDEPTH value in lakes/rivers is needed in case GEOGRID didn’t have valid data at the location.
FDEPTH fill option: neighbor FDEPTH fill radius: 0. FDEPTH fill value: 100. FDEPTH water value: 100.
RECHCLIM fill option:
specifies the MMF parameter fill option (neighbor
is preferred).
RECHCLIM fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value (0 is preferred).
RECHCLIM fill value:
indicates the parameter value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
RECHCLIM water value:
MMF scheme is active in lake/water grid cells. Thus, a suitable RECHCLIM value in lakes/rivers is needed in case GEOGRID didn’t have valid data at the location.
RECHCLIM fill option: neighbor RECHCLIM fill radius: 0. RECHCLIM fill value: -1. RECHCLIM water value: -1.
EQWTD fill option:
specifies the MMF parameter fill option (neighbor
is preferred).
EQWTD fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
EQWTD fill value:
indicates the parameter value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
EQWTD water value:
MMF scheme is active in lake/water grid cells. Thus, a suitable EQWTD value in lakes/rivers is needed in case GEOGRID didn’t have valid data at the location.
EQWTD fill option: neighbor EQWTD fill radius: 0. EQWTD fill value: 0. EQWTD water value: 0.
HGT_M fill option:
specifies the MMF parameter fill option (neighbor
is preferred).
HGT_M fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
HGT_M fill value:
indicates the parameter value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
HGT_M fill option: neighbor HGT_M fill radius: 0. HGT_M fill value: 0.
If selecting the Community Land Model (4.5 version), the following config entires are also required.
CLM45 parameter mode:
specifies whether to “readin” the CLM-4.5 parameters from pre-processed files. Currently, only the “readin” option is available.
CLM45 domain file:
specifies the CLM-4.5 domain file. The domain file is used to define the grid and the landmask.
CLM45 surface file:
specifies the CLM-4.5 surface data parameter file.
CLM45 param spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform type is to be applied to the CLM-4.5 surface file. Currently, only “none” is supported, as it is assumed that the domain and surface files are on the same grid as the desired LDT output domain.
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LDT output domain |
CLM45 param map projection:
indicates the projection of the CLM-4.5 domain and surface files.
CLM45 lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the CLM-4.5 domain and surface files.
CLM45 lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the CLM-4.5 domain and surface files.
CLM45 upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude of the CLM-4.5 domain and surface files.
CLM45 upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude of the CLM-4.5 domain and surface files.
CLM45 resolution (dx):
specifies the grid spacing in degrees in the x-direction (longitudinal) of the CLM-4.5 domain and surface files.
CLM45 resolution (dy):
specifies the grid spacing in degrees in the y-direction (latitudinal) of the CLM-4.5 domain and surface files.
CLM45 parameter mode: "readin" CLM45 domain file: CLM45 surface file: CLM45 param spatial transform: none CLM45 param map projection: latlon CLM45 lower left lat: -90.0 CLM45 lower left lon: 0.625 CLM45 upper right lat: 90.0 CLM45 upper right lon: 359.375 CLM45 resolution (dx): 1.25 CLM45 resolution (dy): 0.9424060
If selecting Glen Liston’s SnowModel, the following config entires are required.
Snowmodel topo-veg data source:
specifies which pre-processed SnowModel parameters and file format type to be read in. Currently, only the “Grads_binary” option is available.
Snowmodel topo-veg map:
specifies the directory-file location of the pre-processed SnowModel topographic and vegetation class parameters.
Snowmodel topo-veg spatial transform:
specifies the type of grid transform for preprocessed SnowModel topographic and vegetation class parameters. Currently, this option is not yet supported and user option is only “none” at this time.
Snowmodel topo-veg map projection:
specifies the SnowModel parameter file projection. Currently, SnowModel parameter projection needs to be set to the same as the LIS domain projection, for now. SnowModel parameters are best provided either on a Lambert projection (in LIS) and supports some equal-area projection grids, like UTM, which is available in LIS. Future support for more options will be added.
Snowmodel topo-veg fill option:
specifies the type of fill option used with SnowModel parameters. Currently, this feature is not supported, and will be in future versions.
Snowmodel topo-veg data source: "Grads_binary" Snowmodel topo-veg map: ../SnowModel_Inputs/uppertuo_100m/topo_vege.gdat Snowmodel topo-veg spatial transform: "none" Snowmodel topo-veg map projection: lambert Snowmodel topo-veg fill option: none
Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) maps
PET directory:
specifies the source of the monthly climatology based PET files. The climatology data files have the following naming convention: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.1gd4r. The tag should be represent the month (such as JAN, FEB, MAR, etc.). The file header can be anything (such as avhrr_pet_1KM). Currently, this parameter is used only with the RDHM-SAC model.
PET map projection:
specifies the projection of the PET map data.
PET adjustment factor directory:
specifies the source of the m monthly climatology-based PET adjustment factor files. The climatology data files have the following naming convention: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.1gd4r. The tag should be represent the month (such as JAN, FEB, MAR, etc.). The file header can be anything (such as avhrr_petadj_1KM).
PET climatology interval:
specifies the frequency of the PET climatology in months. Current option is: “monthly”.
PET spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to the PET maps. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain (only option for now) |
PET directory: ../input/25KM/sachtet_pet PET adjustment factor directory: ../input/25KM/sachtet_petadj PET climatology interval: monthly PET spatial transform: none
PET fill option:
specifies the PET climatology data fill option. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply missing value fill routines |
average |
Use average to fill missing value |
PET fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
PET fill value:
indicates which PET value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed. (For example, when the landmask indicates a land point but no existing PET value, a value of 1 could be assigned if exists to fill. 10 pt
PET fill option: average PET fill radius: 3 PET fill value: 10.
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying PET data. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
PET map projection: latlon PET lower left lat: -59.87500 PET lower left lon: -179.87500 PET upper right lat: 89.87500 PET upper right lon: 179.87500 PET resolution (dx): 0.2500 PET resolution (dy): 0.2500
CLSMF25 map projection:
specifies the projection of the CLSMF25 map data.
CLSMF25 tile coord file:
specifies the location of a CLSM F2.5 coordinate file. This file contains catchment tile coordinate information that can be used in Catchment LSM (CLSM) Fortuna 2.5 version model run.
CLSMF25 tile coord file: ./cat_parms/PE_2880x1440_DE_464x224.file
CLSMF25 soil param file:
specifies the location of a CLSM F2.5 soils file. This file contains catchment soil parameter information that can be used in Catchment LSM (CLSM) Fortuna 2.5 version model run.
CLSMF25 soil param file: ./cat_parms/soil_param.dat
CLSMF25 topo files:
specifies the locations of a CLSM F2.5 topo parameter files. These files contain catchment topographic parameter information that can be used in a Catchment LSM (CLSM) Fortuna 2.5 version model run.
CLSMF25 topo ar file:
specifies the table file containing topographic shape parameters for the CLSM F2.5 model.
CLSMF25 topo bf file:
specifies the table file containing topographic baseflow paramters for the CLSM F2.5 model.
CLSMF25 topo ts file:
specifies the table file containing water transfer timescale parameters for the CLSM F2.5 model.
CLSMF25 topo ar file: ../cat_parms/ CLSMF25 topo bf file: ../cat_parms/bf.dat CLSMF25 topo ts file: ../cat_parms/ts.dat
CLSMF25 surf layer ts file:
specifies the location of a CLSM F2.5 tau parameter file. This file contain catchment surface layer timescale (ts), tau, parameter information that can be used in Catchment LSM (CLSM) Fortuna 2.5 version model runs.
CLSMF25 surf layer ts file: ../cat_parms/tau_param.dat
CLSMF25 top soil layer depth:
specifies the top soil layer depth. This parameter value specifies the depth of the top soil layer depth (unit: meters) and is needed in processing other parameters for a Catchment LSM (CLSM) Fortuna 2.5 version model run.
CLSMF25 top soil layer depth: 0.02
CLSMF25 spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to CLSM F2.5 parameters. Options include (only “none” works at this time):
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
CLSMF25 spatial transform: none
This section also outlines the domain specifications of the Catchment LSM Fortuna 2.5 data. If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying CLSM data. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
CLSMF25 map projection: latlon CLSMF25 lower left lat: 25.0625 CLSMF25 lower left lon: -124.9375 CLSMF25 upper right lat: 52.9375 CLSMF25 upper right lon: -67.0625 CLSMF25 resolution (dx): 0.125 CLSMF25 resolution (dy): 0.125
RDHM356 constants table:
specifies the location of the constants table required by the Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (RDHM) version 3.5.6 models, SAC-HTET and SNOW-17. This table file contains constant values for any listed SAC-HTET or SNOW-17 parameter types. If a constant value is >= 0., then the constant value is assigned for all gridcells for a parameter entry. If the value is negative, a 2-D gridded a priori map is read in. Also, the negative constant value can be used as a scaling factor of the 2-D grid by taking its absolute value and multiplying the entire field by it, if the value is other than -1.
RDHM356 universal undefined value:
specifies an universal undefined value that can be used by either the SAC-HTET or SNOW-17 models for run-time purposes.
RDHM356 constants table: ./rdhm_singlevalueinputs.txt RDHM356 universal undefined value: -1.
Create or readin soil parameters:
specifies how the soil parameter files are either generated or brought in to the SAC-HTET model. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
do not readin or create soil parameters |
readin |
read in existing SAC soil parameter files |
create |
generate SAC soil parameter fields in LDT (currently only available at native STATSGOv1 grid at the lat-lon grid and 0.00833 deg resolution). |
Create or readin soil parameters: "readin"
SACHTET soil parameter method:
specifies the method that can generate the SAC soil parameters. Options include (for now):
Value | Description |
none |
do not readin or create soil parameters |
Koren_v1 |
Based on Victor Koren (NOAA/OHD) original code developed to generate SAC soil parameters. |
SACHTET soil parameter method: "Koren_v1" # none | Koren_v1
SACHTET Cosby soil parameter table:
specifies the path of the Cosby soil parameter table needed for the SAC-HTET soil parameters, especially for the generation of the parameters.
SACHTET Cosby soil parameter table: ./rdhm_parms/cosby_eq_newzperc.txt
SACHTET parameter files:
specifies the locations of SACHTET 3.5.6 parameter files. These files contain soil-based and other model parameter information that can be used in SAC-HTET model runs. Most parameter files will come in the HRAP domain and XMRG-binary format found commonly in NOAA NWS/OHD/RFC applications. For the soil parameters, LZ indicates “lower zone” and UZ refers to “upper zone”.
SACHTET soiltype parameter table:
specifies the dominant soiltype parameter table file.
SACHTET vegetation parameter table:
specifies the vegetation parameter table file.
SACHTET parameter spatial transform:
specifies generally the SAC-HTET grid spatial transform. Current option is “none”, and future options will be supported.
SACHTET parameter fill option:
specifies generally the SAC-HTET parameter fill option. This option is not currently supported but can be in the future.
SACHTET parameter fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
SACHTET parameter fill value:
indicates which SACHTET parameter value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
SACHTET map projection:
specifies the general SAC-HTET parameter grid projection. Currently, “hrap” is supported and soon other projections, like “latlon” will be.
specifies the lower zone primary free water (slow) maximum storage [mm]
specifies the lower zone supplemental free water (fast) maximum storage [mm]
specifies the lower zone primary free water depletion rate [day \(^{-1}\)]
specifies the lower zone supplemental free water depletion rate [day \(^{-1}\)]
specifies the lower zone tension water maximum storage [mm]
specifies the upper zone free water maximum storage [mm]
specifies the upper zone tension water maximum storage [mm]
specifies the upper zone free water latent depletion rate [day \(^{-1}\)]
specifies the fraction percolation from upper to lower free water storage [day \(^{-1}\)]
specifies the exponent of the percolation equation (percolation parameter) [-]
specifies the maximum percolation rate [-]
specifies the fraction of forest cover [-]
specifies the impervious fraction of the watershad area [-]
specifies the additional impervious area [-]
specifies the ratio of deep recharge to channel base flow [-]
specifies the riparian vegetation area [-]
specifies the fraction of lower zone free water not transferable to tension water [-]
specifies the bottom boundary soil temperature [C]
specifies the SAC-HTET domain soil texture map file.
specifies the ratio of frozen to non-frozen surface (increase in frozen ground contact, usually = 8 s/m) [s/m]
specifies the maximum residual porosity (usually = 0.58) [-]
specifies the lower boundary depth (negative value, usually = -2.5 m) [m]
SACHTET offset time map:
specifies the path to the time offset map.
SACHTET soil albedo map:
specifies the soil albed map.
SACHTET soiltype parameter table: ./testcase/sachtet_soilparms.txt SACHTET vegetation parameter table: ./testcase/sachtet_vegparms.txt SACHTET LZFPM map: ./testcase/sac_LZFPM.gz SACHTET LZFSM map: ./testcase/sac_LZFSM.gz SACHTET LZPK map: ./testcase/sac_LZPK.gz SACHTET LZSK map: ./testcase/sac_LZSK.gz SACHTET LZTWM map: ./testcase/sac_LZTWM.gz SACHTET UZFWM map: ./testcase/sac_UZFWM.gz SACHTET UZTWM map: ./testcase/sac_UZTWM.gz SACHTET UZK map: ./testcase/sac_UZK.gz SACHTET PFREE map: ./testcase/sac_PFREE.gz SACHTET REXP map: ./testcase/sac_REXP.gz SACHTET ZPERC map: ./testcase/sac_ZPERC.gz SACHTET EFC map: ./testcase/sac_EFC.gz SACHTET PCTIM map: ./testcase/sac_PCTIM.gz SACHTET soil albedo map: ./testcase/sachtet_soilAlbedo.gz SACHTET offset time map: ./testcase/sachtet_offsetTime.gz SACHTET STXT map: ./testcase/frz_STXT.gz SACHTET TBOT map: ./testcase/frz_TBOT.gz SACHTET CKSL map: none SACHTET RSMAX map: none SACHTET ZBOT map: none SACHTET parameter spatial transform: none SACHTET parameter fill option: none SACHTET parameter fill radius: SACHTET parameter fill value: SACHTET map projection: hrap SACHTET offset time map:
SNOW17 parameter files:
specifies the locations of SNOW-17 parameter files. These files contain snow and soil-based parameter information that can be used in the SNOW-17 model run.
SNOW17 ADC directory:
specifies the location of the multiband Snow-17 curve coordinates.
SNOW17 ADC number of points:
specifies the number of areal depletion curve (ADC) points along the curve defining snow depletion rates.
SNOW17 PGM map:
specifies the ground melt (in mm) input map.
SNOW17 parameter spatial transform:
specifies the general grid spatial transform option for SNOW-17. Only current option for now is “none”.
SNOW17 parameter fill option:
specifies the general SNOW-17 parameter fill option. This option is not currently supported but can be in the future.
SNOW17 parameter fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
SNOW17 parameter fill value:
indicates which SNOW17 parameter value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
SNOW17 map projection:
specfies the general SNOW-17 parameter map projection. Currently only “hrap” is supported. Others like, “latlon”, will be supported in the future.
specifies the maximum melt factor [mm/(6hrC)]
specifies the minimum melt factor [mm/(6hrC)]
SNOW17 UADJ map:
specifies the the average wind function during rain-on-snow periods [mm/mb]
SNOW17 ALAT map:
specifies the latitude [-]
SNOW17 ELEV map:
specifies the elevation [m]
SNOW17 SCF map:
specifies the snow fall correction factor [-]
SNOW17 NMF map:
specifies the maximum negative melt factor [mm/(6hrC)]
SNOW17 SI map:
specifies the areal water-equivalent above which 100 percent areal snow cover [mm]
specifies the base temperature for non-rain melt factor [C]
specifies the temperature which spereates rain from snow [C]
specifies the maximum amount of liquid-water held against gravity drainage [-]
SNOW17 TIPM map:
specifies the antecedent snow temperature index parameter [-]
SNOW17 LAEC map:
specifies the snow-rain split temperature [C]
SNOW17 MFMAX map: ./testcase/snow_MFMAX.gz SNOW17 MFMIN map: ./testcase/snow_MFMIN.gz SNOW17 UADJ map: ./testcase/snow_UADJ.gz SNOW17 ALAT map: ./testcase/snow_ALAT.gz SNOW17 ELEV map: ./testcase/snow_ELEV.gz SNOW17 SCF map: none SNOW17 NMF map: none SNOW17 SI map: none SNOW17 MBASE map: none SNOW17 PXTEMP map: none SNOW17 PLWHC map: none SNOW17 TIPM map: none SNOW17 PGM map: none SNOW17 ELEV map: none SNOW17 LAEC map: none SNOW17 ADC directory: none SNOW17 ADC number of points: 11 SNOW17 parameter spatial transform: none SNOW17 parameter fill option: none SNOW17 parameter fill radius: SNOW17 parameter fill value: SNOW17 map projection: hrap
SiB2 static parameter directory:
specifies the location of Simple Biospheric v2 (SiB2) Model parameter files. These files contain vegetation- and soil-based parameter information that can be used in the SiB2 model run.
SiB2 parameter spatial transform:
specifies the general grid spatial transform option for SiB2. Only current option for now is “none”.
SiB2 map projection:
specfies the general SiB2 parameter map projection. What projections are available?
SiB2 parameter fill option:
specifies the general SiB2 parameter fill option.
SiB2 parameter fill radius:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) to help fill in the missing value.
SiB2 parameter fill value:
indicates which SiB2 parameter value to be used if an arbitrary value fill is needed.
SiB2 static parameter directory: ./testdata/ SiB2 parameter spatial transform: none SiB2 parameter fill option: none SiB2 map projection: latlon SiB2 lower left lat: 25.025 SiB2 lower left lon: -124.975 SiB2 upper right lat: 49.475 SiB2 upper right lon: -67.025 SiB2 resolution (dx): 0.05 SiB2 resolution (dy): 0.05
AquaCrop crop type data source:
specifies the data source for the crop types. Only current option is “CONSTANT”.
AquaCrop crop library directory:
specifies the location of the crop library directory containing the AC_Crop.Inventory file and the AC_Crop.List directory containing the crop files.
AquaCrop crop type:
specifies the crop type used for the “CONSTANT” crop type data source option.
AquaCrop number of soil layers:
specifies the number of soil layers (from top to bottom).
AquaCrop soil layer thickness:
specifies the thickness of each soil layer.
AquaCrop temperature climatology directory:
specifies the directory containing the monthly climatologies of minimum and maximum temperatures used for the a priori parametrization of the fertility. The files are provided as formatted monthly .txt files for Tmin and Tmax.
AquaCrop reference year for climatology
: specifies the reference year to be used for the a priori parametrization of the fertility (usually set to the center of the period used to compute the climatologies).
AquaCrop temperature climatology spatial transform
: specifies the spatial transformation for the climatologies of minimum and maximum temperatures. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data on same grid as LDT domain |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
##AquaCrop crop file directories AquaCrop crop type data source: "CONSTANT" AquaCrop crop library directory: ./crop_params_dir/ AquaCrop crop type: "crop_type" ##AquaCrop soil layers AquaCrop number of soil layers: 2 AquaCrop soil layer thickness: 0.3 0.9 ##AquaCrop tmin/tmax climatology AquaCrop temperature climatology directory: ./climatologies_dir/ AquaCrop reference year for climatology: 2011 AquaCrop temperature climatology spatial transform: "bilinear"
7.7.1. WRSI model parameter files
WRSI landmask file:
specifies the location of the GeoWRSI 2.0 land mask file (default file is in *BIL format).
WRSI length of growing period file:
specifies the location of the GeoWRSI 2.0 length of growing period file (default file is in *BIL format).
WRSI water holding capacity file:
specifies the location of the GeoWRSI 2.0 water holding capacity file (default file is in *BIL format).
WRSI WRSI climatology file:
specifies the location of the GeoWRSI 2.0 WRSI climatology file (default file is in *BIL format).
WRSI SOS climatology file:
specifies the location of the GeoWRSI 2.0 SOS climatology file (default file is in *BIL format).
WRSI SOS file:
specifies the location of an (optional) current start-of-season (SOS) file (default file is in *BIL format).
WRSI SOS anomaly file:
specifies the location of an (optional) current (SOS) anomaly file (default file is in *BIL format).
WRSI landmask file: ./data/Africa/Static/sawmask WRSI length of growing period file: ./data/Africa/Static/lgp_south WRSI water holding capacity file: ./data/Africa/Static/whc3 WRSI WRSI climatology file: ./data/Africa/Static/wsimedn_edc_s WRSI SOS climatology file: ./data/Africa/SOS/sosmedn_edc_s WRSI SOS file: none WRSI SOS anomaly file: none
7.8. Climate Parameters
Climatology parameter maps
PPT climatology data source:
specifies the monthly precipitation (PPT) climatology fields. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
PRISM US-only climate downscaled fields. For more info, see: |
Global climate layers downscaled. For more info, see: |
US Air Force GALWEM NWP fields on 10-km NAFPA grid (Oct2017-May2022). |
PPT climatology maps:
specifies the source of the climatology based precipitation files. The climatology precipitation data files can have the following naming conventions, depending on the data source:
PRISM: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.txt
The file header can be anything (such as ppt_1931_2010).
The tag should represent the month (such as jan, feb, mar, etc.).
WORLDCLIM: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.1gd4r
The file header can be prec_
The tag should represent the month (such as 1, 2,…, 12).
NAFPA_BACK_GALWEM: <directory>/<field header>.<tag>
The field header is SUM_TS
The tag should be year, month, day, and hour in UTC (YYYYMMDDHH).
PPT climatology interval:
specifies the frequency of the precipitation climatology in months. Current option is: “monthly”
PPT climatology data source: PRISM PPT climatology maps: ../LS_PARAMETERS/climate_maps/ppt_1981_2010 PPT climatology interval: monthly
PPT climatology data source 2:
specifies the second monthly precipitation (PPT) climatology fields, for calculating bias ratios. Current source options include:
Value | Description |
NOAA NLDAS-2 fields |
NOAA GFS NWP fields on 10-km NAFPA grid (Oct2017-May2022). |
PPT climatology maps 2:
specifies the source of the second group climatology based precipitation files. The climatology precipitation data files can have the following naming conventions, depending on the data source:
NLDAS: <directory>/<file header>.<tag>.txt
The file header can be anything (such as ppt_1931_2010).
The tag should represent the month (such as jan, feb, mar, etc.).
NAFPA_BACK_GFS: <directory>/<field header>.<tag>
The field header is SUM_TS
The tag should be year, month, day, and hour in UTC (YYYYMMDDHH).
PPT climatology data source 2: NAFPA_BACK_GFS PPT climatology maps 2: ./METRICS_GFS/
TMIN climatology maps:
specifies the source of the climatology based minimum temperature files.
TMAX climatology maps:
specifies the source of the climatology based maximum temperature files.
TMIN climatology maps: TMAX climatology maps:
Climate params spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform (i.e., upscale or downscale) type is to be applied to climate parameters. Only “average” spatial transform works currently for the “WORLDCLIM” climatology files. Options include:
Value | Description |
none |
Data is on same grid as LIS output domain |
average |
Upscale by averaging values for each gridcell |
neighbor |
Reinterpolate by selecting nearest gridcell neighbor |
bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using bilinear interpolation |
budget-bilinear |
Reinterpolate by using conservative, budget-bilinear |
Climate params spatial transform: average
This section also outlines the domain specifications of climatology-based parameters, like higher scaled monthly precipitation or min/max temperatures. If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be lat/lon, the following configuration should be used for specifying climatology data. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
Climate params map projection: latlon
7.9. Forcing Parameters
7.9.1. NLDAS-2 Forcing based parameter inputs
NLDAS2 elevation difference map:
specifies the NLDAS-2 elevation difference file used to remove built-in elevation correction.
NARR terrain height map:
specifies the terrain height map for the NLDAS-2 base forcing of the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR).
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
NLDAS2 elevation difference map: ../NARR_elev-diff.1gd4r NARR terrain height map: ../NARR_elevation.1gd4r
7.9.2. PRINCETON Forcing based parameter inputs
PRINCETON elevation map:
specifies the terrain height map for the Princeton University global forcing dataset.
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
PRINCETON elevation map: ../PRINCETON/hydro1k_elev_mean_1d.asc
7.9.3. NAM242 Forcing based parameter inputs
NAM242 elevation map:
specifies the terrain height map for the North American Mesoscale (NAM) NOAA grid 242 forcing dataset.
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
NAM242 elevation map: ../NAM/terrain.242.grb
7.9.4. GDAS
GDAS parameter inputs: GDAS elevation maps specify lowest boundary layer information which can be used to downscale or lapse rate adjust GDAS meteorological variables, if given a higher resolution elevation height map. Original files are given in Grib-1 format and on their original Gaussian grids (from NCEP), so the GDAS elevation file reader is set up to support these files.
GDAS forcing directory:
specifies the location of the GDAS forcing data files.
GDAS T126 elevation map:
specifies the GDAS T126 elevation definition.
GDAS T170 elevation map:
specifies the GDAS T170 elevation definition.
GDAS T254 elevation map:
specifies the GDAS T254 elevation definition.
GDAS T382 elevation map:
specifies the GDAS T382 elevation definition.
GDAS T574 elevation map:
specifies the GDAS T574 elevation definition.
GDAS T1534 elevation map:
specifies the GDAS T1534 elevation definition.
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
GDAS forcing directory: GDAS T126 elevation map: ./GDAS/global_orography.t126.grb GDAS T170 elevation map: ./GDAS/global_orography.t170.grb GDAS T254 elevation map: ./GDAS/global_orography.t254.grb GDAS T382 elevation map: ./GDAS/global_orography.t382.grb GDAS T574 elevation map: ./GDAS/global_orography.t574.grb GDAS T1534 elevation map: ./GDAS/global_orography_uf.t1534.3072.1536.grb
7.9.5. ECMWF
ECMWF parameter inputs: ECMWF elevation maps specify lowest boundary layer information which can be used to downscale or lapse rate adjust ECMWF meteorological variables, if given a higher resolution elevation height map. Original files are given in Grib-1 format and on their original lat-lon grids (from ECMWF), so the ECMWF elevation file reader is set up to support these files.
ECMWF forcing directory:
specifies the location of the ECMWF forcing data files.
ECMWF IFS23R4 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS23R4 terrain height map file path.
ECMWF IFS25R1 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS25R1 terrain height map file path.
ECMWF IFS30R1 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS30R1 terrain height map file path.
ECMWF IFS33R1 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS33R1 terrain height map file path.
ECMWF IFS35R2 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS35R2 terrain height map file path.
ECMWF IFS35R3 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS35R3 terrain height map file path.
ECMWF IFS36R1 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS36R1 terrain height map file path.
ECMWF IFS37R2 elevation map:
specifies the ECMWF IFS37R2 terrain height map file path.
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
ECMWF forcing directory: ECMWF IFS23R4 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2001092006.092006.elev_1_4 ECMWF IFS25R1 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2003010806.010806.elev_1_4 ECMWF IFS30R1 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2006020106.020106.elev_1_4 ECMWF IFS33R1 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2008060306.060306.elev_1_4 ECMWF IFS35R2 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2009031006.031006.elev_1_4 ECMWF IFS35R3 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2009090806.090806.elev_1_4 ECMWF IFS36R1 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2010012606.012606.elev_1_4 ECMWF IFS37R2 elevation map: ./ECMWF/ecmwf.2011051806.051806.elev_1_4
7.9.6. ERA5 Reanalysis Forcing based parameter inputs
ERA5 forcing directory:
specifies the location of the ERA5 Reanalysis forcing data files.
ERA5 forcing tile to grid mapping file:
specifies the file
that maps the 1-d forcing to a 2-d format
ERA5 forcing terrain height file:
specifies the ERA5 reanalysis elevation file
ERA5 forcing directory: ./ERA5/ ERA5 forcing tile to grid mapping file: ../ERA5/ ERA5 forcing terrain height file: ../ERA5/
7.9.7. MERRA-2 Forcing based parameter inputs
MERRA2 geopotential terrain height file:
specifies the MERRA-2 geopotential height file, which gets converted to terrain height (in meters) in LDT.
MERRA2 geopotential terrain height file: ./MERRA2_100/MERRA2_101.const_2d_asm_Nx.00000000.nc4
7.9.8. WRF-4km Forcing based parameter inputs
WRFoutv2 terrain height map:
specifies the WRF-4km terrain height file.
WRFoutv2 terrain height map: ./conus_wrf/
7.9.9. WRF-4km Alaska (AK) Forcing based parameter inputs
WRF AK terrain height map:
specifies the WRF-4km Alaska domain terrain height file.
WRF AK terrain height map: ./AK_wrf/
7.9.10. TRMM 3B42RTV7 precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.11. TRMM 3B42V6 precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.12. TRMM 3B42V7 precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.13. CMAP precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.14. CMORPH precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.15. MERRA2 forcing
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.16. RFE2Daily precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.17. RFE2gdas precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.18. CHIRPSv2 precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.19. Stage II precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.20. Stage IV precipitation
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.21. AGRMET
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.22. GEOS5 forecast
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.9.23. GFS
If the run mode option selected is “Metforce processing” or “Metforce temporal downscaling”, please see the latest LIS Users’ Guide.
7.10. LIS restart preprocessing options
Input restart file directory:
specifies the LIS output directory containing the restart files. It should be the same path as listed in “Output directory:” in the lis.config file used to generate the restart files.
Input restart file naming style:
specifies the style of the LIS model and restart output names and their organization. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“2 level hierarchy” |
2 levels of hierarchy |
“3 level hierarchy” |
3 levels of hierarchy |
“4 level hierarchy” |
4 levels of hierarchy |
“WMO convention” |
WMO convention for weather codes |
Input restart file output interval:
specifies the output interval of the restart files from the LIS output.
Input restart model timestep used:
specifies the timestep of the LSM or Routing model from the LIS output used to generate the restart files.
Input restart file format:
specifies the file format of the LIS restart files. Can be “netcdf” or “binary”. If config entry is not present, LDT defaults to “netcdf”. Note that the “binary” option is only supported for processing restart files from the VIC.4.1.2 LSM.
Output restart file generation mode:
specifies the method of generation of the LDT output restart preprocessing files. The only current option is “climatological average”.
Output restart file averaging interval type:
specified the averaging interval of the LDT output restart preprocessing files. The only current option is “monthly”.
If the VIC.4.1.2 LSM is used with binary restarts, the following VIC-specific options are also required in ldt.config:
For LIS sub-grid tiling, tiling is based on vegetation fractions from the “landcover file:” file, set this config entry to 1. For VIC sub-grid tiling, tiling is based on vegetation fractions from the “VEGPARAM” file, set this config entry to 0. See the LIS Users’ Guide and/or VIC’s documentation at: for more information about configuring these VIC options.
The above 5 config entries should all be the same values as specified in the lis.config file used to generate the VIC.4.1.2 LSM restart files. |
Input restart file directory: ./path_to_lis_output_directory Input restart file naming style: "3 level hierarchy" Input restart file output interval: 1mo Input restart model timestep used: 15mn Input restart file format: netcdf Output restart file generation mode: "climatology average" Output restart file averaging interval type: "monthly"
7.11. LIS restart transformation processing options
LIS restart source:
specifices the land surface model restart file. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
LSM restart file type |
Input restart filename:
specifies the name of the input restart file.
Output restart filename:
specifies the name of the output restart file.
LIS restart source: "LSM" Input restart filename: Output restart filename:
7.12. Ensemble restart model options
LIS restart source:
specifies the surface model restart file source. Options are:
Value | Description |
LSM restart file type |
Routing |
river or streamflow routing model restart file type |
LIS restart source: "LSM"
Ensemble restart generation mode:
specifies the mode of ensemble restart generation. Options are:
Value | Description |
upscale |
convert from a single member restart to a multi-member restart |
downscale |
convert from a multi-member restart to a single member restart |
Ensemble restart generation mode: "upscale"
Ensemble restart generation sampling strategy:
specifies the sampling strategy
for ensemble restart generation. Options are:
Value | Description |
none |
Do not apply random sampling strategy |
“random sampling” |
Use random sampling strategy |
“unperturbed sampling” |
Only use the non-perturbed member |
Ensemble restart generation sampling strategy: "random sampling"
Input restart filename:
specifies the name of the input restart file.
Input restart filename: ../OL/
Output restart filename:
specifies the name of the output restart file.
Output restart filename: ./
Number of ensembles per tile (input restart):
specifies the number of ensemble members used in the input restart file.
Number of ensembles per tile (input restart): 1
Number of ensembles per tile (output restart):
specifies the number of ensemble members to be used in the output restart file.
Number of ensembles per tile (output restart): 12
Make sure to specify the surface type, veg, soil, etc., subgrid tiling entries. For upscaling or downscaling of restart files, maximum number of tiles and minimum cutoff percentage entries for subgrid tiling based on vegetation or other parameter types (e.g., soil type, elevation, etc.) are required as entries. For example, must include, |
7.13. NUWRF preprocessing for real options
The section describes some of the LDT-based NUWRF real input processing options.
LIS history file for land state initialization:
specifies the file name of the LIS history file to use to initialize the land state.
Processed NUWRF file for input to real:
specifies the file name of the generated file that is then used as input to the real.exe program in NUWRF.
LIS history file for land state initialization: EXAMPLE Processed NUWRF file for input to real: EXAMPLE
7.14. Data Assimilation preprocessing options
The start time is specified in the following format:
Variable | Value | Description |
integer 2001 – present |
specifying starting year |
integer 1 – 12 |
specifying starting month |
integer 1 – 31 |
specifying starting day |
integer 0 – 23 |
specifying starting hour |
integer 0 – 59 |
specifying starting minute |
integer 0 – 59 |
specifying starting second |
Starting year: 2002 Starting month: 1 Starting day: 2 Starting hour: 0 Starting minute: 0 Starting second: 0
The end time is specified in the following format:
Variable | Value | Description |
integer 2001 – present |
specifying ending year |
integer 1 – 12 |
specifying ending month |
integer 1 – 31 |
specifying ending day |
integer 0 – 23 |
specifying ending hour |
integer 0 – 59 |
specifying ending minute |
integer 0 – 59 |
specifying ending second |
Ending year: 2010 Ending month: 1 Ending day: 1 Ending hour: 0 Ending minute: 0 Ending second: 0
LIS output timestep:
specifies the LIS output time-step.
LIS output timestep: 1da
DA observation source:
specifies the source of the observation data on which preprocessing is performed. Options are:
Value | Description |
“LIS LSM soil moisture” |
Soil moisture output from a LIS run. Note that the units of the LIS soil moisture must be “m3/m3”. |
“Synthetic soil moisture” |
Synthetic soil moisture observations created from a LIS run (units in “m3/m3”) |
“AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture” |
Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) retrievals of AMSR-E soil moisture (units in “m3/m3”) |
“AMSR-E(NASA) soil moisture” |
NASA AMSR-E soil moisture (units in “m3/m3”) |
“ESA CCI soil moisture” |
Essential Climate Variable (ECV) soil moisture retrievals (units in “m3/m3”) |
“WindSat soil moisture” |
WindSat retrievals of soil moisture (units in “m3/m3”) |
“SMOPS soil moisture” |
NESDIS Soil Moisture Operational Processing System (SMOPS) based soil moisture retrievals (units in “m3/m3”) |
“ASCAT TUW soil moisture” |
ASCAT soil moisture retrievals from TU Wein (units in “m3/m3”) |
Terrestrial water storage observations from GRACE (units in “mm”) |
Terrestrial water storage observations from GRACE (units in “mm”) |
“Simulated GRACE” |
Simulated water storage observations from GRACE (units in “mm”) |
“MCD15A2H LAI” |
MODIS MCD15A2H v006 LAI product (units in “-”) |
GLASS LAI product (units in “-”) |
“LPRM vegetation optical depth” |
Land Parameter Retrieval Model (LPRM) vegetation optical depth observations (units in “-”) |
“NASA SMAP vegetation optical depth” |
NASA SMAP vegetation optical depth observations (units in “-”) |
“SMOS NRT NN soil moisture” |
SMOS Level 2 Soil Moisture Near Real Time Neural Network |
“THySM soil moisture” |
Thermal Hydraulic disaggregation of Soil Moisture |
“SMAP_E_OPL soil moisture” |
Operational 9-km enhanced SMAP soil moisture retrieval |
“GEOS effective soil temperature” |
GEOS-FP effective soil temperature |
CDFS green vegetation fraction (GVF) |
VIIRS green vegetation fraction (GVF) |
“LIS LSM effective soil temperature” |
Soil temperature output from a LIS run |
DA observation source: "AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture"
DA preprocessing method:
specifies which preprocessing method should be used. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“Obs grid generation” |
Create the observation space grid only |
“CDF generation” |
Create CDFs for the given data source |
“Anomaly correction” |
Create updated observations for DA by applying anomaly correction (Used for GRACE DA) |
DA preprocessing method: "CDF generation"
Name of the preprocessed DA file:
specifies the name of the preprocessed DA file from LDT.
Name of the preprocessed DA file: "lprm_cdf"
Number of bins to use in the CDF:
specifies the number of bins to use while computing the CDF.
Number of bins to use in the CDF: 100
Temporal resolution of CDFs:
specifies whether to generate lumped (considering all years and all seasons) CDFs or to stratify CDFs for each calendar month. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
monthly |
stratify for each calendar month |
yearly |
lump (considering all years and all seasons) |
half-monthly |
stratify for each calendar half-month (for SMAP_E_OPL) |
Temporal resolution of CDFs: monthly
Daily interpolation of mean and stddev:
specifies whether daily interpolation of mean and standrd deviation is conducted when 'Temporal resolution of CDFS:' is set to 'half-monthly'. This should be '1' to generate statistics of effective soil temperature (Teff), which are used to scale the LIS Teff during generating the SMAP_E_OPL soil moisture retrievals
Enable spatial sampling for CDF calculations:
Normally CDFs are calculated (for a given grid cell) by using the data values available at that grid point only. If this option is enabled, then values around a specified radius will be used in the CDF calculations, effectively improving the sampling density at the risk of reduced geographic specificity.
Enable spatial sampling for CDF calculations: 1
Spatial sampling window radius for CDF calculations:
specifies the radius with which to search for nearby value(s) in the CDF calculations.
Spatial sampling window radius for CDF calculations: 2
Group CDFs by external data:
specifies whether to group CDFs for each pixel by an externally specified categorical map; for example, by landcover. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not group by external data |
1 |
group by external data |
Group CDFs by external data: 0
CDF grouping attributes file:
specifies the name of an ASCII file that specifies the attributes of the CDF grouping, if enabled. A sample file is shown below. The first line is a description. The second line is the name of the file containing the external data for grouping. The third line is a descrition. The fourth line is the minimum value of the categorical data, followed by the maximum value of the categorical data, followed by the number of bins of the categorical data.
#category file
#min max nbins
1 19 18
CDF grouping attributes file: cdf_grouping.txt
Stratify CDFs by external data:
specifies whether to stratify CDFs for each pixel by an externally specified categorical map; for example, by precipitation climatology.
This option generates a stratified CDF for each grid cell. That means if the domain contains 10000 grid cells, the CDF file also has 10000 CDFs. But CDFs in grid cells with a similar precipitation climatology are the same.
Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not stratify by external data |
1 |
stratify by external data |
Stratify CDFs by external data: 1
Number of bins to use for stratification:
specifies the number of stratification bins to use for computing the CDF.
Number of bins to use for stratification: 15
Stratification data source:
specifies the name of the stratification data source
Stratification data source: "LIS LSM total precipitation"
External stratification file:
Specifies the name of a NetCDF file that contains the monthly precipitation climatology. The user needs to run an LSM and generate daily total precipitation output for a long period. Then the user needs to run LVT to generate monthly precipitation climatology.
External stratification file: ""
Write stratified geolocation independent CDFs:
specifies whether to write the stratified CDF or not.
This option eliminates the similar CDFs and collapses the stratified CDFs into a number of stratified bins. For example, if the domain contains 10000 grid cells and you chose to stratify the CDFs to 15 precipitation bins. This option collapses the 10000 CDFs to 15 CDFs. This CDF is a geolocation independent CDFs.
Write stratified geolocation independent CDFs: 1
Temporal averaging interval:
specifies temporal averaging interval to be used while computing the CDF.
Temporal averaging interval: "1da"
Apply external mask:
specifies if an external mask (time varying) is to be applied while computing the CDF.
Apply external mask: 0
External mask directory:
specifies the location of the external mask.
External mask directory: none
Observation count threshold:
specifies the minimum number of observations to be used for generating valid CDF data.
Observation count threshold: 500
LIS soil moisture output format:
specifies the output format of the LIS model output. (binary/netcdf/grib1)
LIS soil moisture output methodology:
specifies the output methodology used in the LIS model output (1d tilespace/1d gridspace/2d gridspace).
LIS soil moisture output naming style:
specifies the output naming style used in the LIS model output (3 level hierarchy/4 level hierarchy, etc.).
LIS soil moisture output nest index:
specifies the index of the nest used in the LIS model output.
LIS soil moisture output directory:
specifies the location of the LIS model output.
LIS soil moisture output timestep:
specifies the output timestep of the LIS soil moisture.
LIS soil moisture output map projection:
specifies the map projection used in the LIS model output.
For Lat/Lon projections:
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil moisture domain upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil moisture domain upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the latitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the longitude of the LIS model output.
For Lambert and polar projections:
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain true lat1:
specifies the true lat1 of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain true lat2:
specifies the true lat2 of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain standard lon:
specifies the standard longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain resolution:
specifies the resolution of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain x-dimension size:
specifies the x-dimension size of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain y-dimension size:
specifies the y-dimension size of the LIS model output
For “WMO convention” style output
LIS soil moisture security class:
specifies the security classification for the LIS model output file, used only for WMO-convention output.
LIS soil moisture distribution class:
specifies the distribution classification for the LIS model output file, used only for WMO-convention output.
LIS soil moisture data category:
specifies the data category for the LIS model output file, used only for WMO-convention output.
LIS soil moisture area of data:
specifies the area of data for the LIS model output file, used only for WMO-convention output.
LIS soil moisture write interval:
specifies the write interval for the LIS model output file, used only for WMO-convention output.
LIS soil moisture output format: "netcdf" LIS soil moisture output methodology: "2d gridspace" LIS soil moisture output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" LIS soil moisture output map projection: "latlon" LIS soil moisture output nest index: 1 LIS soil moisture output timestep: EXAMPLE LIS soil moisture output directory: ../OL/OUTPUT LIS soil moisture domain lower left lat: 18.375 LIS soil moisture domain lower left lon: -111.375 LIS soil moisture domain upper right lat: 41.375 LIS soil moisture domain upper right lon: -85.875 LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dx): 0.25 LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dy): 0.25 LIS soil moisture security class: LIS soil moisture distribution class: LIS soil moisture data category: LIS soil moisture area of data: LIS soil moisture write interval:
LIS soil temperature output model name:
specifies the model name used to simulate soil temperature
LIS soil temperature output directory:
specifies the location of the LIS model output.
LIS soil temperature output format:
specifies the output format of the LIS model output. (binary/netcdf/grib1)
LIS soil temperature output methodology:
specifies the output methodology used in the LIS model output (1d tilespace/1d gridspace/2d gridspace).
LIS soil temperature output naming style:
specifies the output naming style used in the LIS model output (3 level hierarchy/4 level hierarchy, etc.).
LIS soil temperature output nest index:
specifies the index of the nest used in the LIS model output.
LIS soil temperature output map projection:
specifies the map projection used in the LIS model output.
LIS soil temperature domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model outpu.
LIS soil temperature domain upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil temperature domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil temperature domain upper right lon
specifies the upper right longitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil temperature domain resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the latitude of the LIS model output.
LIS soil temperature domain resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the longitude of the LIS model output.
For Lambert and polar projections:
LIS soil temperature domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature domain true lat1:
specifies the true lat1 of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature domain true lat2:
specifies the true lat2 of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature domain standard lon:
specifies the standard longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature domain resolution:
specifies the resolution of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature domain x-dimension size:
specifies the x-dimension size of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature domain y-dimension size:
specifies the y-dimension size of the LIS model output
LIS soil temperature output model name: "Noah.3.9" LIS soil temperature output directory: ../OL/OUTPUT LIS soil temperature output format: "netcdf" LIS soil temperature output methodology: "2d gridspace" LIS soil temperature output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" LIS soil temperature output nest index: 1 LIS soil temperature output map projection: "latlon" LIS soil temperature domain lower left lat: -89.9531250 LIS soil temperature domain upper right lat: 89.9531250 LIS soil temperature domain lower left lon: -179.9296875 LIS soil temperature domain upper right lon: 179.9296875 LIS soil temperature domain resolution (dx): 0.1406250 LIS soil temperature domain resolution (dy): 0.0937500
Synthetic soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the synthetic soil moisture data.
Synthetic soil moisture observation timestep:
specifies the timestep of the synthetic soil moisture observations.
Synthetic soil moisture observation directory: ./SYN_SM Synthetic soil moisture observation timestep: EXAMPLE
AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the LPRM AMSR-E data.
AMSR-E(LPRM) use raw data:
specifies if raw data (instead of the retrievals CDF-matched to the GLDAS Noah climatology).
AMSR-E(LPRM) soil moisture observation directory: ./LPRM.v5 AMSR-E(LPRM) use raw data: 1
NASA AMSRE soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the NASA AMSR-E data.
NASA AMSRE soil moisture observation directory: ./NASA_AMSRE
ESA CCI soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the ESA CCI soil moisture data.
ESA CCI soil moisture version of data:
specifies the version of the ESA CCI soil moisture dataset.
ESA CCI soil moisture sensor type:
specifies the sensor type of the ESA CCI soil moisture dataset. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“passive” |
passive sensor type |
“active” |
active sensor type |
“combined” |
combined sensor type |
ESA CCI soil moisture observation directory: ./ECV ESA CCI soil moisture version of data: EXAMPLE ESA CCI soil moisture sensor type: combined
GCOMW AMSR2 L3 soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the GCOMW AMSR v2 L3 soil moisture data.
GCOMW AMSR2 L3 soil moisture observation directory: ./GCOMW_AMSR2
WindSat soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the WindSat soil moisture data.
WindSat soil moisture observation directory: ./WindSat
Aquarius L2 soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the Aquarius soil moisture data.
Aquarius L2 soil moisture observation directory: ./Aquarias_SM/
SMOS L2 soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the SMOS soil moisture data.
SMOS L2 soil moisture observation directory: ./SMOS_SM/
SMOPS soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the real time SMOPS soil moisture data.
SMOPS soil moisture use ASCAT data:
specifies if the ASCAT layer of SMOPS is to be used.
SMOPS soil moisture use SMOS data:
specifies if the SMOS layer of SMOPS is to be used.
SMOPS soil moisture use AMSR2 data:
specifies if the AMSR2 layer of SMOPS is to be used.
SMOPS soil moisture use SMAP data:
specifies if the SMAP layer of SMOPS is to be used.
SMOPS soil moisture version:
specifies the version of the SMOPS soil moisture datasets. Defaults to “date-based”. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“date-based” |
Assume the version of the dataset based on date. (default) |
“1.3” |
Treat the dataset as version 1.3. |
“2.0” |
Treat the dataset as version 2.0. |
“3.0” |
Treat the dataset as version 3.0. |
Assume the version of the dataset based on the NESDIS version 3.0 regeneration date. |
There are three versions of the SMOPS datasets. According to the use by the 557th Weather Wing:
version_1.3 < 2016-10-31T12:00:00 2016-10-31T12:00:00 <= version_2.0 < 2017-08-24T12:00:00 version_3.0 >= 2017-08-24T12:00:00
Also, NESDIS has regenerated SMOPS version 3.0 datasets starting from 2012-08-01.
The value “date-based” will use the dates 2016-10-31 and 2017-08-24 to determine the version of the SMOPS datasets.
The value “NESDIS V3.0 REGEN” will use the date 2012-08-01 to determine the version of the SMOPS datasets.
Should you need to explicitly state the version of the SMOPS datasets, then you may specify their version with either “1.3”, “2.0”, or “3.0”.
SMOPS search radius for openwater proximity detection:
specifies the radius in which LDT search to detect open water. Then removes all pixels within the radius in the CDF calculations.
SMOPS soil moisture observation directory: ./RTSMOPS SMOPS soil moisture use ASCAT data: 1 SMOPS soil moisture use SMOS data: 0 SMOPS soil moisture use AMSR2 data: 0 SMOPS soil moisture use SMAP data: 0 SMOPS soil moisture version: "date-based" SMOPS search radius for openwater proximity detection: 3
ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the TU Wein retrievals of ASCAT soil moisture data.
ASCAT (TUW) soil moisture observation directory: ./TUW_ASCAT
MCD15A2H LAI data directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the MODIS MCD15A2H LAI retrievals.
MCD15A2H LAI data version:
specifies the version of the MCD15A2H LAI retrievals. The default version is "006".
MCD15A2H LAI apply climatological fill values:
specifies whether to fill in climatological LAI values if there are missing values.
MCD15A2H LAI apply QC flags:
specifies whether to apply quality control flags for LAI retrievals.
MCD15A2H LAI data directory: ./MCD15A2H.006 MCD15A2H LAI data version: "006" MCD15A2H LAI apply climatological fill values: 1 MCD15A2H LAI apply QC flags: 1
GRACE raw data filename:
specifies the name of the GRACE raw data.
GRACE baseline starting year:
specifies the baseline starting year from which to establish the TWS climatology.
GRACE baseline ending year:
specifies the baseline ending year from which to establish the TWS climatology.
GRACE scale factor filename:
specifies the name of the file containing the GRACE scale factor. This is NetCDF file provided by JPL.
GRACE measurement error filename:
specifies the name of the file containing the GRACE measurement error. This is a NetCDF file provided by JPL.
GRACE process basin averaged observations:
specifies whether to process basin averaged observations. Default value is 0. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not process |
1 |
process |
GRACE basin map file:
specifies the file name of the basin map data.
GRACE data source:
specifies the GRACE TWS dataset source to be read in. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“GRACE TWS Mascon 0.5 deg” |
GRACE terrestrial water storage mass concentration blocks (mascons) at 0.5 degree resolution |
“GRACE TWS Original 1 deg” |
GRACE terrestrial water storage at 1 degree resolution |
LIS TWS output format:
specifies the output format of the LIS model output (binary/netcdf/grib1).
LIS TWS output methodology:
specifies the output methodology used in the LIS model output (1d tilespace/1d gridspace/2d gridspace).
LIS TWS output naming style:
specifies the output naming style used in the LIS model output (3 level hierarchy/4 level hierarchy, etc.).
LIS TWS output nest index:
specifies the index of the nest used in the LIS model output.
LIS TWS output directory:
specifies the location of the LIS model output.
LIS TWS output map projection:
specifies the map projection used in the LIS model output.
LIS SWS output processing:
specifies whether to take surface water storage (SWS) computed by LIS with the HyMAP2 routing model into account when processing GRACE data. For more information about generating SWS inputs, please refer to Sections “HYMAP2 Routing” and “Model Output Specifications” in the LIS Users' Guide. When this setting is enabled, LDT looks for the LIS-generated SWS data in ./OUTPUT/ROUTING
. For more information about this feature, please refer to and Default value is 0. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
do not process |
1 |
process |
For lat/lon projection:
LIS TWS output domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the latitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the longitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
For Lambert and polar projections:
LIS TWS output domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain true lat1:
specifies the true lat1 of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain true lat2:
specifies the true lat2 of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain standard lon:
specifies the standard longitude of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain resolution:
specifies the resolution of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain x-dimension size:
specifies the x-dimension size of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain y-dimension size:
specifies the y-dimension size of the LIS model output
GRACE raw data filename: ../GRACE_tws/ GRACE baseline starting year: 2004 GRACE baseline ending year: 2009 GRACE scale factor filename: EXAMPLE GRACE measurement error filename: EXAMPLE GRACE data source: "GRACE TWS Mascon 0.5 deg" LIS TWS output format: "netcdf" LIS TWS output methodology: "2d gridspace" LIS TWS output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" LIS TWS output map projection: "latlon" LIS TWS output nest index: 1 LIS TWS output directory: ../OL_NLDAS/OUTPUT LIS TWS output domain lower left lat: 25.0625 LIS TWS output domain lower left lon: -124.9375 LIS TWS output domain upper right lat: 52.9375 LIS TWS output domain upper right lon: -67.0625 LIS TWS output domain resolution (dx): 0.125 LIS TWS output domain resolution (dy): 0.125
Simulated GRACE data directory:
specifies the directory containing the simulated GRACE observations.
Simulated GRACE configuration:
specifies the simulated GRACE configuration. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“default” |
default |
“follow-on” |
follow on |
“GRACE-2” |
Simulated GRACE baseline starting year:
specifies the baseline starting year from which to establish the simulated TWS climatology.
Simulated GRACE baseline ending year:
specifies the baseline ending year from which to establish the simulated TWS climatology.
LIS TWS output format:
specifies the output format of the LIS model output (binary/netcdf/grib1).
LIS TWS output methodology:
specifies the output methodology used in the LIS model output (1d tilespace/1d gridspace/2d gridspace).
LIS TWS output naming style:
specifies the output naming style used in the LIS model output (3 level hierarchy/4 level hierarchy, etc.).
LIS TWS output nest index:
specifies the index of the nest used in the LIS model output.
LIS TWS output directory:
specifies the location of the LIS model output.
LIS TWS output map projection:
specifies the map projection used in the LIS model output.
For lat/lon projection:
LIS TWS output domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the latitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
LIS TWS output domain resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the longitude of the LIS model output (if map projection is latlon).
For Lambert and polar projections:
LIS TWS output domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain true lat1:
specifies the true lat1 of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain true lat2:
specifies the true lat2 of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain standard lon:
specifies the standard longitude of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain resolution:
specifies the resolution of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain x-dimension size:
specifies the x-dimension size of the LIS model output
LIS TWS output domain y-dimension size:
specifies the y-dimension size of the LIS model output
Simulated GRACE data directory: sim_grace Simulated GRACE configuration: default Simulated GRACE baseline starting year: 2004 Simulated GRACE baseline ending year: 2009 LIS TWS output format: "netcdf" LIS TWS output methodology: "2d gridspace" LIS TWS output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" LIS TWS output map projection: "latlon" LIS TWS output nest index: 1 LIS TWS output directory: ../OL_NLDAS/OUTPUT LIS TWS output domain lower left lat: 25.0625 LIS TWS output domain lower left lon: -124.9375 LIS TWS output domain upper right lat: 52.9375 LIS TWS output domain upper right lon: -67.0625 LIS TWS output domain resolution (dx): 0.125 LIS TWS output domain resolution (dy): 0.125
NASA SMAP soil moisture data designation:
Value | Description |
employ level2 36km radiometer only product |
employ level2 9km enhanced/oversampled product |
employ level3 36km radiometer only product |
employ level3 9km enhanced/oversampled product |
NASA SMAP soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the NASA SMAP data.
NASA SMAP soil moisture data designation: NASA SMAP soil moisture observation directory:
NASA SMAP vegetation optical depth observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the L2 SMAP vegetation optical depth retrievals.
NASA SMAP vegetation optical depth data designation:
specifies the type/source of VOD retrievals. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
employ level2 36km radiometer only product |
employ level2 9km enhanced/oversampled product |
NASA SMAP vegetation optical depth observation directory: ../SPL2SMP_E.002 NASA SMAP vegetation optical depth data designation: 'SPL2SMP_E'
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture Composite Release ID (e.g., R16):
specifies first three characters of the Composite Release ID (CRID) (e.g., R16)
SMAP(NASA) soil moisture Composite Release ID (e.g., R16):
SMOS NESDIS soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the SMOS soil moisture retrievals from NOAA NESDIS.
SMOS NESDIS soil moisture observation directory:
LPRM vegetation optical depth observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the LPRM vegetation optical depth retrievals from LPRM.
LPRM vegetation optical depth data designation:
specifies the type/source of VOD retrievals. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
“X-band” |
employ X-band based VOD |
“C-band” |
employ C-band based VOD |
LPRM vegetation optical depth observation directory: ../LPRM_VOD LPRM vegetation optical depth data designation: 'X-band'
SMOS NRT NN soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the SMOS NRT NN data.
SMOS NRT NN soil moisture observation directory: ./SMOS_NRT_NN
SMOS NRT NN search radius for openwater proximity detection:
specifies the radius in which LDT search to detect open water. Then removes all pixels within the radius in the CDF calculations.
SMOS NRT NN search radius for openwater proximity detection: 3
THySM observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the THySM data.
THySM observation directory: ../THySM
SMAP_E_OPL soil moisture observation directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the SMAP_E_OPL soil moisture data
SMAP_E_OPL soil moisture observation directory: ../SMAP_E_OPL_noah39
SMAP_E_OPL search radius for openwater proximity detection:
specifies the radius in which LDT search to detect open water. Then removes all pixels within the radius in the CDF calculations
SMAP_E_OPL search radius for openwater proximity detection: 3
GEOS soil temperature data directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the GEOS-FP soil temperature data
GEOS soil temperature data directory: ./GEOS
CDFS GVF data directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the CDFS GVF data
CDFS GVF data directory: ./CDFS_GVF
VIIRS GVF data directory:
specifies the location of the data directory containing the VIIRS GVF data
VIIRS GVF data directory: ./VIIRS_GVF
7.15. HYMAP routing options
This section describes the parameters needed for the HYMAP and the HYMAP2 routing models. The config entries only have “HYMAP” within them, as they apply to both HYMAP versions.
HYMAP river width map:
specifies the name of the HYMAP river width data file.
HYMAP river height map:
specifies the name of the HYMAP river height data file.
HYMAP river length map:
specifies the name of the river length data file.
HYMAP river roughness map:
specifies the name of the HYMAP river roughness data file.
HYMAP floodplain height map:
specifies the name of the HYMAP floodplain height data file.
HYMAP floodplain height levels:
specifies the number of the HYMAP floodplain height levels.
HYMAP floodplain roughness map:
specifies the name of floodplain roughness data file.
HYMAP flow direction x map:
specifies the name of the x-flow direction data file.
HYMAP flow direction y map:
specifies the name of the y-flow direction data file.
HYMAP grid elevation map:
specifies the name of the grid elevation data file.
HYMAP grid distance map:
specifies the name of the grid distance data file.
HYMAP grid area map:
specifies the name of the grid area data file.
HYMAP drainage area map:
specifies the name of the drainage area data file.
HYMAP basin map:
specifies the name of the basin map data file.
HYMAP basin mask map:
specifies the name of the basin mask data file.
HYMAP runoff time delay map:
specifies the name of the runoff time delay data file.
HYMAP runoff time delay multiplier map:
specifies the name of the runoff time delay multiplier data file.
HYMAP baseflow time delay map:
specifies the name of the baseflow time delay data file.
HYMAP baseflow dwi ratio map:
specifies the name of the baseflow dwi ratio data file. This is an optional parameter that is required only when “HYMAP2 routing model dwi flag” is set to 1 (turned on) in LIS in the lis.config file. If this flag is set to 0 in the lis.config file, the baseflow dwi ratio map is not required.
HYMAP runoff dwi ratio map:
specifies the name of the runoff dwi ratio data file. This is an optional parameter that is required only when “HYMAP2 routing model dwi flag” is set to 1 (turned on) in LIS in the lis.config file. If this flag is set to 0 in the lis.config file, the runoff dwi ratio map is not required.
HYMAP river flow type map:
specifies the name of the river flow type data file. This is an optional parameter that is required only when “HYMAP2 routing method” is set to “hybrid” in LIS in the lis.config file. If the routing method is set to a different option, the river flow type map is not required.
HYMAP river width map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_rivwth_0125.bin HYMAP river height map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_rivhgt_0125.bin HYMAP river length map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_rivlen_0125.bin HYMAP river roughness map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_rivman_0125.bin HYMAP floodplain height map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_fldhgt_0125.bin HYMAP floodplain height levels: 10 HYMAP floodplain roughness map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_fldman_0125.bin HYMAP flow direction x map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_nextx_0125.bin HYMAP flow direction y map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_nexty_0125.bin HYMAP grid elevation map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_elevtn_0125.bin HYMAP grid distance map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_nxtdst_0125.bin HYMAP grid area map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_grarea_0125.bin HYMAP drainage area map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_uparea_0125.bin HYMAP basin map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_basin_0125.bin HYMAP basin mask map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_mask_0125.bin HYMAP runoff time delay map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_getirana_paiva_0125.bin HYMAP runoff time delay multiplier map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_trunoff_0125.bin HYMAP baseflow time delay map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_tbasflw_0125.bin HYMAP baseflow dwi ratio map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_basdwi_0125.bin HYMAP runoff dwi ratio map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_rundwi_0125.bin HYMAP river flow type map: ../HYMAP_parms/lis_rivflw_0125.bin
This section also outlines the domain specifications of the HYMAP parameter data. For the HYMAP parameters spatial transform option, only “none” is supported at this time, and the user is required to input the HYMAP parameters at the grid and resolution of interest.
If the map projection of parameter data is specified to be “latlon”, the following configuration should be used for specifying HYMAP parameters. See Appendix Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example for more details about setting these values.
HYMAP params spatial transform: none HYMAP params map projection: latlon HYMAP params lower left lat: -59.9375 HYMAP params lower left lon: -179.9375 HYMAP params upper right lat: 89.9375 HYMAP params upper right lon: 179.9375 HYMAP params resolution (dx): 0.125 HYMAP params resolution (dy): 0.125
7.16. Artificial neural networks
ANN input data sources:
specifies what?
ANN mode (training/validation):
specifies what?
ANN number of hidden neurons:
specifies what?
ANN number of input data sources:
specifies what?
ANN number of iterations:
specifies what?
ANN number of parameters in each input source:
specifies what?
ANN output data source:
specifies what?
ANN training output file:
specifies what?
ANN input data sources: ANN mode (training/validation): ANN number of hidden neurons: ANN number of input data sources: ANN number of iterations: ANN number of parameters in each input source: ANN output data source: ANN training output file:
7.16.1. GHCN
GHCN data directory:
specifies what?
GHCN station file:
specifies what?
GHCN data directory: GHCN station file:
7.16.2. LIS soil moisture output
LIS soil moisture output timestep:
specifies what?
LIS soil moisture output format:
specifies what?
LIS soil moisture output methodology:
specifies what?
LIS soil moisture output naming style:
specifies what?
LIS soil moisture output map projection:
specifies what?
LIS soil moisture output nest index:
specifies what?
LIS soil moisture output directory:
specifies what?
For Lat/Lon projections:
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the latitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the longitude of the LIS model output
For Lambert and polar projections:
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain true lat1:
specifies the true lat1 of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain true lat2:
specifies the true lat2 of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain standard lon:
specifies the standard longitude of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain resolution:
specifies the resolution of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain x-dimension size:
specifies the x-dimension size of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture domain y-dimension size:
specifies the y-dimension size of the LIS model output
LIS soil moisture output timestep: LIS soil moisture output format: LIS soil moisture output methodology: LIS soil moisture output naming style: LIS soil moisture output map projection: LIS soil moisture output nest index: LIS soil moisture output directory: LIS soil moisture domain lower left lat: LIS soil moisture domain lower left lon: LIS soil moisture domain upper right lat: LIS soil moisture domain upper right lon: LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dx): LIS soil moisture domain resolution (dy):
7.16.3. MOD10A1
MOD10A1 data directory:
specifies what?
MOD10A1 data directory:
7.16.4. MODIS LST
MODIS LST data directory:
specifies what?
MODIS LST data directory:
Search radius for openwater proximity detection:
specifies the radius in which LDT search to detect open water Then removes all pixels within the radius in the CDF calculations.
Search radius for openwater proximity detection:
7.17. USAF Snow and Ice Analysis
USAFSI netcdf filename prefix:
prefix used in constructing USAFSI netcdf filenames
valid date and hour (UTC) of analysis
USAFSI fractional snow data directory:
directory with CDFS-II fractional snow data
USAFSI modified data directory:
directory with legacy SNODEP “modified” data
USAFSI surface obs data directory:
directory with surface snow reports
USAFSI brightness temperature data option:
specifies PMW brightness temperature data. Acceptable values are (note: options for 2: XCAL GMI and 3: AMSR2 are still in development or test state):
Value | Description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
USAFSI XCAL GMI data directory:
directory with XCAL GMI snow depth retrievals
USAFSI AMSR2 data directory:
directory with AMSR2 snow depth retrievals
USAFSI SSMIS data directory:
directory with SSMIS snow depth retrievals
USAFSI surface temperature data directory:
directory with legacy 0.25 deg LIS ungribbed surface temperatures
USAFSI FNMOC SST GRIB1 data directory:
directory with legacy 0.25 deg FNMOC SST GRIB1 files (used only as emergency backup to GOFS netCDF data)
USAFSI static data directory:
directory with legacy SNODEP static data
USAFSI unmodified data directory:
directory with legacy SNODEP “unmodified” data
USAFSI VIIRS data directory:
directory with VIIRS TIFF files
USAFSI XCAL GMI raw data directory:
directory with XCAL GMI HDF5 files
USAFSI AMSR2 raw data directory:
directory with AMSR2 HDF5 files
USAFSI SSMIS raw data directory:
directory with SSMIS BUFR files
USAFSI PMW snow depth retrieval algorithm:
version of PMW retrieval algorithm. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Hollinger, 1991; Hollinger, J.P., 1991: DMSP Special Sensor Microwave/Imager Calibration/Validation Final Report, vol. 2. Naval Research Laboratory, DMSP SSM/I Cal/Val Team. |
2 |
Chang et al., 1987; Chang, A.T.C., Foster, J.L., and Hall, D.K., 1987: Nimbus-7 derived global snow cover parameters. Annals of Glaciology, 9, 39–44. |
3 |
Foster et al., 1997; Foster, J.L., A.T.C. Chang, and D.K. Hall,1997: Comparison of snow mass estimates from a prototype passive microwave snow algorithm, a revised algorithm and a snow depth climatology, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 62, Issue 2, 132-142. |
4 |
Kelly, 2009, only for GMI and AMSR2; Kelly, R.E., 2009: The AMSR-E snow depth algorithm description and initial results. J. Remote Sens. Soc. Japan, 29, 307–317, doi:10.11440/rssj.29.307. |
USAFSI forest fraction file:
path to netCDF forest fraction file (for Foster et al.,1997 and Kelly,2009’s algorithms)
USAFSI forest density file:
path to netCDF forest density file (for Kelly,2009 algorithm)
USAFSI netcdf filename prefix: USAFSI USAFSI valid date (YYYYMMDDHH): 2020020318 USAFSI fractional snow data directory: ./USAFSIIN/snofrac/ USAFSI modified data directory: ./USAFSIIN/modified/ USAFSI surface obs data directory: ./USAFSIIN/sfcobs/ USAFSI brightness temperature data option: 3 USAFSI XCAL GMI data directory: ./GMI_retrievals/ USAFSI AMSR2 data directory: ./AMSR2_retrievals/ USAFSI SSMIS data directory: ./SSMIS_retrievals/ USAFSI surface temperature data directory: ./USAFSIIN/sfctmps/ USAFSI FNMOC SST GRIB1 data directory: ./USAFSIIN/sst/ USAFSI static data directory: ./USAFSIIN/static/ USAFSI unmodified data directory: ./USAFSIIN/unmodified/ USAFSI VIIRS data directory: ./USAFSIIN/viirs USAFSI XCAL GMI raw data directory: ./GMI_L1CR_web/ USAFSI AMSR2 raw data directory: ./AMSR2_L1R/ USAFSI SSMIS raw data directory: ./USAFSIIN/OBSI_SSMISUPP/ USAFSI PMW snow depth retrieval algorithm option: 4 USAFSI forest fraction file: ./USAFSIIN/ USAFSI forest density file: ./MOD44B/
USAFSI Snow Climatology:
specifies snow climatology data. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
legacy |
2 |
updated 10-km climo |
USAFSI Snow Climatology: 1
USAFSI decimal fraction adjustment of snow depth towards climo):
controls drift to climo in data void region
USAFSI default snow depth (m) when actual depth unknown:
bogus value for when snow detected but depth unknown
USAFSI minimum snow depth (m) for which to print a diagnostic:
threshold for printing surface ob report
USAFSI maximum number of surface observations allowed:
USAFSI SSMIS shallow snow depth threshold (m):
minimum SSMIS snow depth considered reasonable
USAFSI latitudes (deg * 100) for summer climo check:
three latitude bands used for sanity checking snow reports
USAFSI elevations (m) for summer climo check:
four elevations used for sanity checking snow reports
USAFSI temperature (deg K * 10) above which no snow is allowed:
used to adjust snow analysis
USAFSI minimum ice concentration (%) needed to set ice flag:
used when constructing binary sea ice field
USAFSI high latitude thresholds (deg) for sea ice::
24 latitudes, each row defining a hemisphere (NH, then SH), each column defining a month (J F M A M J J A S O N D). Used to define “high latitudes” in SSMIS-based sea ice analysis.
USAFSI low latitude thresholds (deg) for sea ice:
24 latitudes, each row defining a hemisphere (NH, then SH), each column defining a month (J F M A M J J A S O N D). Used to define “low latitudes” in SSMIS-based sea ice analysis.
USAFSI max age of VIIRS pixels to use:
used to ignore old VIIRS data
USAFSI min VIIRS fraction to mark point as bare ground:
fraction of no-snow VIIRS pixels in LDT grid box required to mark as “no-snow”
USAFSI min VIIRS/CDFS-II fraction to mark point as snow:
fraction of snowy VIIRS pixels or CDFS-II in LDT grid box required to mark as “snow”
USAFSI use CDFS-II fractional snow data:
USAFSI use VIIRS snow mask:
USAFSI decimal fraction adjustment of snow depth towards climo: 0.1 USAFSI default snow depth (m) when actual depth unknown: 0.1 USAFSI minimum snow depth (m) for which to print a diagnostic: 0.025 USAFSI maximum number of surface observations allowed: 200000 USAFSI SSMIS shallow snow depth threshold (m): 0.15 USAFSI latitudes (deg * 100) for summer climo check: 4000 3000 2000 USAFSI elevations (m) for summer climo check: 1000 1500 1000 1000 USAFSI temperature (deg K * 10) above which no snow is allowed: 2820 USAFSI max reported temperature (deg K * 10) allowed around poles: 3030 USAFSI minimum ice concentration (%) needed to set ice flag: 15 USAFSI high latitude thresholds (deg) for sea ice:: 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 82.0 82.0 82.0 81.0 81.0 90.0 90.0 78.0 78.0 68.0 68.0 67.0 67.0 66.0 66.0 68.0 70.0 :: USAFSI low latitude thresholds (deg) for sea ice:: 45.0 44.0 44.0 45.0 51.0 52.0 55.0 65.0 65.0 62.0 53.0 50.0 60.0 62.0 62.0 60.0 58.0 56.0 55.0 55.0 53.0 54.0 55.0 57.0 :: USAFSI max age of VIIRS pixels to use: 3 USAFSI min VIIRS fraction to mark point as bare ground: 0.6 USAFSI min VIIRS/CDFS-II fraction to mark point as snow: 0.4 USAFSI use CDFS-II fractional snow data: .true. USAFSI use VIIRS snow mask: .true.
USAFSI observation error variance (m^2):
error variance assigned to surface snow reports
USAFSI background error variance (m^2):
error variance assigned to first-guess field
USAFSI background error horizontal correlation length (m):
correlation length for spreading snow depth corrections horizontally
USAFSI background error vertical correlation length (m):
correlation length for spreading snow depth corrections vertically
USAFSI elevQC difference threshold (m):
threshold for sanity checking snow report elevation against LDT
USAFSI skewed backQC snow depth threshold (m):
threshold for rejecting abnormally small snow depth reports
USAFSI observation error variance (m^2): 0.0006 USAFSI background error variance (m^2): 0.0010 USAFSI background error horizontal correlation length (m): 55555. USAFSI background error vertical correlation length (m): 800. USAFSI elevQC difference threshold (m): 400. USAFSI skewed backQC snow depth threshold (m): 0.4
USAFSI bogus climatology snow depth value (m):
bogus value for climatology if not available
USAFSI source of ocean data:
specifies the source of the USAFSI ocean data. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
Global Ocean Forecast System |
Earth System Prediction Capability - Deterministic |
USAFSI GOFS SST data directory:
directory with GOFS sea surface temperature netCDF files
USAFSI GOFS CICE data directory:
directory with GOFS sea ice netCDF files
USAFSI ESPC-D SST data directory:
directory with ESPC-D sea surface temperature netCDF files
USAFSI ESPC-D CICE data directory:
directory with ESPC-D sea ice netCDF files
USAFSI LIS GRIB2 data directory:
directory with LIS GRIB2 2-m temperature analyses
USAFSI LIS GRIB2 security class:
used for constructing LIS GRIB2 filename
USAFSI LIS GRIB2 data category:
used for constructing LIS GRIB2 filename
USAFSI LIS GRIB2 data resolution:
used for constructing LIS GRIB2 filename
USAFSI LIS GRIB2 area of data:
used for constructing LIS GRIB2 filename
USAFSI GALWEM root directory:
root directory for GALWEM data
USAFSI GALWEM subdirectory:
subdirectory for GALWEM data
USAFSI GALWEM use timestamp directories:
option to use YYYYMMDD in constructing full GALWEM directory; 1 is yes, 0 is no
USAFSI GALWEM nominal resolution (km):
17 or 10 (17 currently used in operations)
USAFSI bogus climatology snow depth value (m): 0.2 USAFSI source of ocean data: "ESPC-D" USAFSI GOFS SST data directory: ./USAFSIIN/GOFS USAFSI GOFS CICE data directory: ./USAFSIIN/GOFS USAFSI ESPC-D SST data directory: ./USAFSIIN/ESPC-D USAFSI ESPC-D CICE data directory: ./USAFSIIN/ESPC-D USAFSI LIS GRIB2 data directory: ./USAFSIIN/LIS_T2 USAFSI LIS GRIB2 security class: U USAFSI LIS GRIB2 data category: C USAFSI LIS GRIB2 data resolution: C0P09DEG USAFSI LIS GRIB2 area of data: GLOBAL USAFSI GALWEM root directory: USAF_FORCING USAFSI GALWEM subdirectory: GALWEM USAFSI GALWEM use timestamp directories: 1 USAFSI GALWEM nominal resolution (km): 17
LIS OPT/UE output file:
name of the OPT/UE output file generated from a LIS simulation
LIS OPT/UE output file: ./GA.0059.1gd4r
7.18. Glacier Fraction
(Note: This feature is still under development)
Glacier fraction data source:
specifies a glacier fraction map source.
Glacier fraction map:
specifies the location of the glacier map file.
Glacier fraction spatial transform:
indicates which spatial transform type is to be applied to glacier-related maps.
Glacier fraction map projection:
specifies the projection of the glacier map data.
Glacier fraction lower left lat:
specifies the lower left latitude of the LIS model output.
Glacier fraction lower left lon:
specifies the lower left longitude of the LIS model output.
Glacier fraction upper right lat:
specifies the upper right latitude of the LIS model output.
Glacier fraction upper right lon:
specifies the upper right longitude of the LIS model output.
Glacier fraction resolution (dx):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the latitude of the LIS model output.
Glacier fraction resolution (dy):
specifies the resolution (in degrees) along the longitude of the LIS model output.
Glacier fraction data source: "GLIMS" Glacier fraction map: ../LS_PARAMETERS/GLIMS/ Glacier fraction spatial transform: "average" # this entry and related code need to be eliminated Glacier fraction map projection: "latlon" Glacier fraction lower left lat: -89.995 Glacier fraction lower left lon: -179.995 Glacier fraction upper right lat: 89.995 Glacier fraction upper right lon: 179.995 Glacier fraction resolution (dx): 0.01 Glacier fraction resolution (dy): 0.01
7.19. Observation Simulator
This simulator can handle the use of external orbital masks to be applied to the observations created for OSSEs. Currently, AMSR2, TSMM, Sentinel-1A, and MODIS are available instrument options.
(Note: This feature is still under development)
Observation simulator nature run source:
specifies a nature run source. Currently, only the LIS output
option is supported.
Observation simulator OSSE mask source:
specifies an OSSE mask source. Acceptable values are AMSR2
, Sentinel1A
, and TSMM
Observation simulator type of temporal transform:
specifies a type of temporal transform. Acceptable values are instantaneous
and time-averaged
Observation simulator masking model type:
specifies a masking model type. Acceptable values are constant
and time-varying
Observation simulator mask data directory:
specifies a mask data directory.
Observation simulator number of simulated variables:
specifies a number of simulated variables.
Observation simulator simulated variables:
specifies the names of the simulated variables (found in LIS output).
Observation simulator simulated variable minimum values:
specifies minimum values of simulated variables.
Observation simulator simulated variable maximum values:
specifies maximum values of simulated variables.
Observation simulator error model type:
specifies an error model type. Acceptable values are additive
and multiplicative
Observation simulator error distribution type:
specifies a type of error model. Currently, only the gaussian
option is supported.
Observation simulator error standard deviation:
specifies an error standard deviation.
Observation simulator nature run source: LIS output Observation simulator OSSE mask source: AMSR2 Observation simulator type of temporal transform: instantaneous Observation simulator masking model type: time-varying Observation simulator mask data directory: Observation simulator number of simulated variables: 2 Observation simulator simulated variables: SWE_tavg SWE_inst Observation simulator simulated variable minimum values: 0.0 0.0 Observation simulator simulated variable maximum values: 10000.0 10000.0 Observation simulator error model type: additive additive Observation simulator error distribution type: gaussian gaussian Observation simulator error standard deviation: 5.0 5.0
7.19.1. LIS Nature Run
Options for initializing the structures required for the handling of a land surface model output (from a LIS simulation) as observations.
LIS Nature run output model class:
specifies a model class.
LIS Nature run output model name:
specifies the name of the model.
LIS Nature run output directory:
specifies a directory of NR output.
LIS Nature run output format:
specifies a format of NR output.
LIS Nature run output methodology:
specifies a methodology of NR output.
LIS Nature run output naming style:
specifies a naming style of NR output.
LIS Nature run output nest index:
specifies a nested index of NR output.
LIS Nature run output map projection:
specifies a map projection of NR output.
LIS Nature run domain lower left lat:
specifies a run domain lower left latitude.
LIS Nature run domain upper right lat:
specifies a run domain upper right latitude.
LIS Nature run domain lower left lon:
specifies a run domain lower left longitude.
LIS Nature run domain resolution (dy):
specifies a run domain upper right longitude.
LIS Nature run output model class: "SURFACEMODEL" LIS Nature run output model name: "Noah-MP.3.6" LIS Nature run output directory: ../Run_NR/OUTPUT_multiyearcal LIS Nature run output format: "netcdf" LIS Nature run output methodology: "2d gridspace" LIS Nature run output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" LIS Nature run output nest index: 1 LIS Nature run output map projection: "latlon" LIS Nature run domain lower left lat: 37.525 LIS Nature run domain upper right lat: 40.715 LIS Nature run domain lower left lon: -108.565 LIS Nature run domain upper right lon: -105.025 LIS Nature run domain resolution (dx): 0.01 LIS Nature run domain resolution (dy): 0.01
7.19.2. OSSE Masks
AMSR2 OSSE mask directory:
specifies a directory containing the AMSR2 OSSE mask.
AMSR2 OSSE mask data resolution (km):
specifies a resolution of AMSR2 OSSE mask.
AMSR2 OSSE mask directory: ../Masks/AMSR2/ AMSR2 OSSE mask data resolution (km): 25
MODIS OSSE mask directory:
specifies a directory containing the MODIS OSSE mask.
MODIS OSSE mask data resolution (km):
specifies a resolution of MODIS OSSE mask.
MODIS OSSE mask directory: ../Masks/MODIS/ MODIS OSSE mask data resolution (km): 1
Sentinel1A OSSE mask directory:
specifies a directory containing the Sentinel1A OSSE mask.
Sentinel1A OSSE mask data resolution (km):
specifies a resolution of Sentinel1A OSSE mask.
Sentinel1A OSSE mask directory: ../Masks/Sentinel1A/ Sentinel1A OSSE mask data resolution (km): 1
TSSM OSSE mask directory:
specifies a directory containing the TSSM OSSE mask.
TSSM OSSE mask data resolution (km):
specifies a resolution of TSSM OSSE mask.
TSSM OSSE mask directory: ../Masks/TSSM/ TSSM OSSE mask data resolution (km): 1
7.20. Operational 9-km enhanced SMAP soil moisture retrieval
valid date and hour (UTC) of SMAP L1B data
SMAP_E_OPL soil moisture output directory:
specifies a directory where soil moisture retrieval outputs are saved
SMAP_E_OPL L1B data directory:
specifies a directory containing the SMAP L1B data
SMAP_E_OPL L1B data type:
specifies the L1B data type. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
1 |
Near real time data |
2 |
Historical data |
SMAP_E_OPL write L1B resampled output:
specifies whether to write L1B resampled output or not. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not write L1B resampled output |
1 |
Write L1B resampled output |
SMAP_E_OPL L1B resampled output directory:
specifies a L1B resampled output directory when 'SMAP_E_OPL write L1B resampled output: 1'
SMAP_E_OPL LIS soil temperature directory:
specifies a directory containing LIS soil temperature outputs
SMAP_E_OPL apply soil temperature bias correction:
specifies whether soil temperature bias correction is applied or not. Acceptable values are:
Value | Description |
0 |
Do not apply soil temperature bias correction |
1 |
Apply soil temperature bias correction |
SMAP_E_OPL reference Teff daily statistics file:
specifies a directory and filename of the reference effective soil temperature (Teff) daily statistics file
SMAP_E_OPL LIS Teff daily statistics file:
specifies a directory and filename of the LIS Teff daily statistics file
SMAP_E_OPL LIS snow directory:
specifies a directory containing LIS snow outputs
SMAP_E_OPL snow depth threshold:
specifies a snow depth threshold (unit: m). Soil moisture retrievals are not generate for grid cells with snow depth greater than the threshold.
SMAP_E_OPL TAU directory:
specifies a directory containing the pre-processed TAU data
specifies a directory and filename of the pre-processed OMEGA data
SMAP_E_OPL soil bulk density file:
specifies a directory and filename of the pre-processed soil bulk density data
SMAP_E_OPL soil clay fraction file:
specifies a directory and filename of the pre-processed soil clay fraction data
SMAP_E_OPL roughness file:
specifies a directory and filename of the pre-processed roughness data
SMAP_E_OPL landcover file:
specifies a directory and filename of the pre-processed land cover data
SMAP_E_OPL valid date (YYYYMMDDHH): 2015060312 SMAP_E_OPL soil moisture output directory: ./SM_retrieval SMAP_E_OPL L1B data directory: ../SMAP_L1B_TB SMAP_E_OPL L1B data type: 1 SMAP_E_OPL write L1B resampled output: 0 SMAP_E_OPL L1B resampled output directory: ./ARFS_RESAMPLE SMAP_E_OPL LIS soil temperature directory: ../Noah39_OL SMAP_E_OPL apply soil temperature bias correction: 1 SMAP_E_OPL reference Teff daily statistics file: ../ SMAP_E_OPL LIS Teff daily statistics file: ../ SMAP_E_OPL LIS snow directory: ../Noah39_snow SMAP_E_OPL snow depth threshold: 0.05 SMAP_E_OPL TAU directory: ../../data/TAU_ARFS_DAILY SMAP_E_OPL OMEGA file: ../../data/PRMS_RETRIEVAL_ARFS/omega_arfs.dat SMAP_E_OPL soil bulk density file: ../../data/PRMS_RETRIEVAL_ARFS/bd_arfs_006.dat SMAP_E_OPL soil clay fraction file: ../../data/PRMS_RETRIEVAL_ARFS/clay_arfs_006.dat SMAP_E_OPL roughness file: ../../data/PRMS_RETRIEVAL_ARFS/hvalue_arfs.dat SMAP_E_OPL landcover file: ../../data/PRMS_RETRIEVAL_ARFS/SMAP_LC_ARFS.bin
Appendix A: Description of output files from LDT
This section provides a description of various output files generated during an LDT processing run. The main output format for LDT is NetCDF (*.nc). This includes NetCDF with HDF5 compression capabilities.
The output file could be named something like, To view the header and/or data information, you will need ncview and/or ncdump utilities, both provided by the Unidata webpage (
Some of the main components (as found in the header information) will include:
dimensions : east_west, north_south, month, sfctypes, etc.
variables : time, LANDMASK, LANDCOVER, SURFACETYPE, etc.
global attributes : title, references, MAP_PROJECTION, DX, DY, etc.
A.1. Dimensions attributes
The LDT output file, like the NetCDF file, contains header information for the dimensions. The list can include:
dimensions: east_west = 80 ; north_south = 37 ; month = 12 ; time = 1 ; sfctypes = 14 ; soiltypes = 16 ; soilfracbins = 3 ; elevbins = 1 ; slopebins = 1 ; aspectbins = 1 ; ⋮
This file can be used to determine the number of tiles used in a LIS model simulation. The number of tiles are specified in this dimensions header information.
A.2. Variable attributes
The LDT output file, like the NetCDF file, contains header information for the variable or paremeter file attributes. The list can include: (for example)
variables: float LANDCOVER(sfctypes, north_south, east_west) ; LANDCOVER:standard_name = "UMD land cover" ; LANDCOVER:units = "-" ; LANDCOVER:scale_factor = 1.f ; LANDCOVER:add_offset = 0.f ; LANDCOVER:missing_value = -9999.f ; LANDCOVER:vmin = 0.f ; LANDCOVER:vmax = 0.f ; LANDCOVER:num_bins = 14 ; ⋮
Appendix B: Cylindrical Lat/Lon Domain Example
This section describes how to compute the values for the run domain and/or the domain for a parameter or variable file on a cylindrical lat/lon projection.
First, the ‘LIS-produced’ parameter data are defined on a Latitude/Longitude grid, from \(-180\) to \(180\) degrees longitude and from \(-60\) to \(90\) degrees latitude. Whereas most ‘Native’ parameter datasets can extend down to \(-90\) degrees latitude, accounting for glacial areas like Antarctica.
LDT is designed to bring a read-in parameter file directly to a common LIS-based domain grid, projection and resolution. Currently, the user can upscale or downscale from a given lat/lon projection to any other lat/lon projection but also lambert conformal and other projections.
For this example, consider reading in an older ‘LIS-produced’ parameter file at 1/4 deg resolution. The coordinates of the south-west and the north-east points must be specified at the grid-cells' centers. Here the south-west grid-cell is given by the box \((-180,-60), (-179.750,-59.750)\). The center of this box is \((-179.875,-59.875)\). [2] Thus the lower left lat:
is \(-59.875\), and the lower left lon:
is \(-179.875\).
The north-east grid-cell is given by the box \((179.750,89.750), (180,90)\). Its center is \((179.875,89.875)\). Thus the upper right lat:
is \(89.875\), and the upper right lon:
is \(179.875\).
Setting the resolution (0.25 deg) gives domain resolution dx:
is \(0.25\) and domain resolution dy:
is \(0.25\).
Now let’s consider setting the bounding coordinates for your desired LIS-based run domain.
If you wish to run over the whole domain defined by a parameter data domain then you simply set the values defined in the parameter domain section in the run domain section. For this example, this gives:
Run domain lower left lat: -59.875 Run domain lower left lon: -179.875 Run domain upper right lat: 89.875 Run domain upper right lon: 179.875 Run domain resolution dx: 0.25 Run domain resolution dy: 0.25
Just note that if you wish to run on a LIS run domain that happens to be greater (e.g. all of North America) than the extents of a read-in parameter file (e.g., STATSGO domain), then checks are in place for LDT to stop the running process.
Now say you wish to run LIS only over the region given by \((-97.6,27.9), (-92.9,31.9)\). Since the running domain is a sub-set of the parameter domain, it is also a Latitude/Longitude domain at 1/4 deg. resolution. This gives Run domain resolution dx:
is \(0.25\) and Run domain resolution dy:
is \(0.25\)
Since the running domain must fit onto the parameter domain, the desired running region must be expanded from \((-97.6,27.9), (-92.9,31.9)\) to \((-97.75,27.75), (-92.75,32.0)\). The south-west grid-cell for the running domain is the box \((-97.75,27.75), (-97.5,28.0)\). Its center is \((-97.625,27.875)\). This gives Run domain lower left lat:
is \(27.875\) and Run domain lower left lon:
is \(-97.625\).
The north-east grid-cell for the running domain is the box \((-93,31.75), (-92.75,32.0)\). Its center is \((-92.875,31.875)\). This gives Run domain upper right lat:
is \(31.875\) and Run domain upper right lon:
is \(-92.875\).
All together, the bounding coordinates for this sub-setted region are:
Run domain lower left lat: 27.875 Run domain lower left lon: -97.625 Run domain upper right lat: 31.875 Run domain upper right lon: -92.875 Run domain resolution dx: 0.25 Run domain resolution dy: 0.25
Note, the LIS project has defined 5 km resolution to be 0.05 deg. and 1 km resolution to be 0.01 deg. If you wish to run at 5 km or 1 km resolution, redo the above example to compute the appropriate grid-cell values.
See Figure Snap to grid for an illustration of adjusting the running grid. See Figures South-west example and North-east example for an illustration of the south-west and north-east grid-cells.
Appendix C: Lambert Conformal Domain Example
This section describes how to compute the values for the run domain and param domain sections on a Lambert conformal projection.
Note that this projection is often used for a coupled run with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. As such, Lambert domains are first generated when configuring WRF via WRF’s preprocessing system (WPS). The domain information is then copied into LIS’ lis.config file.
Please see WRF’s User’s Guide found at for more information.
Appendix D: Gaussian Domain Example
This section describes how to compute the values for the run domain and param domain sections on a Gaussian projection.
First, note that LIS’ Gaussian parameter data is defined from \(-180\) to \(180\) degrees longitude and from \(-90\) to \(90\) degrees latitude. Note that the first longitude point is at \(0\). For the T126 Gaussian projection:
... first grid point lat: -89.27665 ... first grid point lon: 0.0 ... last grid point lat: 89.27665 ... last grid point lon: -0.9375 ... resolution dlon: 0.9375 ... number of lat circles: 95
If you wish to run over the whole domain defined by the parameter data domain then you simply set the values defined in the parameter domain section in the run domain section. This gives:
Run domain first grid point lat: -89.27665 Run domain first grid point lon: 0.0 Run domain last grid point lat: 89.27665 Run domain last grid point lon: -0.9375 Run domain resolution dlon: 0.9375 Run domain number of lat circles: 95
If you wish to run over a sub-domain, then you must choose longitude and latitiude values that correspond to the T126 Gaussian projection. Tables of acceptable longitude and latitude values are found below.
Now say you wish to run only over the region given by \((-97.6,27.9), (-92.9,31.9)\). Since the running domain must fit on the T126 Gaussian grid, the running domain must be expanded to \((-98.4375,27.87391), (-91.875,32.59830)\). Thus the running domain specification is:
Run domain first grid point lat: 27.87391 Run domain first grid point lon: -98.4375 Run domain last grid point lat: 32.59830 Run domain last grid point lon: -91.875 Run domain resolution dlon: 0.9375 Run domain number of lat circles: 95
0.000000 |
0.937500 |
1.875000 |
2.812500 |
3.750000 |
4.687500 |
5.625000 |
6.562500 |
7.500000 |
8.437500 |
9.375000 |
10.312500 |
11.250000 |
12.187500 |
13.125000 |
14.062500 |
15.000000 |
15.937500 |
16.875000 |
17.812500 |
18.750000 |
19.687500 |
20.625000 |
21.562500 |
22.500000 |
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25.312500 |
26.250000 |
27.187500 |
28.125000 |
29.062500 |
30.000000 |
30.937500 |
31.875000 |
32.812500 |
33.750000 |
34.687500 |
35.625000 |
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37.500000 |
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39.375000 |
40.312500 |
41.250000 |
42.187500 |
43.125000 |
44.062500 |
45.000000 |
45.937500 |
46.875000 |
47.812500 |
48.750000 |
49.687500 |
50.625000 |
51.562500 |
52.500000 |
53.437500 |
54.375000 |
55.312500 |
56.250000 |
57.187500 |
58.125000 |
59.062500 |
60.000000 |
60.937500 |
61.875000 |
62.812500 |
63.750000 |
64.687500 |
65.625000 |
66.562500 |
67.500000 |
68.437500 |
69.375000 |
70.312500 |
71.250000 |
72.187500 |
73.125000 |
74.062500 |
75.000000 |
75.937500 |
76.875000 |
77.812500 |
78.750000 |
79.687500 |
80.625000 |
81.562500 |
82.500000 |
83.437500 |
84.375000 |
85.312500 |
86.250000 |
87.187500 |
88.125000 |
89.062500 |
90.000000 |
90.937500 |
91.875000 |
92.812500 |
93.750000 |
94.687500 |
95.625000 |
96.562500 |
97.500000 |
98.437500 |
99.375000 |
100.312500 |
101.250000 |
102.187500 |
103.125000 |
104.062500 |
105.000000 |
105.937500 |
106.875000 |
107.812500 |
108.750000 |
109.687500 |
110.625000 |
111.562500 |
112.500000 |
113.437500 |
114.375000 |
115.312500 |
116.250000 |
117.187500 |
118.125000 |
119.062500 |
120.000000 |
120.937500 |
121.875000 |
122.812500 |
123.750000 |
124.687500 |
125.625000 |
126.562500 |
127.500000 |
128.437500 |
129.375000 |
130.312500 |
131.250000 |
132.187500 |
133.125000 |
134.062500 |
135.000000 |
135.937500 |
136.875000 |
137.812500 |
138.750000 |
139.687500 |
140.625000 |
141.562500 |
142.500000 |
143.437500 |
144.375000 |
145.312500 |
146.250000 |
147.187500 |
148.125000 |
149.062500 |
150.000000 |
150.937500 |
151.875000 |
152.812500 |
153.750000 |
154.687500 |
155.625000 |
156.562500 |
157.500000 |
158.437500 |
159.375000 |
160.312500 |
161.250000 |
162.187500 |
163.125000 |
164.062500 |
165.000000 |
165.937500 |
166.875000 |
167.812500 |
168.750000 |
169.687500 |
170.625000 |
171.562500 |
172.500000 |
173.437500 |
174.375000 |
175.312500 |
176.250000 |
177.187500 |
178.125000 |
179.062500 |
180.000000 |
-179.062500 |
-178.125000 |
-177.187500 |
-176.250000 |
-175.312500 |
-174.375000 |
-173.437500 |
-172.500000 |
-171.562500 |
-170.625000 |
-169.687500 |
-168.750000 |
-167.812500 |
-166.875000 |
-165.937500 |
-165.000000 |
-164.062500 |
-163.125000 |
-162.187500 |
-161.250000 |
-160.312500 |
-159.375000 |
-158.437500 |
-157.500000 |
-156.562500 |
-155.625000 |
-154.687500 |
-153.750000 |
-152.812500 |
-151.875000 |
-150.937500 |
-150.000000 |
-149.062500 |
-148.125000 |
-147.187500 |
-146.250000 |
-145.312500 |
-144.375000 |
-143.437500 |
-142.500000 |
-141.562500 |
-140.625000 |
-139.687500 |
-138.750000 |
-137.812500 |
-136.875000 |
-135.937500 |
-135.000000 |
-134.062500 |
-133.125000 |
-132.187500 |
-131.250000 |
-130.312500 |
-129.375000 |
-128.437500 |
-127.500000 |
-126.562500 |
-125.625000 |
-124.687500 |
-123.750000 |
-122.812500 |
-121.875000 |
-120.937500 |
-120.000000 |
-119.062500 |
-118.125000 |
-117.187500 |
-116.250000 |
-115.312500 |
-114.375000 |
-113.437500 |
-112.500000 |
-111.562500 |
-110.625000 |
-109.687500 |
-108.750000 |
-107.812500 |
-106.875000 |
-105.937500 |
-105.000000 |
-104.062500 |
-103.125000 |
-102.187500 |
-101.250000 |
-100.312500 |
-99.375000 |
-98.437500 |
-97.500000 |
-96.562500 |
-95.625000 |
-94.687500 |
-93.750000 |
-92.812500 |
-91.875000 |
-90.937500 |
-90.000000 |
-89.062500 |
-88.125000 |
-87.187500 |
-86.250000 |
-85.312500 |
-84.375000 |
-83.437500 |
-82.500000 |
-81.562500 |
-80.625000 |
-79.687500 |
-78.750000 |
-77.812500 |
-76.875000 |
-75.937500 |
-75.000000 |
-74.062500 |
-73.125000 |
-72.187500 |
-71.250000 |
-70.312500 |
-69.375000 |
-68.437500 |
-67.500000 |
-66.562500 |
-65.625000 |
-64.687500 |
-63.750000 |
-62.812500 |
-61.875000 |
-60.937500 |
-60.000000 |
-59.062500 |
-58.125000 |
-57.187500 |
-56.250000 |
-55.312500 |
-54.375000 |
-53.437500 |
-52.500000 |
-51.562500 |
-50.625000 |
-49.687500 |
-48.750000 |
-47.812500 |
-46.875000 |
-45.937500 |
-45.000000 |
-44.062500 |
-43.125000 |
-42.187500 |
-41.250000 |
-40.312500 |
-39.375000 |
-38.437500 |
-37.500000 |
-36.562500 |
-35.625000 |
-34.687500 |
-33.750000 |
-32.812500 |
-31.875000 |
-30.937500 |
-30.000000 |
-29.062500 |
-28.125000 |
-27.187500 |
-26.250000 |
-25.312500 |
-24.375000 |
-23.437500 |
-22.500000 |
-21.562500 |
-20.625000 |
-19.687500 |
-18.750000 |
-17.812500 |
-16.875000 |
-15.937500 |
-15.000000 |
-14.062500 |
-13.125000 |
-12.187500 |
-11.250000 |
-10.312500 |
-9.375000 |
-8.437500 |
-7.500000 |
-6.562500 |
-5.625000 |
-4.687500 |
-3.750000 |
-2.812500 |
-1.875000 |
-0.937500 |
-89.27665 |
-88.33975 |
-87.39729 |
-86.45353 |
-85.5093 |
-84.56487 |
-83.62028 |
-82.67562 |
-81.73093 |
-80.78618 |
-79.84142 |
-78.89662 |
-77.95183 |
-77.00701 |
-76.06219 |
-75.11736 |
-74.17252 |
-73.22769 |
-72.28285 |
-71.33799 |
-70.39314 |
-69.44829 |
-68.50343 |
-67.55857 |
-66.61371 |
-65.66885 |
-64.72399 |
-63.77912 |
-62.83426 |
-61.88939 |
-60.94452 |
-59.99965 |
-59.05478 |
-58.10991 |
-57.16505 |
-56.22018 |
-55.2753 |
-54.33043 |
-53.38556 |
-52.44069 |
-51.49581 |
-50.55094 |
-49.60606 |
-48.66119 |
-47.71632 |
-46.77144 |
-45.82657 |
-44.88169 |
-43.93681 |
-42.99194 |
-42.04707 |
-41.10219 |
-40.15731 |
-39.21244 |
-38.26756 |
-37.32268 |
-36.37781 |
-35.43293 |
-34.48805 |
-33.54317 |
-32.5983 |
-31.65342 |
-30.70854 |
-29.76366 |
-28.81879 |
-27.87391 |
-26.92903 |
-25.98415 |
-25.03928 |
-24.0944 |
-23.14952 |
-22.20464 |
-21.25977 |
-20.31489 |
-19.37001 |
-18.42513 |
-17.48025 |
-16.53537 |
-15.5905 |
-14.64562 |
-13.70074 |
-12.75586 |
-11.81098 |
-10.8661 |
-9.921225 |
-8.976346 |
-8.031467 |
-7.086589 |
-6.141711 |
-5.196832 |
-4.251954 |
-3.307075 |
-2.362196 |
-1.417318 |
-0.4724393 |
0.4724393 |
1.417318 |
2.362196 |
3.307075 |
4.251954 |
5.196832 |
6.141711 |
7.086589 |
8.031467 |
8.976346 |
9.921225 |
10.8661 |
11.81098 |
12.75586 |
13.70074 |
14.64562 |
15.5905 |
16.53537 |
17.48025 |
18.42513 |
19.37001 |
20.31489 |
21.25977 |
22.20464 |
23.14952 |
24.0944 |
25.03928 |
25.98415 |
26.92903 |
27.87391 |
28.81879 |
29.76366 |
30.70854 |
31.65342 |
32.5983 |
33.54317 |
34.48805 |
35.43293 |
36.37781 |
37.32268 |
38.26756 |
39.21244 |
40.15731 |
41.10219 |
42.04707 |
42.99194 |
43.93681 |
44.88169 |
45.82657 |
46.77144 |
47.71632 |
48.66119 |
49.60606 |
50.55094 |
51.49581 |
52.44069 |
53.38556 |
54.33043 |
55.2753 |
56.22018 |
57.16505 |
58.10991 |
59.05478 |
59.99965 |
60.94452 |
61.88939 |
62.83426 |
63.77912 |
64.72399 |
65.66885 |
66.61371 |
67.55857 |
68.50343 |
69.44829 |
70.39314 |
71.33799 |
72.28285 |
73.22769 |
74.17252 |
75.11736 |
76.06219 |
77.00701 |
77.95183 |
78.89662 |
79.84142 |
80.78618 |
81.73093 |
82.67562 |
83.62028 |
84.56487 |
85.5093 |
86.45353 |
87.39729 |
88.33975 |
89.27665 |
0 |
0.1171875 |
0.234375 |
0.3515625 |
0.46875 |
0.5859375 |
0.703125 |
0.8203125 |
0.9375 |
1.054688 |
1.171875 |
1.289062 |
1.40625 |
1.523438 |
1.640625 |
1.757812 |
1.875 |
1.992188 |
2.109375 |
2.226562 |
2.34375 |
2.460938 |
2.578125 |
2.695312 |
2.8125 |
2.929688 |
3.046875 |
3.164062 |
3.28125 |
3.398438 |
3.515625 |
3.632782 |
3.749969 |
3.867157 |
3.984344 |
4.101532 |
4.218719 |
4.335907 |
4.453094 |
4.570282 |
4.687469 |
4.804657 |
4.921844 |
5.039032 |
5.156219 |
5.273407 |
5.390594 |
5.507782 |
5.624969 |
5.742157 |
5.859344 |
5.976532 |
6.093719 |
6.210907 |
6.328094 |
6.445282 |
6.562469 |
6.679657 |
6.796844 |
6.914032 |
7.031219 |
7.148407 |
7.265594 |
7.382782 |
7.499969 |
7.617157 |
7.734344 |
7.851532 |
7.968719 |
8.085907 |
8.203094 |
8.320282 |
8.437469 |
8.554657 |
8.671844 |
8.789032 |
8.906219 |
9.023407 |
9.140594 |
9.257782 |
9.374969 |
9.492157 |
9.609344 |
9.726532 |
9.843719 |
9.960907 |
10.07809 |
10.19528 |
10.31247 |
10.42966 |
10.54684 |
10.664 |
10.78119 |
10.89838 |
11.01556 |
11.13275 |
11.24994 |
11.36713 |
11.48431 |
11.6015 |
11.71869 |
11.83588 |
11.95306 |
12.07025 |
12.18744 |
12.30463 |
12.42181 |
12.539 |
12.65619 |
12.77338 |
12.89056 |
13.00775 |
13.12494 |
13.24213 |
13.35931 |
13.4765 |
13.59369 |
13.71088 |
13.82806 |
13.94525 |
14.06244 |
14.17963 |
14.29681 |
14.414 |
14.53119 |
14.64838 |
14.76556 |
14.88275 |
14.99994 |
15.11713 |
15.23431 |
15.3515 |
15.46869 |
15.58588 |
15.70306 |
15.82025 |
15.93744 |
16.05463 |
16.17181 |
16.289 |
16.40619 |
16.52338 |
16.64056 |
16.75775 |
16.87494 |
16.99213 |
17.10931 |
17.2265 |
17.34369 |
17.46088 |
17.57806 |
17.69525 |
17.81244 |
17.92963 |
18.04681 |
18.16397 |
18.28116 |
18.39835 |
18.51553 |
18.63272 |
18.74991 |
18.8671 |
18.98428 |
19.10147 |
19.21866 |
19.33585 |
19.45303 |
19.57022 |
19.68741 |
19.8046 |
19.92178 |
20.03897 |
20.15616 |
20.27335 |
20.39053 |
20.50772 |
20.62491 |
20.7421 |
20.85928 |
20.97647 |
21.09366 |
21.21085 |
21.32803 |
21.44522 |
21.56241 |
21.6796 |
21.79678 |
21.91397 |
22.03116 |
22.14835 |
22.26553 |
22.38272 |
22.49991 |
22.6171 |
22.73428 |
22.85147 |
22.96866 |
23.08585 |
23.20303 |
23.32022 |
23.43741 |
23.5546 |
23.67178 |
23.78897 |
23.90616 |
24.02335 |
24.14053 |
24.25772 |
24.37491 |
24.4921 |
24.60928 |
24.72647 |
24.84366 |
24.96082 |
25.078 |
25.19519 |
25.31238 |
25.42957 |
25.54675 |
25.66394 |
25.78113 |
25.89832 |
26.0155 |
26.13269 |
26.24988 |
26.36707 |
26.48425 |
26.60144 |
26.71863 |
26.83582 |
26.953 |
27.07019 |
27.18738 |
27.30457 |
27.42175 |
27.53894 |
27.65613 |
27.77332 |
27.8905 |
28.00769 |
28.12488 |
28.24207 |
28.35925 |
28.47644 |
28.59363 |
28.71082 |
28.828 |
28.94519 |
29.06238 |
29.17957 |
29.29675 |
29.41394 |
29.53113 |
29.64832 |
29.7655 |
29.88269 |
29.99988 |
30.11707 |
30.23425 |
30.35144 |
30.46863 |
30.58582 |
30.703 |
30.82019 |
30.93738 |
31.05457 |
31.17175 |
31.28894 |
31.40613 |
31.52332 |
31.6405 |
31.75769 |
31.87488 |
31.99207 |
32.10925 |
32.22644 |
32.34363 |
32.46082 |
32.578 |
32.69516 |
32.81235 |
32.92953 |
33.04672 |
33.16391 |
33.2811 |
33.39828 |
33.51547 |
33.63266 |
33.74985 |
33.86703 |
33.98422 |
34.10141 |
34.2186 |
34.33578 |
34.45297 |
34.57016 |
34.68735 |
34.80453 |
34.92172 |
35.03891 |
35.1561 |
35.27328 |
35.39047 |
35.50766 |
35.62485 |
35.74203 |
35.85922 |
35.97641 |
36.0936 |
36.21078 |
36.32797 |
36.44516 |
36.56235 |
36.67953 |
36.79672 |
36.91391 |
37.0311 |
37.14828 |
37.26547 |
37.38266 |
37.49985 |
37.61703 |
37.73422 |
37.85141 |
37.9686 |
38.08578 |
38.20297 |
38.32016 |
38.43735 |
38.55453 |
38.67172 |
38.78891 |
38.9061 |
39.02325 |
39.14044 |
39.25763 |
39.37482 |
39.492 |
39.60919 |
39.72638 |
39.84357 |
39.96075 |
40.07794 |
40.19513 |
40.31232 |
40.4295 |
40.54669 |
40.66388 |
40.78107 |
40.89825 |
41.01544 |
41.13263 |
41.24982 |
41.367 |
41.48419 |
41.60138 |
41.71857 |
41.83575 |
41.95294 |
42.07013 |
42.18732 |
42.3045 |
42.42169 |
42.53888 |
42.65607 |
42.77325 |
42.89044 |
43.00763 |
43.12482 |
43.242 |
43.35919 |
43.47638 |
43.59357 |
43.71075 |
43.82794 |
43.94513 |
44.06232 |
44.1795 |
44.29669 |
44.41388 |
44.53107 |
44.64825 |
44.76544 |
44.88263 |
44.99982 |
45.117 |
45.23419 |
45.35138 |
45.46857 |
45.58575 |
45.70294 |
45.82013 |
45.93732 |
46.0545 |
46.17169 |
46.28888 |
46.40607 |
46.52325 |
46.64044 |
46.75763 |
46.87482 |
46.992 |
47.10916 |
47.22635 |
47.34354 |
47.46072 |
47.57791 |
47.6951 |
47.81229 |
47.92947 |
48.04666 |
48.16385 |
48.28104 |
48.39822 |
48.51541 |
48.6326 |
48.74979 |
48.86697 |
48.98416 |
49.10135 |
49.21854 |
49.33572 |
49.45291 |
49.5701 |
49.68729 |
49.80447 |
49.92166 |
50.03885 |
50.15604 |
50.27322 |
50.39041 |
50.5076 |
50.62479 |
50.74197 |
50.85916 |
50.97635 |
51.09354 |
51.21072 |
51.32791 |
51.4451 |
51.56229 |
51.67947 |
51.79666 |
51.91385 |
52.03104 |
52.14822 |
52.26541 |
52.3826 |
52.49979 |
52.61697 |
52.73416 |
52.85135 |
52.96854 |
53.08572 |
53.20291 |
53.32007 |
53.43726 |
53.55444 |
53.67163 |
53.78882 |
53.90601 |
54.02319 |
54.14038 |
54.25757 |
54.37476 |
54.49194 |
54.60913 |
54.72632 |
54.84351 |
54.96069 |
55.07788 |
55.19507 |
55.31226 |
55.42944 |
55.54663 |
55.66382 |
55.78101 |
55.89819 |
56.01538 |
56.13257 |
56.24976 |
56.36694 |
56.48413 |
56.60132 |
56.71851 |
56.83569 |
56.95288 |
57.07007 |
57.18726 |
57.30444 |
57.42163 |
57.53882 |
57.65601 |
57.77319 |
57.89038 |
58.00757 |
58.12476 |
58.24194 |
58.35913 |
58.47632 |
58.59351 |
58.71069 |
58.82788 |
58.94507 |
59.06226 |
59.17944 |
59.29663 |
59.41382 |
59.53101 |
59.64819 |
59.76538 |
59.88257 |
59.99976 |
60.11694 |
60.23413 |
60.35132 |
60.46851 |
60.58569 |
60.70288 |
60.82007 |
60.93726 |
61.05444 |
61.17163 |
61.28882 |
61.40598 |
61.52316 |
61.64035 |
61.75754 |
61.87473 |
61.99191 |
62.1091 |
62.22629 |
62.34348 |
62.46066 |
62.57785 |
62.69504 |
62.81223 |
62.92941 |
63.0466 |
63.16379 |
63.28098 |
63.39816 |
63.51535 |
63.63254 |
63.74973 |
63.86691 |
63.9841 |
64.10129 |
64.21848 |
64.33566 |
64.45285 |
64.57004 |
64.68723 |
64.80441 |
64.9216 |
65.03879 |
65.15598 |
65.27316 |
65.39035 |
65.50754 |
65.62473 |
65.74191 |
65.8591 |
65.97629 |
66.09348 |
66.21066 |
66.32785 |
66.44504 |
66.56223 |
66.67941 |
66.7966 |
66.91379 |
67.03098 |
67.14816 |
67.26532 |
67.38251 |
67.49969 |
67.61688 |
67.73407 |
67.85126 |
67.96844 |
68.08563 |
68.20282 |
68.32001 |
68.43719 |
68.55438 |
68.67157 |
68.78876 |
68.90594 |
69.02313 |
69.14032 |
69.25751 |
69.37469 |
69.49188 |
69.60907 |
69.72626 |
69.84344 |
69.96063 |
70.07782 |
70.19501 |
70.31219 |
70.42938 |
70.54657 |
70.66376 |
70.78094 |
70.89813 |
71.01532 |
71.13251 |
71.24969 |
71.36688 |
71.48407 |
71.60126 |
71.71844 |
71.83563 |
71.95282 |
72.07001 |
72.18719 |
72.30438 |
72.42157 |
72.53876 |
72.65594 |
72.77313 |
72.89032 |
73.00751 |
73.12469 |
73.24188 |
73.35907 |
73.47626 |
73.59344 |
73.71063 |
73.82782 |
73.94501 |
74.06219 |
74.17938 |
74.29657 |
74.41376 |
74.53094 |
74.64813 |
74.76532 |
74.88251 |
74.99969 |
75.11688 |
75.23407 |
75.35126 |
75.46844 |
75.58563 |
75.70282 |
75.82001 |
75.93719 |
76.05438 |
76.17154 |
76.28873 |
76.40591 |
76.5231 |
76.64029 |
76.75748 |
76.87466 |
76.99185 |
77.10904 |
77.22623 |
77.34341 |
77.4606 |
77.57779 |
77.69498 |
77.81216 |
77.92935 |
78.04654 |
78.16373 |
78.28091 |
78.3981 |
78.51529 |
78.63248 |
78.74966 |
78.86685 |
78.98404 |
79.10123 |
79.21841 |
79.3356 |
79.45279 |
79.56998 |
79.68716 |
79.80435 |
79.92154 |
80.03873 |
80.15591 |
80.2731 |
80.39029 |
80.50748 |
80.62466 |
80.74185 |
80.85904 |
80.97623 |
81.09341 |
81.2106 |
81.32779 |
81.44498 |
81.56213 |
81.67932 |
81.79651 |
81.9137 |
82.03088 |
82.14807 |
82.26526 |
82.38245 |
82.49963 |
82.61682 |
82.73401 |
82.8512 |
82.96838 |
83.08557 |
83.20276 |
83.31995 |
83.43713 |
83.55432 |
83.67151 |
83.7887 |
83.90588 |
84.02307 |
84.14026 |
84.25745 |
84.37463 |
84.49182 |
84.60901 |
84.7262 |
84.84338 |
84.96057 |
85.07776 |
85.19495 |
85.31213 |
85.42932 |
85.54651 |
85.6637 |
85.78088 |
85.89807 |
86.01526 |
86.13245 |
86.24963 |
86.36682 |
86.48401 |
86.6012 |
86.71838 |
86.83557 |
86.95276 |
87.06995 |
87.18713 |
87.30432 |
87.42151 |
87.5387 |
87.65588 |
87.77307 |
87.89026 |
88.00745 |
88.12463 |
88.24182 |
88.35901 |
88.4762 |
88.59338 |
88.71057 |
88.82776 |
88.94495 |
89.06213 |
89.17932 |
89.29651 |
89.4137 |
89.53088 |
89.64807 |
89.76526 |
89.88245 |
89.99963 |
90.11682 |
90.23401 |
90.3512 |
90.46835 |
90.58554 |
90.70273 |
90.81992 |
90.9371 |
91.05429 |
91.17148 |
91.28867 |
91.40585 |
91.52304 |
91.64023 |
91.75742 |
91.8746 |
91.99179 |
92.10898 |
92.22617 |
92.34335 |
92.46054 |
92.57773 |
92.69492 |
92.8121 |
92.92929 |
93.04648 |
93.16367 |
93.28085 |
93.39804 |
93.51523 |
93.63242 |
93.7496 |
93.86679 |
93.98398 |
94.10117 |
94.21835 |
94.33554 |
94.45273 |
94.56992 |
94.6871 |
94.80429 |
94.92148 |
95.03867 |
95.15585 |
95.27304 |
95.39023 |
95.50742 |
95.6246 |
95.74179 |
95.85895 |
95.97614 |
96.09332 |
96.21051 |
96.3277 |
96.44489 |
96.56207 |
96.67926 |
96.79645 |
96.91364 |
97.03082 |
97.14801 |
97.2652 |
97.38239 |
97.49957 |
97.61676 |
97.73395 |
97.85114 |
97.96832 |
98.08551 |
98.2027 |
98.31989 |
98.43707 |
98.55426 |
98.67145 |
98.78864 |
98.90582 |
99.02301 |
99.1402 |
99.25739 |
99.37457 |
99.49176 |
99.60895 |
99.72614 |
99.84332 |
99.96051 |
100.0777 |
100.1949 |
100.3121 |
100.4293 |
100.5464 |
100.6636 |
100.7808 |
100.898 |
101.0152 |
101.1324 |
101.2496 |
101.3668 |
101.4839 |
101.6011 |
101.7183 |
101.8355 |
101.9527 |
102.0699 |
102.1871 |
102.3043 |
102.4214 |
102.5386 |
102.6558 |
102.773 |
102.8902 |
103.0074 |
103.1246 |
103.2418 |
103.3589 |
103.4761 |
103.5933 |
103.7105 |
103.8277 |
103.9449 |
104.0621 |
104.1793 |
104.2964 |
104.4136 |
104.5308 |
104.648 |
104.7652 |
104.8824 |
104.9995 |
105.1167 |
105.2339 |
105.3511 |
105.4683 |
105.5855 |
105.7027 |
105.8199 |
105.937 |
106.0542 |
106.1714 |
106.2886 |
106.4058 |
106.523 |
106.6402 |
106.7574 |
106.8745 |
106.9917 |
107.1089 |
107.2261 |
107.3433 |
107.4605 |
107.5777 |
107.6949 |
107.812 |
107.9292 |
108.0464 |
108.1636 |
108.2808 |
108.398 |
108.5152 |
108.6324 |
108.7495 |
108.8667 |
108.9839 |
109.1011 |
109.2183 |
109.3355 |
109.4527 |
109.5699 |
109.687 |
109.8042 |
109.9214 |
110.0386 |
110.1558 |
110.2729 |
110.3901 |
110.5073 |
110.6245 |
110.7417 |
110.8589 |
110.9761 |
111.0933 |
111.2104 |
111.3276 |
111.4448 |
111.562 |
111.6792 |
111.7964 |
111.9136 |
112.0308 |
112.1479 |
112.2651 |
112.3823 |
112.4995 |
112.6167 |
112.7339 |
112.8511 |
112.9683 |
113.0854 |
113.2026 |
113.3198 |
113.437 |
113.5542 |
113.6714 |
113.7886 |
113.9058 |
114.0229 |
114.1401 |
114.2573 |
114.3745 |
114.4917 |
114.6089 |
114.7261 |
114.8433 |
114.9604 |
115.0776 |
115.1948 |
115.312 |
115.4292 |
115.5464 |
115.6636 |
115.7808 |
115.8979 |
116.0151 |
116.1323 |
116.2495 |
116.3667 |
116.4839 |
116.6011 |
116.7183 |
116.8354 |
116.9526 |
117.0698 |
117.187 |
117.3042 |
117.4214 |
117.5386 |
117.6558 |
117.7729 |
117.8901 |
118.0073 |
118.1245 |
118.2417 |
118.3589 |
118.4761 |
118.5933 |
118.7104 |
118.8276 |
118.9448 |
119.062 |
119.1792 |
119.2964 |
119.4135 |
119.5307 |
119.6479 |
119.7651 |
119.8823 |
119.9995 |
120.1167 |
120.2339 |
120.351 |
120.4682 |
120.5854 |
120.7026 |
120.8198 |
120.937 |
121.0542 |
121.1714 |
121.2885 |
121.4057 |
121.5229 |
121.6401 |
121.7573 |
121.8745 |
121.9917 |
122.1089 |
122.226 |
122.3432 |
122.4604 |
122.5776 |
122.6948 |
122.812 |
122.9292 |
123.0464 |
123.1635 |
123.2807 |
123.3979 |
123.5151 |
123.6323 |
123.7495 |
123.8667 |
123.9839 |
124.101 |
124.2182 |
124.3354 |
124.4526 |
124.5698 |
124.687 |
124.8041 |
124.9213 |
125.0385 |
125.1557 |
125.2729 |
125.3901 |
125.5073 |
125.6245 |
125.7416 |
125.8588 |
125.976 |
126.0932 |
126.2104 |
126.3276 |
126.4448 |
126.562 |
126.6791 |
126.7963 |
126.9135 |
127.0307 |
127.1479 |
127.2651 |
127.3823 |
127.4995 |
127.6166 |
127.7338 |
127.851 |
127.9682 |
128.0854 |
128.2026 |
128.3198 |
128.437 |
128.5541 |
128.6713 |
128.7885 |
128.9057 |
129.0229 |
129.1401 |
129.2573 |
129.3745 |
129.4916 |
129.6088 |
129.726 |
129.8432 |
129.9604 |
130.0776 |
130.1948 |
130.312 |
130.4291 |
130.5463 |
130.6635 |
130.7807 |
130.8979 |
131.0151 |
131.1323 |
131.2495 |
131.3666 |
131.4838 |
131.601 |
131.7182 |
131.8354 |
131.9526 |
132.0698 |
132.187 |
132.3041 |
132.4213 |
132.5385 |
132.6557 |
132.7729 |
132.8901 |
133.0073 |
133.1245 |
133.2416 |
133.3588 |
133.476 |
133.5932 |
133.7104 |
133.8276 |
133.9448 |
134.062 |
134.1791 |
134.2963 |
134.4135 |
134.5307 |
134.6479 |
134.765 |
134.8822 |
134.9994 |
135.1166 |
135.2338 |
135.351 |
135.4682 |
135.5854 |
135.7025 |
135.8197 |
135.9369 |
136.0541 |
136.1713 |
136.2885 |
136.4057 |
136.5229 |
136.64 |
136.7572 |
136.8744 |
136.9916 |
137.1088 |
137.226 |
137.3432 |
137.4604 |
137.5775 |
137.6947 |
137.8119 |
137.9291 |
138.0463 |
138.1635 |
138.2806 |
138.3978 |
138.515 |
138.6322 |
138.7494 |
138.8666 |
138.9838 |
139.101 |
139.2181 |
139.3353 |
139.4525 |
139.5697 |
139.6869 |
139.8041 |
139.9213 |
140.0385 |
140.1556 |
140.2728 |
140.39 |
140.5072 |
140.6244 |
140.7416 |
140.8588 |
140.976 |
141.0931 |
141.2103 |
141.3275 |
141.4447 |
141.5619 |
141.6791 |
141.7963 |
141.9135 |
142.0306 |
142.1478 |
142.265 |
142.3822 |
142.4994 |
142.6166 |
142.7338 |
142.851 |
142.9681 |
143.0853 |
143.2025 |
143.3197 |
143.4369 |
143.5541 |
143.6713 |
143.7885 |
143.9056 |
144.0228 |
144.14 |
144.2572 |
144.3744 |
144.4916 |
144.6088 |
144.726 |
144.8431 |
144.9603 |
145.0775 |
145.1947 |
145.3119 |
145.4291 |
145.5463 |
145.6635 |
145.7806 |
145.8978 |
146.015 |
146.1322 |
146.2494 |
146.3666 |
146.4838 |
146.601 |
146.7181 |
146.8353 |
146.9525 |
147.0697 |
147.1869 |
147.3041 |
147.4213 |
147.5385 |
147.6556 |
147.7728 |
147.89 |
148.0072 |
148.1244 |
148.2416 |
148.3588 |
148.476 |
148.5931 |
148.7103 |
148.8275 |
148.9447 |
149.0619 |
149.179 |
149.2962 |
149.4134 |
149.5306 |
149.6478 |
149.765 |
149.8822 |
149.9994 |
150.1165 |
150.2337 |
150.3509 |
150.4681 |
150.5853 |
150.7025 |
150.8197 |
150.9369 |
151.054 |
151.1712 |
151.2884 |
151.4056 |
151.5228 |
151.64 |
151.7572 |
151.8744 |
151.9915 |
152.1088 |
152.226 |
152.3431 |
152.4603 |
152.5775 |
152.6946 |
152.8118 |
152.929 |
153.0462 |
153.1634 |
153.2806 |
153.3978 |
153.515 |
153.6321 |
153.7493 |
153.8665 |
153.9837 |
154.1009 |
154.2181 |
154.3353 |
154.4525 |
154.5696 |
154.6868 |
154.804 |
154.9212 |
155.0384 |
155.1556 |
155.2728 |
155.39 |
155.5071 |
155.6243 |
155.7415 |
155.8587 |
155.9759 |
156.0931 |
156.2103 |
156.3275 |
156.4446 |
156.5618 |
156.679 |
156.7962 |
156.9134 |
157.0306 |
157.1478 |
157.265 |
157.3821 |
157.4993 |
157.6165 |
157.7337 |
157.8509 |
157.9681 |
158.0853 |
158.2025 |
158.3196 |
158.4368 |
158.554 |
158.6712 |
158.7884 |
158.9056 |
159.0228 |
159.14 |
159.2571 |
159.3743 |
159.4915 |
159.6087 |
159.7259 |
159.8431 |
159.9603 |
160.0775 |
160.1946 |
160.3118 |
160.429 |
160.5462 |
160.6634 |
160.7806 |
160.8978 |
161.015 |
161.1321 |
161.2493 |
161.3665 |
161.4837 |
161.6009 |
161.7181 |
161.8353 |
161.9525 |
162.0696 |
162.1868 |
162.304 |
162.4212 |
162.5384 |
162.6556 |
162.7728 |
162.89 |
163.0071 |
163.1243 |
163.2415 |
163.3586 |
163.4758 |
163.593 |
163.7102 |
163.8274 |
163.9446 |
164.0618 |
164.179 |
164.2961 |
164.4133 |
164.5305 |
164.6477 |
164.7649 |
164.8821 |
164.9993 |
165.1165 |
165.2336 |
165.3508 |
165.468 |
165.5852 |
165.7024 |
165.8196 |
165.9368 |
166.054 |
166.1711 |
166.2883 |
166.4055 |
166.5227 |
166.6399 |
166.7571 |
166.8743 |
166.9915 |
167.1086 |
167.2258 |
167.343 |
167.4602 |
167.5774 |
167.6946 |
167.8118 |
167.929 |
168.0461 |
168.1633 |
168.2805 |
168.3977 |
168.5149 |
168.6321 |
168.7493 |
168.8665 |
168.9836 |
169.1008 |
169.218 |
169.3352 |
169.4524 |
169.5696 |
169.6868 |
169.804 |
169.9211 |
170.0383 |
170.1555 |
170.2727 |
170.3899 |
170.5071 |
170.6243 |
170.7415 |
170.8586 |
170.9758 |
171.093 |
171.2102 |
171.3274 |
171.4446 |
171.5618 |
171.679 |
171.7961 |
171.9133 |
172.0305 |
172.1477 |
172.2649 |
172.3821 |
172.4993 |
172.6165 |
172.7336 |
172.8508 |
172.968 |
173.0852 |
173.2024 |
173.3196 |
173.4368 |
173.554 |
173.6711 |
173.7883 |
173.9055 |
174.0227 |
174.1399 |
174.2571 |
174.3743 |
174.4915 |
174.6086 |
174.7258 |
174.843 |
174.9602 |
175.0774 |
175.1946 |
175.3118 |
175.429 |
175.5461 |
175.6633 |
175.7805 |
175.8977 |
176.0149 |
176.1321 |
176.2493 |
176.3665 |
176.4836 |
176.6008 |
176.718 |
176.8352 |
176.9524 |
177.0696 |
177.1868 |
177.304 |
177.4211 |
177.5383 |
177.6555 |
177.7727 |
177.8899 |
178.0071 |
178.1243 |
178.2415 |
178.3586 |
178.4758 |
178.593 |
178.7102 |
178.8274 |
178.9446 |
179.0618 |
179.179 |
179.2961 |
179.4133 |
179.5305 |
179.6477 |
179.7649 |
179.8821 |
179.9993 |
-179.8835 |
-179.7664 |
-179.6492 |
-179.532 |
-179.4148 |
-179.2976 |
-179.1804 |
-179.0633 |
-178.9461 |
-178.8289 |
-178.7117 |
-178.5945 |
-178.4774 |
-178.3602 |
-178.243 |
-178.1258 |
-178.0086 |
-177.8914 |
-177.7742 |
-177.657 |
-177.5399 |
-177.4227 |
-177.3055 |
-177.1883 |
-177.0711 |
-176.9539 |
-176.8367 |
-176.7195 |
-176.6024 |
-176.4852 |
-176.368 |
-176.2508 |
-176.1336 |
-176.0164 |
-175.8992 |
-175.782 |
-175.6649 |
-175.5477 |
-175.4305 |
-175.3133 |
-175.1961 |
-175.0789 |
-174.9617 |
-174.8445 |
-174.7274 |
-174.6102 |
-174.493 |
-174.3758 |
-174.2586 |
-174.1414 |
-174.0242 |
-173.907 |
-173.7899 |
-173.6727 |
-173.5555 |
-173.4383 |
-173.3211 |
-173.2039 |
-173.0867 |
-172.9695 |
-172.8524 |
-172.7352 |
-172.618 |
-172.5008 |
-172.3836 |
-172.2664 |
-172.1492 |
-172.032 |
-171.9149 |
-171.7977 |
-171.6805 |
-171.5633 |
-171.4461 |
-171.3289 |
-171.2117 |
-171.0945 |
-170.9774 |
-170.8602 |
-170.743 |
-170.6258 |
-170.5086 |
-170.3914 |
-170.2742 |
-170.157 |
-170.0399 |
-169.9227 |
-169.8055 |
-169.6883 |
-169.5711 |
-169.4539 |
-169.3367 |
-169.2195 |
-169.1024 |
-168.9852 |
-168.868 |
-168.7508 |
-168.6336 |
-168.5164 |
-168.3992 |
-168.2821 |
-168.1649 |
-168.0477 |
-167.9305 |
-167.8134 |
-167.6962 |
-167.579 |
-167.4618 |
-167.3446 |
-167.2274 |
-167.1102 |
-166.993 |
-166.8759 |
-166.7587 |
-166.6415 |
-166.5243 |
-166.4071 |
-166.2899 |
-166.1727 |
-166.0555 |
-165.9384 |
-165.8212 |
-165.704 |
-165.5868 |
-165.4696 |
-165.3524 |
-165.2352 |
-165.118 |
-165.0009 |
-164.8837 |
-164.7665 |
-164.6493 |
-164.5321 |
-164.4149 |
-164.2977 |
-164.1805 |
-164.0634 |
-163.9462 |
-163.829 |
-163.7118 |
-163.5946 |
-163.4774 |
-163.3602 |
-163.243 |
-163.1259 |
-163.0087 |
-162.8915 |
-162.7743 |
-162.6571 |
-162.5399 |
-162.4227 |
-162.3055 |
-162.1884 |
-162.0712 |
-161.954 |
-161.8368 |
-161.7196 |
-161.6024 |
-161.4852 |
-161.368 |
-161.2509 |
-161.1337 |
-161.0165 |
-160.8993 |
-160.7821 |
-160.6649 |
-160.5477 |
-160.4305 |
-160.3134 |
-160.1962 |
-160.079 |
-159.9618 |
-159.8446 |
-159.7274 |
-159.6102 |
-159.493 |
-159.3759 |
-159.2587 |
-159.1415 |
-159.0243 |
-158.9071 |
-158.7899 |
-158.6727 |
-158.5555 |
-158.4384 |
-158.3212 |
-158.204 |
-158.0868 |
-157.9696 |
-157.8524 |
-157.7352 |
-157.618 |
-157.5009 |
-157.3837 |
-157.2665 |
-157.1493 |
-157.0321 |
-156.9149 |
-156.7977 |
-156.6805 |
-156.5634 |
-156.4462 |
-156.329 |
-156.2118 |
-156.0946 |
-155.9774 |
-155.8602 |
-155.743 |
-155.6259 |
-155.5087 |
-155.3915 |
-155.2743 |
-155.1571 |
-155.0399 |
-154.9227 |
-154.8055 |
-154.6884 |
-154.5712 |
-154.454 |
-154.3368 |
-154.2196 |
-154.1024 |
-153.9852 |
-153.868 |
-153.7509 |
-153.6337 |
-153.5165 |
-153.3993 |
-153.2821 |
-153.1649 |
-153.0477 |
-152.9305 |
-152.8134 |
-152.6962 |
-152.579 |
-152.4618 |
-152.3446 |
-152.2274 |
-152.1102 |
-151.993 |
-151.8759 |
-151.7587 |
-151.6415 |
-151.5243 |
-151.4071 |
-151.2899 |
-151.1727 |
-151.0555 |
-150.9384 |
-150.8212 |
-150.704 |
-150.5868 |
-150.4696 |
-150.3525 |
-150.2353 |
-150.1181 |
-150.0009 |
-149.8837 |
-149.7665 |
-149.6494 |
-149.5322 |
-149.415 |
-149.2978 |
-149.1806 |
-149.0634 |
-148.9462 |
-148.829 |
-148.7119 |
-148.5947 |
-148.4775 |
-148.3603 |
-148.2431 |
-148.1259 |
-148.0087 |
-147.8915 |
-147.7744 |
-147.6572 |
-147.54 |
-147.4228 |
-147.3056 |
-147.1884 |
-147.0712 |
-146.954 |
-146.8369 |
-146.7197 |
-146.6025 |
-146.4853 |
-146.3681 |
-146.2509 |
-146.1337 |
-146.0165 |
-145.8994 |
-145.7822 |
-145.665 |
-145.5478 |
-145.4306 |
-145.3134 |
-145.1962 |
-145.079 |
-144.9619 |
-144.8447 |
-144.7275 |
-144.6103 |
-144.4931 |
-144.3759 |
-144.2587 |
-144.1415 |
-144.0244 |
-143.9072 |
-143.79 |
-143.6728 |
-143.5556 |
-143.4384 |
-143.3212 |
-143.204 |
-143.0869 |
-142.9697 |
-142.8525 |
-142.7353 |
-142.6181 |
-142.5009 |
-142.3837 |
-142.2665 |
-142.1494 |
-142.0322 |
-141.915 |
-141.7978 |
-141.6806 |
-141.5634 |
-141.4462 |
-141.329 |
-141.2119 |
-141.0947 |
-140.9775 |
-140.8603 |
-140.7431 |
-140.6259 |
-140.5087 |
-140.3915 |
-140.2744 |
-140.1572 |
-140.04 |
-139.9228 |
-139.8056 |
-139.6885 |
-139.5713 |
-139.4541 |
-139.3369 |
-139.2197 |
-139.1025 |
-138.9854 |
-138.8682 |
-138.751 |
-138.6338 |
-138.5166 |
-138.3994 |
-138.2822 |
-138.165 |
-138.0479 |
-137.9307 |
-137.8135 |
-137.6963 |
-137.5791 |
-137.4619 |
-137.3447 |
-137.2275 |
-137.1104 |
-136.9932 |
-136.876 |
-136.7588 |
-136.6416 |
-136.5244 |
-136.4072 |
-136.29 |
-136.1729 |
-136.0557 |
-135.9385 |
-135.8213 |
-135.7041 |
-135.5869 |
-135.4697 |
-135.3525 |
-135.2354 |
-135.1182 |
-135.001 |
-134.8838 |
-134.7666 |
-134.6494 |
-134.5322 |
-134.415 |
-134.2979 |
-134.1807 |
-134.0635 |
-133.9463 |
-133.8291 |
-133.7119 |
-133.5947 |
-133.4775 |
-133.3604 |
-133.2432 |
-133.126 |
-133.0088 |
-132.8916 |
-132.7744 |
-132.6572 |
-132.54 |
-132.4229 |
-132.3057 |
-132.1885 |
-132.0713 |
-131.9541 |
-131.8369 |
-131.7197 |
-131.6025 |
-131.4854 |
-131.3682 |
-131.251 |
-131.1338 |
-131.0166 |
-130.8994 |
-130.7822 |
-130.665 |
-130.5479 |
-130.4307 |
-130.3135 |
-130.1963 |
-130.0791 |
-129.9619 |
-129.8447 |
-129.7275 |
-129.6104 |
-129.4932 |
-129.376 |
-129.2588 |
-129.1416 |
-129.0244 |
-128.9072 |
-128.79 |
-128.6729 |
-128.5557 |
-128.4385 |
-128.3213 |
-128.2041 |
-128.0869 |
-127.9697 |
-127.8525 |
-127.7354 |
-127.6182 |
-127.501 |
-127.3838 |
-127.2666 |
-127.1494 |
-127.0322 |
-126.915 |
-126.7979 |
-126.6807 |
-126.5635 |
-126.4463 |
-126.3291 |
-126.2119 |
-126.0947 |
-125.9775 |
-125.8604 |
-125.7432 |
-125.626 |
-125.5088 |
-125.3916 |
-125.2744 |
-125.1572 |
-125.04 |
-124.9229 |
-124.8057 |
-124.6885 |
-124.5713 |
-124.4541 |
-124.3369 |
-124.2197 |
-124.1025 |
-123.9854 |
-123.8682 |
-123.751 |
-123.6338 |
-123.5166 |
-123.3994 |
-123.2822 |
-123.165 |
-123.0479 |
-122.9307 |
-122.8135 |
-122.6963 |
-122.5791 |
-122.4619 |
-122.3447 |
-122.2275 |
-122.1104 |
-121.9932 |
-121.876 |
-121.7589 |
-121.6417 |
-121.5245 |
-121.4073 |
-121.2901 |
-121.1729 |
-121.0557 |
-120.9385 |
-120.8214 |
-120.7042 |
-120.587 |
-120.4698 |
-120.3526 |
-120.2354 |
-120.1182 |
-120.001 |
-119.8839 |
-119.7667 |
-119.6495 |
-119.5323 |
-119.4151 |
-119.2979 |
-119.1807 |
-119.0635 |
-118.9464 |
-118.8292 |
-118.712 |
-118.5948 |
-118.4776 |
-118.3604 |
-118.2432 |
-118.126 |
-118.0089 |
-117.8917 |
-117.7745 |
-117.6573 |
-117.5401 |
-117.4229 |
-117.3057 |
-117.1885 |
-117.0714 |
-116.9542 |
-116.837 |
-116.7198 |
-116.6026 |
-116.4854 |
-116.3682 |
-116.251 |
-116.1339 |
-116.0167 |
-115.8995 |
-115.7823 |
-115.6651 |
-115.5479 |
-115.4307 |
-115.3135 |
-115.1964 |
-115.0792 |
-114.962 |
-114.8448 |
-114.7276 |
-114.6104 |
-114.4932 |
-114.376 |
-114.2589 |
-114.1417 |
-114.0245 |
-113.9073 |
-113.7901 |
-113.6729 |
-113.5557 |
-113.4385 |
-113.3214 |
-113.2042 |
-113.087 |
-112.9698 |
-112.8526 |
-112.7354 |
-112.6182 |
-112.501 |
-112.3839 |
-112.2667 |
-112.1495 |
-112.0323 |
-111.9151 |
-111.7979 |
-111.6807 |
-111.5635 |
-111.4464 |
-111.3292 |
-111.212 |
-111.0948 |
-110.9777 |
-110.8605 |
-110.7433 |
-110.6261 |
-110.5089 |
-110.3917 |
-110.2745 |
-110.1573 |
-110.0402 |
-109.923 |
-109.8058 |
-109.6886 |
-109.5714 |
-109.4542 |
-109.337 |
-109.2198 |
-109.1027 |
-108.9855 |
-108.8683 |
-108.7511 |
-108.6339 |
-108.5167 |
-108.3995 |
-108.2823 |
-108.1652 |
-108.048 |
-107.9308 |
-107.8136 |
-107.6964 |
-107.5792 |
-107.462 |
-107.3448 |
-107.2277 |
-107.1105 |
-106.9933 |
-106.8761 |
-106.7589 |
-106.6417 |
-106.5245 |
-106.4073 |
-106.2902 |
-106.173 |
-106.0558 |
-105.9386 |
-105.8214 |
-105.7042 |
-105.587 |
-105.4698 |
-105.3527 |
-105.2355 |
-105.1183 |
-105.0011 |
-104.8839 |
-104.7667 |
-104.6495 |
-104.5323 |
-104.4152 |
-104.298 |
-104.1808 |
-104.0636 |
-103.9464 |
-103.8292 |
-103.712 |
-103.5948 |
-103.4777 |
-103.3605 |
-103.2433 |
-103.1261 |
-103.0089 |
-102.8917 |
-102.7745 |
-102.6573 |
-102.5402 |
-102.423 |
-102.3058 |
-102.1886 |
-102.0714 |
-101.9542 |
-101.837 |
-101.7198 |
-101.6027 |
-101.4855 |
-101.3683 |
-101.2511 |
-101.1339 |
-101.0167 |
-100.8995 |
-100.7823 |
-100.6652 |
-100.548 |
-100.4308 |
-100.3136 |
-100.1964 |
-100.0792 |
-99.96204 |
-99.84485 |
-99.72766 |
-99.61047 |
-99.49329 |
-99.3761 |
-99.25891 |
-99.14172 |
-99.02454 |
-98.90735 |
-98.79016 |
-98.67297 |
-98.55579 |
-98.4386 |
-98.32141 |
-98.20422 |
-98.08704 |
-97.96985 |
-97.85266 |
-97.73547 |
-97.61829 |
-97.5011 |
-97.38391 |
-97.26672 |
-97.14954 |
-97.03235 |
-96.91516 |
-96.79797 |
-96.68079 |
-96.5636 |
-96.44641 |
-96.32922 |
-96.21204 |
-96.09485 |
-95.97766 |
-95.86047 |
-95.74329 |
-95.6261 |
-95.50891 |
-95.39172 |
-95.27454 |
-95.15735 |
-95.04016 |
-94.92297 |
-94.80579 |
-94.6886 |
-94.57141 |
-94.45422 |
-94.33704 |
-94.21985 |
-94.10266 |
-93.98547 |
-93.86829 |
-93.7511 |
-93.63391 |
-93.51672 |
-93.39954 |
-93.28235 |
-93.16516 |
-93.04797 |
-92.93079 |
-92.8136 |
-92.69641 |
-92.57922 |
-92.46204 |
-92.34485 |
-92.22766 |
-92.11047 |
-91.99329 |
-91.8761 |
-91.75891 |
-91.64172 |
-91.52454 |
-91.40735 |
-91.29022 |
-91.17303 |
-91.05585 |
-90.93866 |
-90.82147 |
-90.70428 |
-90.5871 |
-90.46991 |
-90.35272 |
-90.23553 |
-90.11835 |
-90.00116 |
-89.88397 |
-89.76678 |
-89.6496 |
-89.53241 |
-89.41522 |
-89.29803 |
-89.18085 |
-89.06366 |
-88.94647 |
-88.82928 |
-88.7121 |
-88.59491 |
-88.47772 |
-88.36053 |
-88.24335 |
-88.12616 |
-88.00897 |
-87.89178 |
-87.7746 |
-87.65741 |
-87.54022 |
-87.42303 |
-87.30585 |
-87.18866 |
-87.07147 |
-86.95428 |
-86.8371 |
-86.71991 |
-86.60272 |
-86.48553 |
-86.36835 |
-86.25116 |
-86.13397 |
-86.01678 |
-85.8996 |
-85.78241 |
-85.66522 |
-85.54803 |
-85.43085 |
-85.31366 |
-85.19647 |
-85.07928 |
-84.9621 |
-84.84491 |
-84.72772 |
-84.61053 |
-84.49335 |
-84.37616 |
-84.25897 |
-84.14185 |
-84.02466 |
-83.90747 |
-83.79028 |
-83.6731 |
-83.55591 |
-83.43872 |
-83.32153 |
-83.20435 |
-83.08716 |
-82.96997 |
-82.85278 |
-82.7356 |
-82.61841 |
-82.50122 |
-82.38403 |
-82.26685 |
-82.14966 |
-82.03247 |
-81.91528 |
-81.7981 |
-81.68091 |
-81.56372 |
-81.44653 |
-81.32935 |
-81.21216 |
-81.09497 |
-80.97778 |
-80.8606 |
-80.74341 |
-80.62622 |
-80.50903 |
-80.39185 |
-80.27466 |
-80.15747 |
-80.04028 |
-79.9231 |
-79.80591 |
-79.68872 |
-79.57153 |
-79.45435 |
-79.33716 |
-79.21997 |
-79.10278 |
-78.9856 |
-78.86841 |
-78.75122 |
-78.63403 |
-78.51685 |
-78.39966 |
-78.28247 |
-78.16528 |
-78.0481 |
-77.93091 |
-77.81372 |
-77.69653 |
-77.57935 |
-77.46216 |
-77.34497 |
-77.22778 |
-77.1106 |
-76.99341 |
-76.87622 |
-76.75903 |
-76.64185 |
-76.52466 |
-76.40747 |
-76.29028 |
-76.1731 |
-76.05591 |
-75.93872 |
-75.82153 |
-75.70435 |
-75.58716 |
-75.46997 |
-75.35278 |
-75.2356 |
-75.11841 |
-75.00122 |
-74.88403 |
-74.76685 |
-74.64966 |
-74.53247 |
-74.41528 |
-74.2981 |
-74.18091 |
-74.06372 |
-73.94653 |
-73.82935 |
-73.71216 |
-73.59497 |
-73.47778 |
-73.3606 |
-73.24341 |
-73.12622 |
-73.00903 |
-72.89185 |
-72.77466 |
-72.65747 |
-72.54028 |
-72.4231 |
-72.30591 |
-72.18872 |
-72.07153 |
-71.95435 |
-71.83716 |
-71.71997 |
-71.60278 |
-71.4856 |
-71.36841 |
-71.25122 |
-71.13403 |
-71.01685 |
-70.89966 |
-70.78247 |
-70.66528 |
-70.5481 |
-70.43091 |
-70.31372 |
-70.19653 |
-70.07935 |
-69.96216 |
-69.84497 |
-69.72778 |
-69.6106 |
-69.49341 |
-69.37622 |
-69.25903 |
-69.14185 |
-69.02466 |
-68.90747 |
-68.79028 |
-68.6731 |
-68.55591 |
-68.43872 |
-68.32153 |
-68.20435 |
-68.08716 |
-67.96997 |
-67.85278 |
-67.7356 |
-67.61841 |
-67.50122 |
-67.38403 |
-67.26685 |
-67.14966 |
-67.03247 |
-66.91528 |
-66.7981 |
-66.68091 |
-66.56372 |
-66.44653 |
-66.32935 |
-66.21216 |
-66.09497 |
-65.97778 |
-65.8606 |
-65.74341 |
-65.62622 |
-65.50903 |
-65.39185 |
-65.27466 |
-65.15747 |
-65.04028 |
-64.9231 |
-64.80591 |
-64.68872 |
-64.57153 |
-64.45435 |
-64.33716 |
-64.21997 |
-64.10278 |
-63.9856 |
-63.86841 |
-63.75122 |
-63.63403 |
-63.51685 |
-63.39966 |
-63.28247 |
-63.16528 |
-63.0481 |
-62.93091 |
-62.81372 |
-62.69653 |
-62.57941 |
-62.46222 |
-62.34503 |
-62.22784 |
-62.11066 |
-61.99347 |
-61.87628 |
-61.75909 |
-61.64191 |
-61.52472 |
-61.40753 |
-61.29034 |
-61.17316 |
-61.05597 |
-60.93878 |
-60.82159 |
-60.70441 |
-60.58722 |
-60.47003 |
-60.35284 |
-60.23566 |
-60.11847 |
-60.00128 |
-59.88409 |
-59.76691 |
-59.64972 |
-59.53253 |
-59.41534 |
-59.29816 |
-59.18097 |
-59.06378 |
-58.94659 |
-58.82941 |
-58.71222 |
-58.59503 |
-58.47784 |
-58.36066 |
-58.24347 |
-58.12628 |
-58.00909 |
-57.89191 |
-57.77472 |
-57.65753 |
-57.54034 |
-57.42316 |
-57.30597 |
-57.18878 |
-57.07159 |
-56.95441 |
-56.83722 |
-56.72003 |
-56.60284 |
-56.48566 |
-56.36847 |
-56.25128 |
-56.13409 |
-56.01691 |
-55.89972 |
-55.78253 |
-55.66534 |
-55.54816 |
-55.43103 |
-55.31384 |
-55.19666 |
-55.07947 |
-54.96228 |
-54.84509 |
-54.72791 |
-54.61072 |
-54.49353 |
-54.37634 |
-54.25916 |
-54.14197 |
-54.02478 |
-53.90759 |
-53.79041 |
-53.67322 |
-53.55603 |
-53.43884 |
-53.32166 |
-53.20447 |
-53.08728 |
-52.97009 |
-52.85291 |
-52.73572 |
-52.61853 |
-52.50134 |
-52.38416 |
-52.26697 |
-52.14978 |
-52.03259 |
-51.91541 |
-51.79822 |
-51.68103 |
-51.56384 |
-51.44666 |
-51.32947 |
-51.21228 |
-51.09509 |
-50.97791 |
-50.86072 |
-50.74353 |
-50.62634 |
-50.50916 |
-50.39197 |
-50.27478 |
-50.15759 |
-50.04041 |
-49.92322 |
-49.80603 |
-49.68884 |
-49.57166 |
-49.45447 |
-49.33728 |
-49.22009 |
-49.10291 |
-48.98572 |
-48.86853 |
-48.75134 |
-48.63416 |
-48.51697 |
-48.39978 |
-48.28259 |
-48.16541 |
-48.04822 |
-47.93103 |
-47.81384 |
-47.69666 |
-47.57947 |
-47.46228 |
-47.34509 |
-47.22791 |
-47.11072 |
-46.99353 |
-46.87634 |
-46.75916 |
-46.64197 |
-46.52478 |
-46.40759 |
-46.29041 |
-46.17322 |
-46.05603 |
-45.93884 |
-45.82166 |
-45.70447 |
-45.58728 |
-45.47009 |
-45.35291 |
-45.23572 |
-45.11853 |
-45.00134 |
-44.88416 |
-44.76697 |
-44.64978 |
-44.53259 |
-44.41541 |
-44.29822 |
-44.18103 |
-44.06384 |
-43.94666 |
-43.82947 |
-43.71228 |
-43.59509 |
-43.47791 |
-43.36072 |
-43.24353 |
-43.12634 |
-43.00916 |
-42.89197 |
-42.77478 |
-42.65759 |
-42.54041 |
-42.42322 |
-42.30603 |
-42.18884 |
-42.07166 |
-41.95447 |
-41.83728 |
-41.72009 |
-41.60291 |
-41.48572 |
-41.36853 |
-41.25134 |
-41.13416 |
-41.01697 |
-40.89978 |
-40.78259 |
-40.66541 |
-40.54822 |
-40.43103 |
-40.31384 |
-40.19666 |
-40.07947 |
-39.96228 |
-39.84509 |
-39.72791 |
-39.61072 |
-39.49353 |
-39.37634 |
-39.25916 |
-39.14197 |
-39.02478 |
-38.90759 |
-38.79041 |
-38.67322 |
-38.55603 |
-38.43884 |
-38.32166 |
-38.20447 |
-38.08728 |
-37.97009 |
-37.85291 |
-37.73572 |
-37.61853 |
-37.50134 |
-37.38416 |
-37.26697 |
-37.14978 |
-37.03259 |
-36.91541 |
-36.79822 |
-36.68103 |
-36.56384 |
-36.44666 |
-36.32947 |
-36.21228 |
-36.09509 |
-35.97791 |
-35.86072 |
-35.74353 |
-35.62634 |
-35.50916 |
-35.39197 |
-35.27478 |
-35.15759 |
-35.04041 |
-34.92322 |
-34.80603 |
-34.68884 |
-34.57166 |
-34.45447 |
-34.33728 |
-34.22009 |
-34.10291 |
-33.98578 |
-33.86859 |
-33.7514 |
-33.63422 |
-33.51703 |
-33.39984 |
-33.28265 |
-33.16547 |
-33.04828 |
-32.93109 |
-32.8139 |
-32.69672 |
-32.57953 |
-32.46234 |
-32.34515 |
-32.22797 |
-32.11078 |
-31.99359 |
-31.8764 |
-31.75922 |
-31.64203 |
-31.52484 |
-31.40765 |
-31.29047 |
-31.17328 |
-31.05609 |
-30.9389 |
-30.82172 |
-30.70453 |
-30.58734 |
-30.47015 |
-30.35297 |
-30.23578 |
-30.11859 |
-30.0014 |
-29.88422 |
-29.76703 |
-29.64984 |
-29.53265 |
-29.41547 |
-29.29828 |
-29.18109 |
-29.0639 |
-28.94672 |
-28.82953 |
-28.71234 |
-28.59515 |
-28.47797 |
-28.36078 |
-28.24359 |
-28.1264 |
-28.00922 |
-27.89203 |
-27.77484 |
-27.65765 |
-27.54047 |
-27.42328 |
-27.30609 |
-27.1889 |
-27.07172 |
-26.95453 |
-26.8374 |
-26.72021 |
-26.60303 |
-26.48584 |
-26.36865 |
-26.25146 |
-26.13428 |
-26.01709 |
-25.8999 |
-25.78271 |
-25.66553 |
-25.54834 |
-25.43115 |
-25.31396 |
-25.19678 |
-25.07959 |
-24.9624 |
-24.84521 |
-24.72803 |
-24.61084 |
-24.49365 |
-24.37646 |
-24.25928 |
-24.14209 |
-24.0249 |
-23.90771 |
-23.79053 |
-23.67334 |
-23.55615 |
-23.43896 |
-23.32178 |
-23.20459 |
-23.0874 |
-22.97021 |
-22.85303 |
-22.73584 |
-22.61865 |
-22.50146 |
-22.38428 |
-22.26709 |
-22.1499 |
-22.03271 |
-21.91553 |
-21.79834 |
-21.68115 |
-21.56396 |
-21.44678 |
-21.32959 |
-21.2124 |
-21.09521 |
-20.97803 |
-20.86084 |
-20.74365 |
-20.62646 |
-20.50928 |
-20.39209 |
-20.2749 |
-20.15771 |
-20.04053 |
-19.92334 |
-19.80615 |
-19.68896 |
-19.57178 |
-19.45459 |
-19.3374 |
-19.22021 |
-19.10303 |
-18.98584 |
-18.86865 |
-18.75146 |
-18.63428 |
-18.51709 |
-18.3999 |
-18.28271 |
-18.16553 |
-18.04834 |
-17.93115 |
-17.81396 |
-17.69678 |
-17.57959 |
-17.4624 |
-17.34521 |
-17.22803 |
-17.11084 |
-16.99365 |
-16.87646 |
-16.75928 |
-16.64209 |
-16.5249 |
-16.40771 |
-16.29053 |
-16.17334 |
-16.05615 |
-15.93896 |
-15.82178 |
-15.70459 |
-15.5874 |
-15.47021 |
-15.35303 |
-15.23584 |
-15.11865 |
-15.00146 |
-14.88428 |
-14.76709 |
-14.6499 |
-14.53271 |
-14.41553 |
-14.29834 |
-14.18115 |
-14.06396 |
-13.94678 |
-13.82959 |
-13.7124 |
-13.59521 |
-13.47803 |
-13.36084 |
-13.24365 |
-13.12646 |
-13.00928 |
-12.89209 |
-12.7749 |
-12.65771 |
-12.54053 |
-12.42334 |
-12.30615 |
-12.18896 |
-12.07178 |
-11.95459 |
-11.8374 |
-11.72021 |
-11.60303 |
-11.48584 |
-11.36865 |
-11.25146 |
-11.13428 |
-11.01709 |
-10.8999 |
-10.78271 |
-10.66553 |
-10.54834 |
-10.43115 |
-10.31396 |
-10.19678 |
-10.07959 |
-9.962402 |
-9.845215 |
-9.728027 |
-9.61084 |
-9.493652 |
-9.376465 |
-9.259277 |
-9.14209 |
-9.024902 |
-8.907715 |
-8.790527 |
-8.67334 |
-8.556152 |
-8.438965 |
-8.321777 |
-8.20459 |
-8.087402 |
-7.970215 |
-7.853027 |
-7.73584 |
-7.618652 |
-7.501465 |
-7.384277 |
-7.26709 |
-7.149902 |
-7.032715 |
-6.915527 |
-6.79834 |
-6.681152 |
-6.563965 |
-6.446777 |
-6.32959 |
-6.212402 |
-6.095215 |
-5.978027 |
-5.86084 |
-5.743652 |
-5.626465 |
-5.509277 |
-5.39209 |
-5.274963 |
-5.157776 |
-5.040588 |
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-4.806213 |
-4.689026 |
-4.571838 |
-4.454651 |
-4.337463 |
-4.220276 |
-4.103088 |
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-3.868713 |
-3.751526 |
-3.634338 |
-3.517151 |
-3.399963 |
-3.282776 |
-3.165588 |
-3.048401 |
-2.931213 |
-2.814026 |
-2.696838 |
-2.579651 |
-2.462463 |
-2.345276 |
-2.228088 |
-2.110901 |
-1.993713 |
-1.876526 |
-1.759338 |
-1.642151 |
-1.524963 |
-1.407776 |
-1.290588 |
-1.173401 |
-1.056213 |
-0.9390259 |
-0.8218384 |
-0.7046509 |
-0.5874634 |
-0.4702759 |
-0.3530884 |
-0.2359009 |
-0.1187134 |
-89.90934 |
-89.79441 |
-89.67735 |
-89.56031 |
-89.44327 |
-89.32623 |
-89.20895 |
-89.09194 |
-88.97473 |
-88.85756 |
-88.74057 |
-88.62342 |
-88.50629 |
-88.38905 |
-88.27195 |
-88.15485 |
-88.03766 |
-87.92048 |
-87.8034 |
-87.68624 |
-87.56908 |
-87.45193 |
-87.33479 |
-87.21764 |
-87.10051 |
-86.98331 |
-86.86618 |
-86.74905 |
-86.63193 |
-86.51473 |
-86.39761 |
-86.28048 |
-86.16329 |
-86.04616 |
-85.92902 |
-85.81188 |
-85.6947 |
-85.57755 |
-85.46041 |
-85.34326 |
-85.2261 |
-85.10899 |
-84.99183 |
-84.87466 |
-84.75753 |
-84.64039 |
-84.52324 |
-84.40609 |
-84.28893 |
-84.17179 |
-84.05462 |
-83.93748 |
-83.82035 |
-83.70319 |
-83.58604 |
-83.46889 |
-83.35176 |
-83.23459 |
-83.11744 |
-83.0003 |
-82.88316 |
-82.766 |
-82.64886 |
-82.53171 |
-82.41454 |
-82.29739 |
-82.18025 |
-82.06311 |
-81.94596 |
-81.82881 |
-81.71165 |
-81.59451 |
-81.47736 |
-81.36021 |
-81.24307 |
-81.12591 |
-81.00877 |
-80.89161 |
-80.77446 |
-80.65731 |
-80.54017 |
-80.42301 |
-80.30588 |
-80.18873 |
-80.07158 |
-79.95442 |
-79.83728 |
-79.72014 |
-79.60297 |
-79.48582 |
-79.36868 |
-79.25153 |
-79.13438 |
-79.01723 |
-78.90009 |
-78.78293 |
-78.66579 |
-78.54864 |
-78.43148 |
-78.31432 |
-78.19718 |
-78.08003 |
-77.96289 |
-77.84574 |
-77.72859 |
-77.61144 |
-77.49429 |
-77.37714 |
-77.25999 |
-77.14284 |
-77.0257 |
-76.90854 |
-76.79139 |
-76.67425 |
-76.5571 |
-76.43994 |
-76.32279 |
-76.20565 |
-76.0885 |
-75.97136 |
-75.8542 |
-75.73705 |
-75.6199 |
-75.50275 |
-75.3856 |
-75.26846 |
-75.15131 |
-75.03416 |
-74.91701 |
-74.79985 |
-74.6827 |
-74.56556 |
-74.44841 |
-74.33126 |
-74.21411 |
-74.09696 |
-73.97981 |
-73.86266 |
-73.74551 |
-73.62836 |
-73.51122 |
-73.39407 |
-73.27691 |
-73.15977 |
-73.04262 |
-72.92546 |
-72.80832 |
-72.69117 |
-72.57402 |
-72.45686 |
-72.33972 |
-72.22257 |
-72.10542 |
-71.98827 |
-71.87112 |
-71.75397 |
-71.63682 |
-71.51968 |
-71.40253 |
-71.28537 |
-71.16824 |
-71.05108 |
-70.93392 |
-70.81679 |
-70.69963 |
-70.58248 |
-70.46534 |
-70.34818 |
-70.23103 |
-70.11389 |
-69.99673 |
-69.87959 |
-69.76244 |
-69.64529 |
-69.52814 |
-69.41099 |
-69.29384 |
-69.17669 |
-69.05954 |
-68.9424 |
-68.82524 |
-68.70809 |
-68.59094 |
-68.4738 |
-68.35664 |
-68.23949 |
-68.12234 |
-68.0052 |
-67.88805 |
-67.7709 |
-67.65375 |
-67.5366 |
-67.41945 |
-67.3023 |
-67.18515 |
-67.06799 |
-66.95085 |
-66.83371 |
-66.71655 |
-66.59941 |
-66.48226 |
-66.3651 |
-66.24796 |
-66.13081 |
-66.01366 |
-65.89651 |
-65.77936 |
-65.66222 |
-65.54506 |
-65.42791 |
-65.31077 |
-65.19361 |
-65.07647 |
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-64.84216 |
-64.72501 |
-64.60786 |
-64.49072 |
-64.37356 |
-64.25642 |
-64.13927 |
-64.02212 |
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-63.78783 |
-63.67067 |
-63.55352 |
-63.43637 |
-63.31922 |
-63.20208 |
-63.08492 |
-62.96778 |
-62.85063 |
-62.73347 |
-62.61633 |
-62.49918 |
-62.38203 |
-62.26488 |
-62.14773 |
-62.03058 |
-61.91343 |
-61.79628 |
-61.67913 |
-61.56199 |
-61.44483 |
-61.32769 |
-61.21053 |
-61.09339 |
-60.97623 |
-60.85909 |
-60.74194 |
-60.62479 |
-60.50764 |
-60.39049 |
-60.27335 |
-60.15619 |
-60.03904 |
-59.9219 |
-59.80474 |
-59.6876 |
-59.57044 |
-59.4533 |
-59.33615 |
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-59.10184 |
-58.9847 |
-58.86755 |
-58.7504 |
-58.63325 |
-58.5161 |
-58.39895 |
-58.2818 |
-58.16465 |
-58.04751 |
-57.93036 |
-57.81321 |
-57.69605 |
-57.57891 |
-57.46176 |
-57.34461 |
-57.22746 |
-57.11031 |
-56.99316 |
-56.87601 |
-56.75886 |
-56.64171 |
-56.52456 |
-56.40741 |
-56.29026 |
-56.17311 |
-56.05597 |
-55.93881 |
-55.82167 |
-55.70452 |
-55.58737 |
-55.47022 |
-55.35307 |
-55.23592 |
-55.11877 |
-55.00162 |
-54.88447 |
-54.76732 |
-54.65018 |
-54.53302 |
-54.41588 |
-54.29873 |
-54.18158 |
-54.06443 |
-53.94728 |
-53.83013 |
-53.71298 |
-53.59583 |
-53.47868 |
-53.36153 |
-53.24438 |
-53.12724 |
-53.01008 |
-52.89294 |
-52.77578 |
-52.65863 |
-52.54148 |
-52.42433 |
-52.30719 |
-52.19003 |
-52.07289 |
-51.95574 |
-51.83859 |
-51.72144 |
-51.60429 |
-51.48714 |
-51.36999 |
-51.25284 |
-51.13569 |
-51.01854 |
-50.9014 |
-50.78424 |
-50.6671 |
-50.54995 |
-50.4328 |
-50.31565 |
-50.1985 |
-50.08135 |
-49.9642 |
-49.84705 |
-49.7299 |
-49.61275 |
-49.4956 |
-49.37845 |
-49.2613 |
-49.14416 |
-49.027 |
-48.90985 |
-48.79271 |
-48.67556 |
-48.55841 |
-48.44126 |
-48.3241 |
-48.20696 |
-48.08981 |
-47.97266 |
-47.85551 |
-47.73836 |
-47.62122 |
-47.50406 |
-47.38691 |
-47.26976 |
-47.15261 |
-47.03547 |
-46.91831 |
-46.80117 |
-46.68402 |
-46.56687 |
-46.44972 |
-46.33257 |
-46.21542 |
-46.09827 |
-45.98112 |
-45.86397 |
-45.74682 |
-45.62967 |
-45.51252 |
-45.39537 |
-45.27822 |
-45.16108 |
-45.04393 |
-44.92678 |
-44.80963 |
-44.69248 |
-44.57533 |
-44.45818 |
-44.34103 |
-44.22388 |
-44.10673 |
-43.98958 |
-43.87244 |
-43.75528 |
-43.63813 |
-43.52098 |
-43.40384 |
-43.28669 |
-43.16954 |
-43.05238 |
-42.93524 |
-42.81809 |
-42.70094 |
-42.58379 |
-42.46664 |
-42.34949 |
-42.23234 |
-42.1152 |
-41.99804 |
-41.88089 |
-41.76374 |
-41.6466 |
-41.52945 |
-41.4123 |
-41.29514 |
-41.178 |
-41.06085 |
-40.9437 |
-40.82655 |
-40.7094 |
-40.59225 |
-40.4751 |
-40.35796 |
-40.2408 |
-40.12365 |
-40.00651 |
-39.88935 |
-39.77221 |
-39.65506 |
-39.53791 |
-39.42076 |
-39.30361 |
-39.18646 |
-39.06931 |
-38.95216 |
-38.83501 |
-38.71786 |
-38.60072 |
-38.48357 |
-38.36641 |
-38.24926 |
-38.13211 |
-38.01497 |
-37.89782 |
-37.78067 |
-37.66352 |
-37.54637 |
-37.42922 |
-37.31207 |
-37.19492 |
-37.07777 |
-36.96062 |
-36.84347 |
-36.72632 |
-36.60917 |
-36.49202 |
-36.37487 |
-36.25772 |
-36.14058 |
-36.02342 |
-35.90628 |
-35.78913 |
-35.67198 |
-35.55483 |
-35.43768 |
-35.32053 |
-35.20338 |
-35.08624 |
-34.96909 |
-34.85193 |
-34.73479 |
-34.61763 |
-34.50048 |
-34.38334 |
-34.26618 |
-34.14904 |
-34.03189 |
-33.91474 |
-33.79759 |
-33.68044 |
-33.56329 |
-33.44614 |
-33.32899 |
-33.21184 |
-33.09469 |
-32.97754 |
-32.86039 |
-32.74324 |
-32.62609 |
-32.50895 |
-32.3918 |
-32.27465 |
-32.1575 |
-32.04035 |
-31.9232 |
-31.80605 |
-31.6889 |
-31.57175 |
-31.4546 |
-31.33745 |
-31.2203 |
-31.10315 |
-30.986 |
-30.86885 |
-30.75171 |
-30.63456 |
-30.5174 |
-30.40026 |
-30.28311 |
-30.16596 |
-30.04881 |
-29.93166 |
-29.81451 |
-29.69736 |
-29.58021 |
-29.46307 |
-29.34591 |
-29.22877 |
-29.11161 |
-28.99447 |
-28.87732 |
-28.76017 |
-28.64302 |
-28.52587 |
-28.40872 |
-28.29157 |
-28.17442 |
-28.05727 |
-27.94012 |
-27.82297 |
-27.70582 |
-27.58867 |
-27.47153 |
-27.35438 |
-27.23722 |
-27.12008 |
-27.00293 |
-26.88578 |
-26.76863 |
-26.65148 |
-26.53433 |
-26.41718 |
-26.30003 |
-26.18288 |
-26.06573 |
-25.94858 |
-25.83143 |
-25.71428 |
-25.59714 |
-25.47998 |
-25.36283 |
-25.24569 |
-25.12854 |
-25.01139 |
-24.89424 |
-24.77709 |
-24.65994 |
-24.54279 |
-24.42564 |
-24.30849 |
-24.19134 |
-24.07419 |
-23.95704 |
-23.8399 |
-23.72274 |
-23.60559 |
-23.48845 |
-23.3713 |
-23.25415 |
-23.137 |
-23.01985 |
-22.9027 |
-22.78555 |
-22.6684 |
-22.55125 |
-22.4341 |
-22.31695 |
-22.1998 |
-22.08265 |
-21.96551 |
-21.84836 |
-21.7312 |
-21.61406 |
-21.49691 |
-21.37976 |
-21.26261 |
-21.14546 |
-21.02831 |
-20.91116 |
-20.79401 |
-20.67686 |
-20.55971 |
-20.44256 |
-20.32541 |
-20.20826 |
-20.09111 |
-19.97396 |
-19.85681 |
-19.73967 |
-19.62252 |
-19.50537 |
-19.38822 |
-19.27107 |
-19.15392 |
-19.03677 |
-18.91962 |
-18.80247 |
-18.68532 |
-18.56817 |
-18.45103 |
-18.33388 |
-18.21672 |
-18.09958 |
-17.98243 |
-17.86528 |
-17.74813 |
-17.63098 |
-17.51383 |
-17.39668 |
-17.27953 |
-17.16238 |
-17.04523 |
-16.92808 |
-16.81093 |
-16.69378 |
-16.57664 |
-16.45948 |
-16.34233 |
-16.22519 |
-16.10804 |
-15.99089 |
-15.87374 |
-15.75659 |
-15.63944 |
-15.52229 |
-15.40514 |
-15.28799 |
-15.17084 |
-15.05369 |
-14.93654 |
-14.81939 |
-14.70224 |
-14.5851 |
-14.46795 |
-14.3508 |
-14.23365 |
-14.1165 |
-13.99935 |
-13.8822 |
-13.76505 |
-13.6479 |
-13.53075 |
-13.4136 |
-13.29645 |
-13.1793 |
-13.06215 |
-12.945 |
-12.82786 |
-12.7107 |
-12.59356 |
-12.47641 |
-12.35926 |
-12.24211 |
-12.12496 |
-12.00781 |
-11.89066 |
-11.77351 |
-11.65636 |
-11.53921 |
-11.42206 |
-11.30491 |
-11.18776 |
-11.07061 |
-10.95346 |
-10.83632 |
-10.71917 |
-10.60202 |
-10.48487 |
-10.36772 |
-10.25057 |
-10.13342 |
-10.01627 |
-9.89912 |
-9.781971 |
-9.664822 |
-9.547672 |
-9.430523 |
-9.313374 |
-9.196224 |
-9.079076 |
-8.961926 |
-8.844776 |
-8.727627 |
-8.610477 |
-8.493328 |
-8.376179 |
-8.259029 |
-8.14188 |
-8.024731 |
-7.907581 |
-7.790431 |
-7.673283 |
-7.556134 |
-7.438984 |
-7.321835 |
-7.204686 |
-7.087536 |
-6.970387 |
-6.853238 |
-6.736088 |
-6.618938 |
-6.501789 |
-6.38464 |
-6.267491 |
-6.150342 |
-6.033192 |
-5.916042 |
-5.798893 |
-5.681744 |
-5.564595 |
-5.447445 |
-5.330295 |
-5.213146 |
-5.095997 |
-4.978848 |
-4.861699 |
-4.744549 |
-4.627399 |
-4.51025 |
-4.393101 |
-4.275951 |
-4.158802 |
-4.041653 |
-3.924504 |
-3.807354 |
-3.690205 |
-3.573056 |
-3.455906 |
-3.338757 |
-3.221607 |
-3.104458 |
-2.987309 |
-2.870159 |
-2.75301 |
-2.635861 |
-2.518711 |
-2.401562 |
-2.284412 |
-2.167263 |
-2.050114 |
-1.932964 |
-1.815815 |
-1.698666 |
-1.581516 |
-1.464367 |
-1.347218 |
-1.230068 |
-1.112919 |
-0.9957695 |
-0.8786201 |
-0.7614708 |
-0.6443214 |
-0.5271721 |
-0.4100228 |
-0.2928734 |
-0.175724 |
-0.05857468 |
0.05857468 |
0.175724 |
0.2928734 |
0.4100228 |
0.5271721 |
0.6443214 |
0.7614708 |
0.8786201 |
0.9957695 |
1.112919 |
1.230068 |
1.347218 |
1.464367 |
1.581516 |
1.698666 |
1.815815 |
1.932964 |
2.050114 |
2.167263 |
2.284412 |
2.401562 |
2.518711 |
2.635861 |
2.75301 |
2.870159 |
2.987309 |
3.104458 |
3.221607 |
3.338757 |
3.455906 |
3.573056 |
3.690205 |
3.807354 |
3.924504 |
4.041653 |
4.158802 |
4.275951 |
4.393101 |
4.51025 |
4.627399 |
4.744549 |
4.861699 |
4.978848 |
5.095997 |
5.213146 |
5.330295 |
5.447445 |
5.564595 |
5.681744 |
5.798893 |
5.916042 |
6.033192 |
6.150342 |
6.267491 |
6.38464 |
6.501789 |
6.618938 |
6.736088 |
6.853238 |
6.970387 |
7.087536 |
7.204686 |
7.321835 |
7.438984 |
7.556134 |
7.673283 |
7.790431 |
7.907581 |
8.024731 |
8.14188 |
8.259029 |
8.376179 |
8.493328 |
8.610477 |
8.727627 |
8.844776 |
8.961926 |
9.079076 |
9.196224 |
9.313374 |
9.430523 |
9.547672 |
9.664822 |
9.781971 |
9.89912 |
10.01627 |
10.13342 |
10.25057 |
10.36772 |
10.48487 |
10.60202 |
10.71917 |
10.83632 |
10.95346 |
11.07061 |
11.18776 |
11.30491 |
11.42206 |
11.53921 |
11.65636 |
11.77351 |
11.89066 |
12.00781 |
12.12496 |
12.24211 |
12.35926 |
12.47641 |
12.59356 |
12.7107 |
12.82786 |
12.945 |
13.06215 |
13.1793 |
13.29645 |
13.4136 |
13.53075 |
13.6479 |
13.76505 |
13.8822 |
13.99935 |
14.1165 |
14.23365 |
14.3508 |
14.46795 |
14.5851 |
14.70224 |
14.81939 |
14.93654 |
15.05369 |
15.17084 |
15.28799 |
15.40514 |
15.52229 |
15.63944 |
15.75659 |
15.87374 |
15.99089 |
16.10804 |
16.22519 |
16.34233 |
16.45948 |
16.57664 |
16.69378 |
16.81093 |
16.92808 |
17.04523 |
17.16238 |
17.27953 |
17.39668 |
17.51383 |
17.63098 |
17.74813 |
17.86528 |
17.98243 |
18.09958 |
18.21672 |
18.33388 |
18.45103 |
18.56817 |
18.68532 |
18.80247 |
18.91962 |
19.03677 |
19.15392 |
19.27107 |
19.38822 |
19.50537 |
19.62252 |
19.73967 |
19.85681 |
19.97396 |
20.09111 |
20.20826 |
20.32541 |
20.44256 |
20.55971 |
20.67686 |
20.79401 |
20.91116 |
21.02831 |
21.14546 |
21.26261 |
21.37976 |
21.49691 |
21.61406 |
21.7312 |
21.84836 |
21.96551 |
22.08265 |
22.1998 |
22.31695 |
22.4341 |
22.55125 |
22.6684 |
22.78555 |
22.9027 |
23.01985 |
23.137 |
23.25415 |
23.3713 |
23.48845 |
23.60559 |
23.72274 |
23.8399 |
23.95704 |
24.07419 |
24.19134 |
24.30849 |
24.42564 |
24.54279 |
24.65994 |
24.77709 |
24.89424 |
25.01139 |
25.12854 |
25.24569 |
25.36283 |
25.47998 |
25.59714 |
25.71428 |
25.83143 |
25.94858 |
26.06573 |
26.18288 |
26.30003 |
26.41718 |
26.53433 |
26.65148 |
26.76863 |
26.88578 |
27.00293 |
27.12008 |
27.23722 |
27.35438 |
27.47153 |
27.58867 |
27.70582 |
27.82297 |
27.94012 |
28.05727 |
28.17442 |
28.29157 |
28.40872 |
28.52587 |
28.64302 |
28.76017 |
28.87732 |
28.99447 |
29.11161 |
29.22877 |
29.34591 |
29.46307 |
29.58021 |
29.69736 |
29.81451 |
29.93166 |
30.04881 |
30.16596 |
30.28311 |
30.40026 |
30.5174 |
30.63456 |
30.75171 |
30.86885 |
30.986 |
31.10315 |
31.2203 |
31.33745 |
31.4546 |
31.57175 |
31.6889 |
31.80605 |
31.9232 |
32.04035 |
32.1575 |
32.27465 |
32.3918 |
32.50895 |
32.62609 |
32.74324 |
32.86039 |
32.97754 |
33.09469 |
33.21184 |
33.32899 |
33.44614 |
33.56329 |
33.68044 |
33.79759 |
33.91474 |
34.03189 |
34.14904 |
34.26618 |
34.38334 |
34.50048 |
34.61763 |
34.73479 |
34.85193 |
34.96909 |
35.08624 |
35.20338 |
35.32053 |
35.43768 |
35.55483 |
35.67198 |
35.78913 |
35.90628 |
36.02342 |
36.14058 |
36.25772 |
36.37487 |
36.49202 |
36.60917 |
36.72632 |
36.84347 |
36.96062 |
37.07777 |
37.19492 |
37.31207 |
37.42922 |
37.54637 |
37.66352 |
37.78067 |
37.89782 |
38.01497 |
38.13211 |
38.24926 |
38.36641 |
38.48357 |
38.60072 |
38.71786 |
38.83501 |
38.95216 |
39.06931 |
39.18646 |
39.30361 |
39.42076 |
39.53791 |
39.65506 |
39.77221 |
39.88935 |
40.00651 |
40.12365 |
40.2408 |
40.35796 |
40.4751 |
40.59225 |
40.7094 |
40.82655 |
40.9437 |
41.06085 |
41.178 |
41.29514 |
41.4123 |
41.52945 |
41.6466 |
41.76374 |
41.88089 |
41.99804 |
42.1152 |
42.23234 |
42.34949 |
42.46664 |
42.58379 |
42.70094 |
42.81809 |
42.93524 |
43.05238 |
43.16954 |
43.28669 |
43.40384 |
43.52098 |
43.63813 |
43.75528 |
43.87244 |
43.98958 |
44.10673 |
44.22388 |
44.34103 |
44.45818 |
44.57533 |
44.69248 |
44.80963 |
44.92678 |
45.04393 |
45.16108 |
45.27822 |
45.39537 |
45.51252 |
45.62967 |
45.74682 |
45.86397 |
45.98112 |
46.09827 |
46.21542 |
46.33257 |
46.44972 |
46.56687 |
46.68402 |
46.80117 |
46.91831 |
47.03547 |
47.15261 |
47.26976 |
47.38691 |
47.50406 |
47.62122 |
47.73836 |
47.85551 |
47.97266 |
48.08981 |
48.20696 |
48.3241 |
48.44126 |
48.55841 |
48.67556 |
48.79271 |
48.90985 |
49.027 |
49.14416 |
49.2613 |
49.37845 |
49.4956 |
49.61275 |
49.7299 |
49.84705 |
49.9642 |
50.08135 |
50.1985 |
50.31565 |
50.4328 |
50.54995 |
50.6671 |
50.78424 |
50.9014 |
51.01854 |
51.13569 |
51.25284 |
51.36999 |
51.48714 |
51.60429 |
51.72144 |
51.83859 |
51.95574 |
52.07289 |
52.19003 |
52.30719 |
52.42433 |
52.54148 |
52.65863 |
52.77578 |
52.89294 |
53.01008 |
53.12724 |
53.24438 |
53.36153 |
53.47868 |
53.59583 |
53.71298 |
53.83013 |
53.94728 |
54.06443 |
54.18158 |
54.29873 |
54.41588 |
54.53302 |
54.65018 |
54.76732 |
54.88447 |
55.00162 |
55.11877 |
55.23592 |
55.35307 |
55.47022 |
55.58737 |
55.70452 |
55.82167 |
55.93881 |
56.05597 |
56.17311 |
56.29026 |
56.40741 |
56.52456 |
56.64171 |
56.75886 |
56.87601 |
56.99316 |
57.11031 |
57.22746 |
57.34461 |
57.46176 |
57.57891 |
57.69605 |
57.81321 |
57.93036 |
58.04751 |
58.16465 |
58.2818 |
58.39895 |
58.5161 |
58.63325 |
58.7504 |
58.86755 |
58.9847 |
59.10184 |
59.219 |
59.33615 |
59.4533 |
59.57044 |
59.6876 |
59.80474 |
59.9219 |
60.03904 |
60.15619 |
60.27335 |
60.39049 |
60.50764 |
60.62479 |
60.74194 |
60.85909 |
60.97623 |
61.09339 |
61.21053 |
61.32769 |
61.44483 |
61.56199 |
61.67913 |
61.79628 |
61.91343 |
62.03058 |
62.14773 |
62.26488 |
62.38203 |
62.49918 |
62.61633 |
62.73347 |
62.85063 |
62.96778 |
63.08492 |
63.20208 |
63.31922 |
63.43637 |
63.55352 |
63.67067 |
63.78783 |
63.90497 |
64.02212 |
64.13927 |
64.25642 |
64.37356 |
64.49072 |
64.60786 |
64.72501 |
64.84216 |
64.95931 |
65.07647 |
65.19361 |
65.31077 |
65.42791 |
65.54506 |
65.66222 |
65.77936 |
65.89651 |
66.01366 |
66.13081 |
66.24796 |
66.3651 |
66.48226 |
66.59941 |
66.71655 |
66.83371 |
66.95085 |
67.06799 |
67.18515 |
67.3023 |
67.41945 |
67.5366 |
67.65375 |
67.7709 |
67.88805 |
68.0052 |
68.12234 |
68.23949 |
68.35664 |
68.4738 |
68.59094 |
68.70809 |
68.82524 |
68.9424 |
69.05954 |
69.17669 |
69.29384 |
69.41099 |
69.52814 |
69.64529 |
69.76244 |
69.87959 |
69.99673 |
70.11389 |
70.23103 |
70.34818 |
70.46534 |
70.58248 |
70.69963 |
70.81679 |
70.93392 |
71.05108 |
71.16824 |
71.28537 |
71.40253 |
71.51968 |
71.63682 |
71.75397 |
71.87112 |
71.98827 |
72.10542 |
72.22257 |
72.33972 |
72.45686 |
72.57402 |
72.69117 |
72.80832 |
72.92546 |
73.04262 |
73.15977 |
73.27691 |
73.39407 |
73.51122 |
73.62836 |
73.74551 |
73.86266 |
73.97981 |
74.09696 |
74.21411 |
74.33126 |
74.44841 |
74.56556 |
74.6827 |
74.79985 |
74.91701 |
75.03416 |
75.15131 |
75.26846 |
75.3856 |
75.50275 |
75.6199 |
75.73705 |
75.8542 |
75.97136 |
76.0885 |
76.20565 |
76.32279 |
76.43994 |
76.5571 |
76.67425 |
76.79139 |
76.90854 |
77.0257 |
77.14284 |
77.25999 |
77.37714 |
77.49429 |
77.61144 |
77.72859 |
77.84574 |
77.96289 |
78.08003 |
78.19718 |
78.31432 |
78.43148 |
78.54864 |
78.66579 |
78.78293 |
78.90009 |
79.01723 |
79.13438 |
79.25153 |
79.36868 |
79.48582 |
79.60297 |
79.72014 |
79.83728 |
79.95442 |
80.07158 |
80.18873 |
80.30588 |
80.42301 |
80.54017 |
80.65731 |
80.77446 |
80.89161 |
81.00877 |
81.12591 |
81.24307 |
81.36021 |
81.47736 |
81.59451 |
81.71165 |
81.82881 |
81.94596 |
82.06311 |
82.18025 |
82.29739 |
82.41454 |
82.53171 |
82.64886 |
82.766 |
82.88316 |
83.0003 |
83.11744 |
83.23459 |
83.35176 |
83.46889 |
83.58604 |
83.70319 |
83.82035 |
83.93748 |
84.05462 |
84.17179 |
84.28893 |
84.40609 |
84.52324 |
84.64039 |
84.75753 |
84.87466 |
84.99183 |
85.10899 |
85.2261 |
85.34326 |
85.46041 |
85.57755 |
85.6947 |
85.81188 |
85.92902 |
86.04616 |
86.16329 |
86.28048 |
86.39761 |
86.51473 |
86.63193 |
86.74905 |
86.86618 |
86.98331 |
87.10051 |
87.21764 |
87.33479 |
87.45193 |
87.56908 |
87.68624 |
87.8034 |
87.92048 |
88.03766 |
88.15485 |
88.27195 |
88.38905 |
88.50629 |
88.62342 |
88.74057 |
88.85756 |
88.97473 |
89.09194 |
89.20895 |
89.32623 |
89.44327 |
89.56031 |
89.67735 |
89.79441 |
89.90934 |
Appendix E: Polar Stereographic Domain Example
This section describes how to compute the values for the run domain and param domain sections on a polar stereographic projection.
Appendix F: HRAP Domain Example
This section describes how to compute the values for the run domain and param domain sections on a HRAP projection.
The spatial HRAP resolution has a default value of 1.0, which indicates a horizontal resolution of 4.7625 KM (valid at 1.0). Finer resolution values are then entered as 0.5, 0.25, etc. to represent half, quarter, etc. of the original 4.7625 KM gridcell length. All other HRAP-based polar stereographic grid parameters are already handled within the LDT or LIS code, since HRAP utilizes specific true latitude, standard longitude, and orientation values.
Note that HRAP is a special case of a polar stereographic grid. For HRAP,
true lat = 60.0
standard lon = -105.000
orientation = 0.0
resolution at true lat is 4.7625 km when resolution is set to 1.0; i.e.,
Run domain hrap resolution: 1
Appendix G: Mercator Domain Example
This section describes how to compute the values for the run domain and param domain sections on a Mercator projection.
Note that this projection is often used for a coupled run with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. As such, Mercator domains are first generated when configuring WRF via WRF’s preprocessing system (WPS). The domain information is then copied into LIS’ lis.config file.
Please see WRF’s User’s Guide found at for more information.
Appendix H: UTM Domain Example
This section describes how to compute the values for the run domain and param domain sections on a UTM projection.