
NCCS uses the Environment Modules Project (, better known as the module command, to manage multiple versions of programs and libraries. Users use it to manage their environment. Users are not restricted to only the system level modulefiles provided by NCCS. Users may create their own. One specific use of custom modulefiles is to manage various LIS-related environments; e.g., to manage compilers and environment variables for compiling and running LIS 6 vs LIS 7 or for compiling and running with the Intel compilers vs the GCC compilers. This post explains how to create a custom modulefile.

Please refer to the man pages for module(1) and modulefile(4) for more information.

Set up

First create a sub-directory named privatemodules in your home directory.

Then add this command to your .profile (or equivalent) login file.

module use --append $HOME/privatemodules

This will make your custom modulefiles available to the module program every time that you log on.


Please note that on-line resources suggest using module load use.own to set up your custom modulefiles. This command will create, if necessary, a privatemodules sub-directory in your home directory along with providing a sample modulefile named null. Then this command will add your privatemodules sub-directory to the $MODULEPATH environment variable, making your custom modulefiles available to the module program.

However, that command does not work on all systems. On some systems, like discover, you have to run module load $MODULESHOME/modulefiles/use.own.

Also note that if you subsequently run the module purge command, then you must rerun the module load use.own command to make your custom modulefiles available again.

Thus, instead of using module load use.own, this post suggests that you add module use --append $HOME/privatemodules to your .profile file. This command neither relies on the system to find the use.own module nor is affected by a module purge command.

Creating a custom modulefile

Below is a sample custom modulefile. It loads the modules and sets the environment variables needed to set up an Intel-18-based development environment. To use it, copy the contents of the listing into $HOME/privatemodules/intel_18_0_3_222. Then run the command:

discover07$ module load intel_18_0_3_222

After loading the custom modulefile, a module list command will report something similar to:

discover07$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) comp/intel-   5) other/svn-1.9.5
  2) mpi/impi-     6) other/vim-8.0
  3) tool/tview-2017.1.21    7) intel_18_0_3_222
  4) other/git-2.9.3
Listing of sample custom modulefile intel_18_0_3_222

proc ModulesHelp { } {
    puts stderr "\t[module-info name] - loads the INTEL_18_0_3_222 env"
    puts stderr ""
    puts stderr "\tThe following env variables are set:"
    puts stderr "\t\tDEV_ENV"
    puts stderr ""
    puts stderr "\tThe following modules are loaded:"
    puts stderr "\t\tcomp/intel-"
    puts stderr "\t\tmpi/impi-"
    puts stderr "\t\ttool/tview-2017.1.21"
    puts stderr "\t\tother/git-2.9.3"
    puts stderr "\t\tother/svn-1.9.5"
    puts stderr "\t\tother/vim-8.0"
    puts stderr ""
    puts stderr "\tPython 2.7 is added to the search PATH."

conflict comp mpi

module-whatis	"loads the [module-info name] environment"

set modname     [module-info name]
set modmode     [module-info mode]

module load comp/intel-
module load mpi/impi-

module load tool/tview-2017.1.21
module load other/git-2.9.3
module load other/svn-1.9.5
module load other/vim-8.0

setenv   DEV_ENV         INTEL_18_0_3_222

prepend-path   PATH   /usr/local/other/SLES11.3/python/2.7.11/gcc-4.3.4/bin

Additional custom modulefiles

It is suggested that you keep your custom modulefiles as lean as possible. Do not load more modules than are needed for a particular task. The above sample custom modulefile loads only the modules needed to perform general software development with the Intel 18 compilers.

But Jim, I need Matlab, R, IDL, etc., what should I do? Create additional custom modulefiles targeting the other tools and tasks that you need. For example, create a custom modulefile for Matlab. It should load only the modules needed to run Matlab, and it should set only environment variables required and related to running Matlab.

When you load too many unrelated modules into your environment, you run the risk of creating undetected incompatibilites between tools and libraries. For example, you may end up loading three different NetCDF libraries. And one day LIS runs, but the next day LIS cannot read its own restart file.

When dealing with multiple tasks using multiple custom modulefiles, you may either load and change the custom modulefiles, or you may launch multiple xterm s (one for each task) on discover, and load your different custom modulefiles in each xterm.

Example of loading and changing custom modulefiles
discover07$ module load lis_7_intel_14_0_3_174_sp3

# Work, work, work

discover07$ module purge
discover07$ module load my_matlab_mod

# Plot, plot, plot

Sample .profile and .bashrc files

Please refer to the man page for bash(1) for more information regarding the use of the .profile and .bashrc files.

Sample .profile file
# This file is read each time a login shell is started.

# non LDT_*, non LIS_*, non LVT_* paths go here

# Set environment
export EDITOR=vim
export SVN_EDITOR=vim

# Set PATH
# non LDT_*, non LIS_*, non LVT_* paths go here

# Set modules
# load modules manually from the command line
# to keep your login environment clean
module use --append $HOME/privatemodules

ulimit -s unlimited
Sample .bashrc file
# This file is for interactive shells.
# On some systems, it is loaded in some non-interactive cases.
# Return if this is not an interactive shell.
[ "$PS1" ] || return

# Set aliases
unalias -a
alias ls="ls --color=auto"

# Set prompt
export PS1="\[\e[36m\]\h\[\e[00m\][\!]\$ "

# Set environment
export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=33:ln=36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=32:*.cmd=32:*.exe=32:*.com=32:*.btm=32:*.bat=32:*.sh=32:*.csh=32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.tif=01;35'

export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/slurm/share/man

LISF development environments

Custom modulefiles used to compile LISF are found in the env directory at the top of the source code.